Your Excellency,
If I may answer on behalf of the Director, I assure you there we'll have a report on Mr. Tu'rot on your desk within the week.
Respectfully,Added (06 Jun 2012, 8:50 PM)
Your Excellency,
We've finished our report. You will find it with this memo on your desk. In summary, Imperial Intelligence has found nothing about Mr. Tu'rot suspicious enough to disqualify him from the position of Governor-General of the Red Twins System. It should be noted that there were some irregularities in his records; namely, while most people have friends and family members that, in turn, have other friends and family members, this is not the case with Mr. Tu'rot—all of his known family and personal associations are dead, and hence we have no way of corroborating the details of his life prior to his political career on Acherin. Combined with surprisingly poor record-keeping on Acherin (we're told that many records were destroyed rather than fall into Separatist hands during the Clone Wars), there is some reason for suspicion. However, if there's something about his past that Mr. Tu'rot is keeping from us—and, to reiterate, we don't know that there is—it's probably something of minor concern to his career on Acherin; something along the lines of a homosexual relationship perhaps, or a family member with a criminal record, etc.
There's no reason to doubt his dedication to the Empire. Even if his lobbying for the position of Governor-General does indicate a self-serving streak (which is not uncommon or even undesirable in Imperial functionaries), it also shows a desire on Mr. Tu'rot's part to ascend through the Imperial ranks; thus, he's unlikely to abuse his power or do anything else that could jeopardize his chances at a promotion in the future. For these reasons, he seems to be a safe candidate for Governor-General of the Red Twins System.