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To Vizier Gemmell
Sate_PestageDate: Thursday, 12 Jul 2012, 7:01 PM | Message # 1
Lieutenant general
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Might it be time to reconsider this business about Mr. Lennon and the "Kinyov Democratic Party"? The incident at the KDP headquarters on Lorrd has alarmed Imperialists throughout the Kanz Sector, not the least of which Moff Shirnoq who has expressed concern about the de-stabilizing impact of this anti-Stark campaign on what has been, heretofore, a peaceful and productive Imperial world. A number of individuals within COMPNOR and the ISB have also expressed concern and confusion to me about how Mr. Lennon's pro-democracy sentiments are consistent with New Order ideology—there comes a point (and I believe we're there) where it becomes difficult to justify a COMPNOR or ISB presence at Mr. Lennon's events.

That Mr. Lennon supports the Empire personally is without question, and I'm aware that his pro-democracy message is tempered with statements of support for the Emperor. But Mr. Lennon should know, as a media magnate, that the qualifier isn't what the people pay attention to; the headline is the KDP's opposition to a form of government on Lorrd not unlike that of the Empire itself. It's not difficult to imagine rebellious elements in the Kanz Sector being emboldened by these headlines.

While the Ruling Council concurs with you that Mr. Stark's personal influence in politics and business is a cause for concern, not all of the Viziers are convinced that the least consequential of his many stations—the Lord of the Kinyov Province on Lorrd--should be the target of our efforts, especially if these efforts have unintended de-stabilizing consequences in the Kanz Sector. I agree with those on the Council who feel that the monopolistic "defense conglomerate" that Mr. Stark exercises startlingly direct control over is a more worthy target.

Do you not feel this is the time to re-prioritize before we're mired in the politics of an Outer Rim sector we'd rather not have to pay attention to?

Sate Pestage
Grand Vizier of the Empire
Assistant to Emperor Palpatine
Chair of the Imperial Senate
GemmellDate: Friday, 13 Jul 2012, 2:32 AM | Message # 2
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Grand Vizier.

Matters are eventuating almost exactly as planned. The disruption on Lorrd has been minimal, and we have succeeded in creating a generally passive opposition movement to Lord Stark. Yes, the rhetoric involved may be inflammatory - but I do not seee that it is at odds with the New Order.

Lennon has several objectives that I have set, and their implementation requires my personal approval.

Create an effective but peaceful opposition to the rule of Lord Stark - if instructed, contest with his party in elections and use all democratic and legal means possible to install a pro-Imperial Democratic Party Administraton in Kinyov Province.

If successful within Kinyov Province, Lennon is to attempt to move toward instituting a similar movement across Lorrd - again through legal means. He is instructed that it woul be desirable to bring the majority of the people behind the idea of a new constitution - this new constitution would abandon the present Constitutional Aristocracy, with its bureaucratic tricameral assembly and would seek to replace it with a Democratic Constitution which elects - in a similar manner to the Empire - a President for life, a president with strong central powers and a weak Parliament with just one chamber similar to the Imperial Senate - that is what Lennon is guiding his movement toward - a strong centralized state (albeit democratic (in that it is elected once)).

The form of government on Lorrd is utterly different from the Empire, having studied it in some detail I find that abundantly clear. Lorrd has no clear cut leader figure, and power is highly divided between three extremely violent houses who rule through a tricameral parliament via regular elections. Having discussed it with some of the best analysts in the region it has been calculated that open war between the Lorrdian houses is a virtual certainty within the next decade.

In such a war, the Lorrdians would tear their own society apart and destroy the economic output of the world and its various tasteless cultural "treasures".

If I may speak on the Kanz Sector also Grand Vizier, the Kanz Sector is already out of control, largely due to the incompetence of Moff Shirnoq (an ally of Stark).

The moon of Slovo is in open war with the tiresome blood feud between the Argazdans and Lorrdians via proxy (mining clans) and Moff Shirnoq has stated publically that he will not intervene to pacify both sides involved in the violence (although he has stated that he will protect production facilities).

