Good Afternoon, I trust you are well, I haven greatly enjoyed the time I have spent in the previous years on your world. And may I say that your policies in cleansing neighbourhoods of undesirable citizens and aliens has been widely appreciated by all the best classes of people.
It has come to my notice that Senator North has taken a position against the Capital Ships Act and so against the will of much of your constituency. He has opposed the bill, without explaining his reason, and so is seeking to threaten the Empire's stability with his mindless opposition. I'd be most appreciative if you could reason with him and perhaps encourage him to reconsider his vote, and to secure the future of the Empire for everyone.
On a completely seperate matter.. There is a vessel of mine which has had to abandon ship some lightyears from your system, loaded with a considerable amount of credits and securities, which I would not want to fall into the hands of scrappers or pirates. I would be most appreciative if you'd be able to dispatch a vessel to rescue my credits. I'd also be prepared to award a not inconsiderable consideration for mounting the rescue operation.