Kindest Senator Vanden: I am writing to express my sincerest gratitude for the petition that you made in regards to the recent events set forth by Governor Ribaldequin on Deralia. I appreciate that others see what is happening there as wrong and unjust to the people, despite the fact that some think it to be right. No one should be forced to labor, unpaid. That is slavery, and in my mind, that is wrong. No, forced labor is not Patriotic in any way and I hope beyond hope that others in the Galactic Empire do not start to see it as such. Unfortunately, I am afraid that is not going to be the case in the future.
My concern at the moment is the King of Deralia. There has been no response from him, nor his offices in regards to Governor Ribaldequin's addresses. Between you and I, you do not think something has happened to him, do you? I am sure that he is not idly sitting by in his offices, shuffling his notes and pretending that everything is alright? While it is not generally my policy to become involved heavily in the affairs of other worlds (unless direly needed, of course), I am always concerned for the well being of the sentients involved. In this case, the King.
I wonder if perhaps, while keeping your writings in mind, if we should send a delegation to Deralia just to observe and perhaps arrange a meeting (if possible) with the King himself. For all we know, he could be going along with this incredulous plot, but as of now there is no way of knowing that.
Your advisement and words would likely set my worried mind at ease, Senator Vanden.
Sincerest Regards,
Ilanah Thanatos