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King Deralius
Simon_LeviDate: Wednesday, 21 Dec 2011, 3:21 PM | Message # 1
Major general
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Mr Deralius,

Probably should have consulted me before appointing a sector senator.. what are your thoughts?


Moff of the Tammuz Sector
King_Deralius_XXDate: Thursday, 22 Dec 2011, 1:42 AM | Message # 2
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Moff Levi,

Deralia is the sector's representative delegation as of the election of last year in which former Senator Veritas won handily. With his stepping down, it would be only natural for his appointed successor for the remainder of that existing term to come from the same world. Who better to do so than the only other living person in the Sector who has served as its Senator before? My thoughts are this was the only correct course of action. You have shown nothing but pleasure towards the action of my government of late... am I to assume Your Excellency would prefer I seek his approval for each action I take, in reversal of the autonomy that we have enjoyed?

The answer is no, a simple no, but a no nonetheless. A criminal haven on Chuzalla, growing dissent on Tammuz-an, I even hear rumors of the occassional illegal slaving raid on Dandelo and the possibility of Hutt aggression towards our sector in a bid to reclaim their lost territory. Let us not also forget the murder of several of our sector's citizens both abroad and right here in one of our very own systems, to which Your Excellency has remained silent and inactive. However, when I take a proactive stance and appoint someone to fill our vacant Senate seat, which is a duty and right by our delegate status, this is when you wish to potentially intervene?

This game grows tiresome, Your Excellency, and I had thought we had moved beyond this petty battle of egos months ago. Our sector has serious problems plaguing it, problems which you have done absolutely nothing about, and yet you seem to constantly be wanting to crack the proverbial whip upon Deralia, the most faithful, loyal, and productive world in the entire sector; why is this, Your Excellency?

You asked for my thoughts, and they are now shared with you. I am sure that since I have not been a yes-man to you, it will lead to a tax increase, or some other punishment, but the Empire is not a government of yes-man, and I am not a slave. You ask my opinion, you will hear exactly what I think and believe. I don't play mental games, nor favorites in either regard. Now, Your Excellency, tell me what your thoughts are.


His Majesty Deralius the Twentieth
King of Deralia and Deralian Dominions
Simon_LeviDate: Sunday, 25 Dec 2011, 8:20 AM | Message # 3
Major general
Group: Users
Messages: 395
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To: King Deralius
Classification: Secret

It is wholly inappropriate for you to appoint your own wife when appointing ANY senator is beyond your power, it demonstrates a characteristic lack of respect from Deralia for the rest of the Sector. Deralia is not the Sector Capital and it most certainly does not have the power to select a Senator for it. As ever you have failed to consult my office over a matter which required my office's input. Yes, in future any actions you take outside of your parview you will consult the Sector Moff. This is the final concession I will make to petty Deralia, the next time your world misbehaves within the Sector or attempts to exert power it does not Legitimately have, I will not hesitate to select an individual to replace you as King. Deralia has had wholly too much of a free rein and is clearly unable to handle such (botched operations etc). 

The insubordinate tone of your communication is noted, as is your open questioning of Sector policy, it is not your right nor your prerogative to comment. 

For your own security your own guards will be stood down and your residences and person and family will now be guarded by Imperial Stormtroopers. 

Deralia is throwing itself (by your disastrous foreign policy and now attempt to dominate representation across the Sector) away from the path of being faithful and loyal and (unlike the other worlds in this Sector, which do not meet your fallacious descriptions) and instead seems to care only for it's self importance. No we have experimented with allowing your government a free rein, instead we shall now bring it to heel, there is no place in this sector for loudmouthed embarrassments such as Deralia. The problems of the Sector are ones I am addressing and have been since my appointment, instead of launching humiliatingly badly planned foreign ventures.

Added (25 Dec 2011, 8:20 AM)
To: King Deralius
Classification: Secret

Mr Deralius

Your wife is making wholly inappropriate statements in the Senate. She has 48 hours to recant the marked comments or she will be recalled. I will not have the Sector slandered or criticised in such a wanton manner, control your wife or she can seek new employment.

Quote (Queen_Deralius_III)
I feel a need here, to clarify in further detail the election process of my sector. It is as it was during the Republic, and as far as I am aware, which I would be woefully uninformed for my position if I weren't, at the same rate, acting as a head of state is rather distracting at times. Each world is allowed one individual to run, currently elected delegate, whether or not they are running for re-election, not counting towards that number. They are not required to do so, however. Many worlds favor forming "blocs" which support a certain delegate or certain world. Now while they are nominated for election from a certain world, each delegate runs independently. When I ran several years ago, I ran as Augusta Aurelius, not the Senatorial candidate from Deralia. When a delegate is elected, their world is considered the "representative planet". Should a delegate resign, pass away, or otherwise become incapable of serving out their four year term in the Senate, that world appoints the replacement for the remainder of that term. Deralia merely followed that process in my appointment, Senator Terrawin.

I am unaware of Moff Levi's position on the matter, and I am unsure as to what his opinion would be as I have not yet had the pleasure to meet him, like my husband has. I do know that he was not consulted, as it was the feeling of my government that the Moff need not be distracted by such petty things, and I use the word petty lightly, in relation to the matters of the sector and the galaxy which he handles on a day-to-day basis. I will not lie, Deralia lies within a rather dangerous area of space. Piracy and smuggling are as common as breathing, and rogue mercenary groups can pop up from time to time. Not including the threat from Separatist remnants and these "resistance" movements, Deralia faces several clear and present dangers at all times from its neighbors within the sector. I would agree with your assessment that it was, by definition, a unilateral movement. Unfortunately, we live in an area of space where that is all you really can be.

The portion in red will be redacted in full, with an apology being made. If it is your belief that her statement is true then I will receive your abdication along with her resignation within the 48 hours. You appoint a woman who you claim represents the Sector, and not just Deralia, who then is making anti-Tammuz Sector and pro Deralian statements. This is wholly unacceptable, wholly, and highlights the problem with this situation. She clearly has the interests of Deralia, and not the Sector at heart. The Sector is not any more disorderly than any of its neighbours and has seen a steady reduction in piracy and rebel activity during the previous year, she is justifying her appointment on an illegitimate basis (the pretense that the Sector is unsafe).

Frankly, I think the Sector might be exceedingly more safe if it's worlds (read: Deralia) took their defense more seriously instead of buying massive ships of war and sending them on foreign ventures, leaving your world undefended. You do not have the right to invade other worlds and would do better to invest in vessels more appropriate for defense and interdiction duties instead of the men of war you presently have.

The results of an Imperial Inquiry into the attack on Celeste will be published today, it is heavily critical of the conduct of your administration. Also, the Stormtroopers assigned to your guard will also arrive.

I have also received a letter of complaint signed by all the world leaders in the Sector at the appointment of your wife to the position of Senator without consulting them or me. I am as yet undecided as to how to react.

Moff of the Tammuz Sector
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