Office of the Director of Intelligence
Imperial Palace
Imperial Center To: Aethyr Dakkari
Imperial Intelligence Agent
From: Armand Isard
Director of the Imperial Intelligence
Subject: Corulag
Classification: Top Secret - Compartmentalized Information
Encryption: Delta Red
It has come to my attention some notable events have occurred on Corulag. Yet, my office, nor the Deputy Director of Operations' office, nor the Chief of Destab's office, has any form of report from you, Agent Dakkari. Furthermore, none of these offices have any record of an authorized operation on Corulag or papers authorizing any sort of operative command override of the 13th Stormtrooper Legion, which is barely possible for our agency to do so. Is it possible you have gone rogue, Agent Dakkari?
This is a time of peace, and Corulag is too well defended for the most slush brained insurgent to even consider attacking. It is also an area of confidence and pride, and attacks on such are damaging to the public image of the Empire and shakes the citizenry's confidence in our ability to rule. Contrary to Destab's opinion, insurgencies are not to be encouraged.
Now, I know of your past with Marshall Commander Fajra Merav while you two were in the Tapani Sector, I know that the Mighty Monnok insurgent group does not have the assets displayed in this attack, I know that any insurgent force capable of the Corulag attack did not do so, and I know of the public "feud", as it were, between Commander Merav and the Monnok. This pieces together too well and yet not at all, and it is enough to raise my suspicions.
You are to obey within ninety-six hours, the following orders:
1. You are to submit a full report directly to my office on your operations on Corulag.
2. You are to return proper command of the 13th Stormtrooper Legion over to Marshall Commander Merav's Executive Officer.
3. You are to be in my office, on Coruscant, within one standard week. Until I give authorization otherwise, you are forbidden from approaching or having contact with any non-Imperial Intelligence personnel. this included ALL Senators and Representatives.
Failure to comply with any of these orders will result in determination of you having gone rogue, access to all information, benefits, and funds will be revoked, and a termination order will be given out to your person.