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To Acherin and Deralian Command
Ornix_ValdDate: Sunday, 04 Mar 2012, 3:56 PM | Message # 1
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I propose a simple strategem for this Blockade (being the most experienced Blockadeer present), having been appointed by Senator Ordan and working with the Interest Protection Squadron Tactical Simulation and Planning Department to do so.

Proposed Vessel Contributions

IPS (Axum)
1 Tector-class Star Destroyer
2 Escort Carriers
2 Assassin-class Corvettes

Deralian Royal Navy
1 Venator-class Star Destroyer
2 DP-20 Gunship

Acherin Navy
1 Acclamator-class Assault Ship
1 DP-20 Gunship
1 "Anti-Fighter" GR-75 mounted with anti-air weapons.

In addition to this, Anaxes has placed one Cardan IV Station in the Deralian System and an Imperial II-class Frigate in the Acherin System as a show of solidarity in this operation and to protect our more vulnerable allies. We also ought to hear within the half-hour on the possibility of Brentaal providing a rearguard for our worlds. As we are enforcing Imperial Law, we have made the Imperial Navy aware of our dispositions and requested increased patrols close to our worlds - as we are enforcing Imperial Law.

The enemy can array against us

101st Mandate Fleet
■ 1 Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser
■ 2 EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigates
■ 2 Gozanti cruisers
■ 24 Z-95 Headhunters

9th Defensive Fleet
■ Chandaar-class Battleship
■ 3 Seraph Cruisers
■ 8 Prowler Corvettes
■ 16 Herald Fighters
■ 12 Z-95 Headhunters
■ 8 Rihkxyrk Assault Fighters
■ 8 Herald Fighters

Static Defences
1 Golan-I Station (24 Fighters)
1 Cardan V Class Space Station (96 Fighters)

The plan is thus:

1. The fleets will jump in at the same time, coordinates and time to be dispatched - this will be at a location a goodly distance from the Static Defences of Chandaar and so will render them irrelevant - fighters excepted.
2. All fighters will be launched from our vessels which will provide an effective screen against the inferior numbers of Cronese fighters.
3. The Deralian Contingent, along with 2 Assassin-class Corvettes from the IPS will engage the "101st Cronese Fleet" (if present). If they are not present it will prioritize targets in order of tactical relevance according to the wishes of the Deralian officer commanding. This should be ample force to break and destroy or capture this section of the Cronese Fleet.
4. The Anaxes Flagship, and it's two Escort Carriers will move under the escort of the Acherin Fleet move to engage and render tactically irrelevant the Defensive Fleet. Close formation will be maintained in order to allow the anti-fighter fire from the Carriers and Acherin vessels to have maximum effect and to ensure the fighters present can effectively intercept the Cronese Fighters. The Tector-class "Eagle" leading the Anaxes forces will concentrate fire on the "Chandaar-class" command vessel - it ought to be able to render it no more than slag in minutes. The Escort Carriers and Acherin Forces will prioritize the Sinderon and Prowler-class vessels, we are unaware of actual configuration but they are thought to be poorly built and lightly armed - even their large numbers ought to pose no obstacle. If need be fire from the Tector-class can reinforce the Acherin Forces and Escort Carrier.
5. Where possible we will board and capture vessels, life is to be spared where possible.
6. If required by the situation, forces will shift focus as the situation dictates, if one force eliminates all it's targets then it will aid it's counterparts.

Further protocols

1. Space Stations

Space stations are to be avoided until the Cronese Fleet is eliminated. Once the fleet is eliminated they will be destroyed by a sustained bombardment of asteroids using Tractor beams or other ordnance. It is expected they would surrender rather than be destroyed.

2. If the Cronese refuse battle

The blockade should be imposed never the less, taking the utmost care to avoid engagement with Cronese vessels unless they interfere with the blockade or assault our vessels or actions. If they do so their fleet will be eliminated via the strategem above.

Should they attempt to shelter their fleet under the guns of their Space Stations, they will be allowed to do so - should they attempt to run the blockade they will be likewise eliminated. If we are faced with this situation, another option is simply to establish a blockade outside of the range of the space stations - requiring the Cronese to leave their cover to contest it.

Ultimately, between us, we outgun them, even factoring in their stations - but fighting static defenses at the same time as a fleet would be a bloody business and not one I relish.

1. To protect and minimize impact on civilian life and property (where relevant).
2. To implement a blockade as described in the Ordan-North Act
3. To destroy or eliminate any obstacles to Priority 1 or 2.

Thus destruction of the Cronese fleet is not the objective - rather it may be a necessary outcome if they threaten the security of our ships and crew. If the Cronese Fleet does engage, this will constitute a wanton Act of War against those enforcing the Law of the Empire. The Axum system will at this point declare war upon Chandaar - as a "tit for tat" response, we will respond to their act of hostility with the demolition of all orbital facilities about Chandaar and reserve the right to launch strikes planetside if they are justified.

Any problems, queries or objections?

His Grace, The Right Honourable Captain Ornix Vald of the Good Ship Shrike.

Tion Cluster Command
Axum Interest Protection Squadron Training Officer
Lord High Executioner for the Azure Sector
Baron of Tranner
Castellan of Sirpar Castle
Supreme Grand Keeper of the Ballot Box
Member of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers

Message edited by Ornix_Vald - Sunday, 04 Mar 2012, 4:05 PM
Nick_NeolightDate: Sunday, 04 Mar 2012, 4:14 PM | Message # 2
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Colonel Nicholas Neolight at your service. I have the honor of being assigned to this assignment by President Tu'Rot to ensure that the Imperial Law is followed. An attack on one of us will result in an attack on us all, and Acherin will do it's best to provide you with the means needed to carry out this blockade. The crews for the appropriate ships have been noticed and placed on stand-by alert and will be awaiting further instructions. Give the word, and the crews will launch.


Colonel Neolight
Acherin Black Hand
Jacinta_IbáñezDate: Thursday, 08 Mar 2012, 0:51 AM | Message # 3
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From: HDMS Ops
Authorization Code: QFQBTL
Attachmet: Task Force Beta Formation



Captain Jacinta V. Ibáñez
Commanding Officer, HDMS Ops
Septimus_OctaviusDate: Thursday, 08 Mar 2012, 1:07 AM | Message # 4
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Captain Vald,

I apologize for Captain Ibáñez's use of combat communication at this time; we have her operating off of our Battle Network. Our intelligence assets in the Tion Hegemony suggest that Cronese espionage units are active in the region, and we wish to make her hard to find. It seems the Cronese have suggested that should any Deralian ship enter their territory, including on a galactic trade route, that they will consider it, in fact an act of war. Whether or not this will be the reality of the situation, is yet to be seen, obviously. However, if this changes your planning, please notify me immediately so we may shift our role in this operation.

I have been asked, however, to relay to your government, my government's willingness, should hostilities break out, to also declare war upon the world of Chandaar as well, and the Cronese Mandate as a whole of necessary. Our surface forces will have a few of our Legions on stand-by for deployment should it be necessary for surface operations, on top of Captain Ibáñez's Marines. Should you require special operations units, all you need to do is ask. Deralia will attempt to provide as much front-line force as possible so Anaxes does not have to divert any forces unnecessarily. I will leave a comm channel open for you to contact me at any time with any need you may have, Captain Vald. Here's to a successful, and casualty free, military operation.


Command Admiral P. Septimus Octavius
Commander of the Royal Deralian Navy
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