The media informs us that yesterday there was a military engagement between the Argazdan military and a number of Lorrdian vessels. It seems abundantly likely that war is going to occur in the next month to three months.

I`ve not done a detailed analysis on which side would win, nor do I greatly care. What does matter to me is that whichever side is victorious, it will inevitably be only a number of years until another war is fought to right the wrongs of the last.

That is the objective which (it has become clear) must take precedent over the "clipping of starks wings" - the objective of ending this sustained trans generational feud. If this has the effect of some extremely low level disorder on Lorrd (so far as I am involved the violent incident simply involved a half-dozen bellicose amateurs attempting to kill Lennon: interestingly Stark selected a part-Argazdan for the role.. likely playing on the increased ethnic tensions) is a price worth paying.

Should wider disorder break  out, contingencies are in place within the party for the execution or arrest of any suspected troublemakers - at this time however, the Democratic Party keeps these people "inside the tent pissing out" rather than "outside the tent pissing in" to use an Outer Rim truism - if nothing else having our COMPNOR members present provides us with complete control over this group and it`s membership.

Thus far the Harald Lennon - Kinyov Democratic Party Operation has achieved:
- The formation of a group who bear a zealously pacifistic agenda - a solvent to the endless circle of grudge and counter grudge in the Kanz Sector.
- Creating a political movement on Lorrd who are under the complete control of the Empire.
- Creating a membership list which contains the personal and financial details of every single member, along with detailed observation from ISB agents present on those who may become potential threats.

What it has the ability to produce in future
- A unitary centralized Lorrdian state, able to efficiently impose the rule of the Empire with complete legitimacy and popular support.
- An end to the trans-generational blood feud in the Kanz Sector thus securing the Veragi Trade route (which passes through the Argazda system) from the potential fallout of conflict.

For this remarkably large prize, the cost in terms of Imperial resources is fairly minimal. Neither COMPNOR nor the ISB are funding this operation in any pecuniary capacity.

Twelve Plain clothes ISB officers have been assigned as "guards" and minders to Lennon, to prevent his death or involvement with undesirable persons - they also allow us to retain the option of his termination should the circumstances require.

No paid COMPNOR officials are involved full time - rather members are being encouraged to join the movement and participate - while remaining vigilant to potential sources of discord - whom the are encouraged to report through their hierarchy. I am confident that the ISB is able to make its own decisions as to how to treat any which COMPNOR does describe as "troublesome"

A number of the more politically savvy agents from the Coalition for Improvements on the world are monitoring the situation and keeping Lennon on message and managing intelligence reports on Lorrd in cooperation with the local Imperial Intelligence office.

No overt COMPNOR or ISB presence is at the events of the Democratic Party, in terms of banners or uniformed personnel. No overt support is leant to the movement. To withdraw support at its present level would deprive us of a potentially hugely useful intelligence resource - instead of it being a movement under our control it would be one out of it and as far as I am concerned it is movements outside of Imperial control not inside that pose a threat to security.

The Kanz Sector is a matter I spend about an hour a day of my personal time on (it does not impinge upon my more important tasks) I feel it merits a little of my time merely from the presence of the Veragi trade route and the fact that the Sector Moff is doing so little to diffuse the powderkeg of ethnic tension in the region - it is almost just a happy consequence that it is a minor thorn in the side of Alyn Stark. The Kanz Sector is bigger than Lorrd (a world around one billion) and worlds such as Kelm (democratic and with a populaton of 33 billion) are threatened by the type of violence the current Moff along with the rulers of Argazda and Lorrd are not trying to stop.

Thus Kinyov Province, as the key to controlling Lorrd is the key to ending this three thousand year old feud and safeguarding both galactic commerce along the Veragi route but also to protecting the tens of billions of normal humans who want nothing to do with the perverse bloodletting both Lorrd and Argazda have unleashed as theyve both attempted to hegemonize the sector around them.

