Report on the Alurion Situation; As reported by Ali'Zarin's Second in Command of the Dark Whispers. The current situation at Alurion has gone from a Diplomatic Course, to a Course of Force. When the Dark Whispers arrived on the scene to resolve the current situation in a diplomatic capacity that would see the Imperial Post Master released, and all those that were involved allowed to continue their lives unharmed; The planet decided to rebel. After a message was sent requesting a Diplomatic meeting, the rebels on Alurion decided to fire upon the Dark Whispers. With such actions taken, the Dark Whispers resolved to defend itself. When a second message asking for a Diplomatic Meeting was sent, the Rebels once more refused and called in Rebel ships to assault the Dark Whispers. As of this moment, we are unsure if the Imperial Post Master is alive or not. We believe that he has been killed by the Rebels. While we are focusing the brunt of our weapons fire on site locations that have shown weapons fire directed at the Dark Whispers, we are requesting the use of the Proton Torpedoes to bombard the Rebels on Alurion.