Moff Levi, For the haste in which this was done, I must apologize. There was a very narrow window in which this could be done, and frankly, we have been without such a leader for far too long. I will relay your wishes however, and your displeasure to the King, as well as your request for a meeting. Full background shall be forthcoming in the next couple of hours. In regards to powers, constraints and responsibilities...
Firstly, while hereditary in our days of absolute monarchy, and typically carried on in reverence of tradition, ultimately, the Regent is decided by majority vote of the House of Lords of our legislature. It is this lack of solid majority that has prevented such appointment for the past twelve years. As far as powers go, the heads of the House of Lords and Senate are "suggested" by the Regent, but must be ultimately chosen by the respective body. Royal preference is almost always chosen. The heads of the legislative bodies however serve at the mandate of the Regent and may be replace by the Regent at any time. The Regent is Commander-in-Chief of the Deralian military. The Regent's cabinet is in fact the War Council (to be renamed), and while generally suggested to follow cabinet advisement, the Regent is not required to do so. Otherwise, the King acts as a regular Head of State, while the Viceroy, who is elected by the people and serves at their mandate as well as that of the Regent, serves as the Head of Government, and the War Council serves as a regular cabinet. Of note is a veto system; any decision by the Regent can be overridden, as long as such a motion carried a 3/5ths majority in the Senate, House of Lords, and War Council, and can also be removed from the Throne by the same mechanism. I hope I have answered your questions, but please ask if you have any more.