Today, I found out, from the Volusian News no less (evidently Volus is above informing its neighbours of serious cases like this), that Vjunite and Dantooine Citizens had been convicted under the new "secret laws" as the media has called them. Volus is clearly in breach of due process in that: 1) The trial was not held in an open and public setting, nor was the Vjun Government informed of the "show trial" of its citizens on Volus. (It was never RPed out and just autoed without my permission).
2) The "defence" was nominated and paid for by the Volusians with no consultation of the Vjunite or Dantooine Government.
3) The prosecutions under "secret" laws are not legitimate in any case, as has been stated by the Commerce Council.
4) There is little if any evidence that the Volusian Legal system gave these Citizens a fair and free trial, with the simple pronouncement of a sentence after a "show trial".
We file this objection formally with yourself, in the hope that you might appeal to the Volusians for a return to Sanity.
I would like to plead for justice for fellow Imperial Citizens held by what is increasingly representing a morally bankrupt tyranny on Volus.