Dear Moff Brandt, It was a high pleasure, albeit a short one, to find myself at your party in the Ambassadors Pyramid this evening, as a guest of Senator Ryuun.
Eager to begin helping the Empire in any way I can, while I wait to be sworn in under oath to the Senate, it strikes me that I can still be of service. In honour and thanks for the celebrations you have put forth for the Senators, I feel it only fair that I, at least, be able to give something back. Therefore, I am donating 2.5 million credits from my personal account, to be put into the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order.
I give this not as a means to earn your trust, nor the trust of any other in the upper tiers of the government or military, for that would be a foolish venture. Rather, I give this as a small token of goodwill to the Empire, in the hope that we prosper for milennia to come.
Lady Taja Lohden