The option remains open, rather than using a long term strategy - to simply deploy Imperial troops to end the conflict and territorial expansionism of both worlds, but I believe the costs, both in Imperial and Kanz Sector in lives and money (not to mention the loss of commerce along the Varagi lane) would be vastly higher than a simple and subtle intervention such as I propose - even if my plan has the potential for a few Lorrdians to die - better a little temporary strife among an ethnic community than full scale war across a whole sector between two of them.

However, if you would prefer the approach taken to be more hands off - I`m open to that strategy, and perhaps my insidious approach (operating as it does in terms of slow progress over months and years) may not be favoured across the board. With that said I simply wished to assure you are informed of the benefits of the operation at present and the potential cost of winding it up before it bears its full fruit.

Yours Sincerely,

Lord Gregorious Gemmell
Advisor to the Emperor
Imperial Ruling Council

Message edited by Gemmell - Friday, 13 Jul 2012, 8:05 AM
Sate_PestageDate: Friday, 13 Jul 2012, 9:06 PM | Message # 3
Lieutenant general
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Vizier Gemmell.

Lord Vader is fond of creating rebellions where none exist in the first place. I am not. The situation on Lorrd since my last message to you has deteriorated to a point where there are COMPNOR-backed street demonstrations in support of Mr. Lennon's freedom of speech and Imperial constituencies throughout the Kanz Sector are in a condition of near-complete panic. A General has approached me with a plan to "black-out" the entire Sector and send in the Imperial Army. It can't be said that this disorder is serving the Empire's interests on the eve of war in the Kanz Sector.

I don't see how the character of Lorrd's government—whether it's a pro-Imperial aristocracy or a pro-Imperial democracy—is our concern, or is somehow to blame for 4,000-year-old Lorrdian/Argazdan ethnic tensions. The Ruling Council isn't concerned with "legitimacy" or "popular support," especially when the people of Lorrd haven't demanded these things; it sets a dangerous precedent to argue for democracy from the Kinyov Province to the rest of Lorrd. Where does it end? Moreover, none of the Empire's analysts have corroborated your statement ("it has been calculated that open war between the Lorrdian houses is a virtual certainty within the next decade"); never in history has there been war between the Houses of Lorrd and I'm told that it's highly unlikely with the prospect of looming war with the Argazdans.

I believe you do have a reason for all this, but the reasons you've given us have changed over time and there has been no consultation with myself or the rest of the Council about what it is you're doing on Lorrd or why. Being "in the dark," as it were, you will forgive us for moving to curtail this operation without having consulted you; it's no longer tenable for COMPNOR to attend these pro-democracy demonstrations—COMPNOR members on Lorrd have been instructed to disrupt the protests through the usual means, and the Kinyov Guardian and Lorrd Daily News have been prevailed upon to stop publishing pro-democracy content.

The Ruling Council's first priority with regard to the Kanz Sector is to put back together what has been broken in this operation, then put an end to the Lorrdian/Argazdan ethnic tensions that, you are quite right to say, are a nuisance to the Sector.


Sate Pestage
Grand Vizier of the Empire
Assistant to Emperor Palpatine
Chair of the Imperial Senate
GemmellDate: Saturday, 14 Jul 2012, 12:46 PM | Message # 4
Lieutenant colonel
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Grand Vizier,

There is no state of disorder - nor has there been "panic" at any protests held for the freeing of Dr Lennon. I have attached to this communication the records of the protests held (taken by the ISB - as per standard proceedure) which verifies that there was a peaceful protest held followed by a candle-lit vigil after Harald Lennon's arrest. There has been zero violence, zero public order incidents and a pre-recorded statement by Dr Lennon has called for the people to remain peaceful.

I am unaware what strategic advisors you have consulted regarding the situation on Lorrd, but it is extremely apparent that the reports being filed with you are false. I attach both the reports of the local Imperial Intelligence Chief and head of the locall Imperial Security Bureau verifying that Lorrd is in no way restive at this time - might I sugest we enact the most stringent measures against the General involved who has in no uncertain terms filed a false report if there is a belief in any level of disorder.

