To the Galactic Empire. Having had our leaders kidnapped in a deft attack from yourself, the people of Alurion are now no longer in a state to continue the conflict with yourselves, nor defend themselves after the abduction by Imperial Forces of the leaders of the Alurion Revolution.
Thus, in order to avoid further affusion of blood, we must approach the throne as a supplicant and beg your acceptance of our unconditional surrender, throwing ourselves on the mercy of his Imperial Majesty, as miserable supplicants. We enjoin you that Alurion has paid the price for its rebellion and beg that it does not please his Majesty to desolate our most miserable world.
In seeking our liberty, we meant no slight to the prestige, honour or joy of his Majesty, simply the right to more directly govern our own lives. We hoped for a Galaxy where Alurionese and Imperial powers could live alongside eachother as friends. In this, it seems, we were greivously in error, and have paid for said error a hundred times over in the unprovoked destruction of our capital, and the loss of some 10% of our population.
Henri Babbage
Provisional Head of the Committee for the Preservation of Alurion