Senator Cerra, I write to you because of your well known, peerless commitment to education (and expertise in this regard, too), and invite you to become a member of the Society for the Improvement of the Outer Rim, which has recognized that in order to meaningfully improve the quality of life of the people of this desperate and disenfranchised region, a comprehensive plan for education reform, focusing on access to and funding for education, is needed. At the Society's upcoming meeting in Cormond, on Brentaal, you would without a doubt be seen as the foremost authority on this subject (as one who understands both education and the politics of it), and I'm sure that your contribution to the discussions will be included in the final, comprehensive improvement program, which, once adopted by the Society, will be presented to the Senate with broad support—assuming, that is, that the resolution I have recently proposed succeeds in securing the support of the Empire for this endeavor.
Please consider the offer, and, should you accept it, feel free to include in attendance at the upcoming meeting any other renowned educators that you feel should be heard as well.
Added (16 Mar 2011, 2:11 PM)
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Senator Cerra, While I do not wish to hasten your decision, I would be grateful to know what that decision is when, indeed, you do make it. The Society for the Improvement of the Outer Rim's upcoming conference has generated much interest in the financial and academic communities, and I want to be sure, in advance, that the venue will be large enough to accommodate all of its participants. As you will see by the (partial) list below, the participants are, indeed, among the most respected in their fields, among them;
Solokin Sakellar
Grand Warden of the University of Yabol Opa
Jeremoch Colton
Visiting Professor of Interstellar Commerce and Diplomacy at the University of Alderaan
Riga Lanchenzoor
Executive Viceprex of the Financial Division of the Corporate Sector Authority, and Former Head of the Bank of Aargau
Jamson Caglio
Imperial Moff of the Bormea Sector
Sio Bibble
Former Governor of Naboo and Head of the Naboo Royal Advisory Council
Aemont Sillib
Senior Loan Officer for the InterGalactic Banking Clan
Klorma Draill
Holonet Actress and Outer Rim Improvement Advocate
Tura Raftican
Investigative Reporter for the HoloNews Network and Outer Rim Improvement Advocate
Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Mical de Crion
Premier of the League of Tapani Freeworlds, and Former Representative of the Freeworlds
We would remain honored by your presence at the conference. Do let me know, when you can, if you intend to make it.