Poor Relief
Bein' mindful ay th' poverty bein' enforced upon uir citizens ay cronese extraction we annoonce 'at we dinnae hae th' violent wishes towards them their "own" fowk hae by preventin' their trade. we wulnae stain by an' sae offer th' followin' relief fur each puir bodie oan embaril (includin' those ay cronese extraction). ae lang as they tak' an oath ay allegiance tae Embaril or an' onie clan leader.
One pound of bread
One pound of meat
One pound of cheese
Four pints of small beer
Furthermair we encoorage onie citizen ay embaril fa main consider himself cronese tae dae th' auld Ah th' horn hin', forsake thes pish an' accept uir offer tae join th' clans noo an' escape th' prejudice in th' tion sectur 'at has hithertae bin yer birthrecht.