As far as I am aware (via 24 hour holo feeds and my own informants) the Lorrdian economy and state are functioning with business as normal, no further protests have been held etc. There has been a letter writing campaign calling for Dr Lennon's release - if this can be parlayed into significant disorder then it is new to me.

Regarding the likelihood of a Lorrdian Civil War as a result of the tensions between the three houses, it seems abundantly likelly that this will occur given a war with Argazda; such a war will only increase the militarization level on Lorrd and do nothgg to placate the extreme differences between House Malos/Stark and that of the more powerful House Garth. Again, I stress that this conflict is not likely in the short term - but this is an Empire to last a thousand times a thousand years and in such terms even minor factors can become hugely important - hence my move towards Engineering a more stable Lorrd - thus a more stable Kanz Sector and a more stable Veragi Trade route which equates to a safer galaxy.

The facts on the ground simply do not agree with the notion espoused to you by your sources, I urge you to re-confirm them - Lorrdian society on Lorrd is not unstable or disorderly at present; although there is a civil war being fought on Slovo between rival near-human ethnic groups that the Moff has made no effort to curtail; one wonders why operation even can be considered a blip on the radar.

Naturally you are forgiven for curtailing the ISB and COMPNOR involvement, although in future if you would care to simply ask I'd be more than happy to bow do your wishes- may I request that if you do wish to cause them to disengage to do it with all due caution (I would be happy to manage the matter) in order that we can wind it down in a manner that does not cause undue alarm on Lorrd or have the effect of causing an actual (rather than fictitious) state of disorder in the region.

As ever such operations require a delicate hand and it would be impolitic to allow what was (and is) a minor experiment in Civilizational engineering in a minor sector to become an actual problem, rather than certain generals who appear to believe small peaceful protests against a minor regional noble seeking to ally his world with religious fanatics and aliens are in any way detrimental to the New Order and its goals on Lorrd, the Kanz Sector or the Galaxy as a whole.

I believe, if my strategic simulation equations are correct, that Alyn Stark's personality will seek him to negotiate a resolution with Lennon within the next day; allowing Dr Lennon to wrap up the Democratic Party as successful in the next few days. This nets the Empire (as mentioned before) a significant profit in terms of intelligence etc without - and this is critical to remember any real disorder to speak of. Naturally I strongly oppose the idea that my operation has had the net effect of causing any form of insurrection as you accuse Lord Vader's operations of doing.

Yours Sincerely,

*All relavent files were attached, confirmation was recieved from ISB and Imperial Intelligence Section Leaders on Lorrd that the situation was not restive or in any manner disorderly, and that the short protest that had been held to free Lennon had been peaceful with protestors having returned to their normal jobs. Along with this would be several dozen long term projections showing the likelihood of a civil war on Lorrd within the next decade, all from esteemed academics in the Core and Rim, demonstrating that it was almost a certainty that there would be an increase in disorder under the present system if it were not averted.*

Added (14 Jul 2012, 12:46 PM)
Grand Vizier.

Having had an excellent night's sleep I'd like to just write and inform you that the operation regarding Harald Lennon appears to have succeeded; Lennon's attorney informs me they've come to terms and Dear Mr Stark is to become Supreme Executive Governor in Kinyov Province, elected quad-annually. I'm going to present to Stark a list of men from the Kinyov Province who are vocally disloyal to the New Order or it's ideals - I'm confident a man as machiavellian as Stark can work out what to do with them. My plants within the party are ready to call for it's dissolution or keep it (as a minor movement) as fly paper for dissidents according to your wish.

I'd like to apologize if the tone in the former message appeared to be unduly invested in the field - It's perhaps true that the fascination with the long term civilization management algorithms my staff and I are working with had clouded my judgement somewhat causing me to become a little.. ill disposed.. at being incorrectly informed Kinyov Province or Lorrd was in "uproar". Either way, I have not omitted my message from the record as I feel it contains extremely important information for yourself (or those you intend to delegate to manage the situation on Lorrd).

As for Dr Harald Lennon, I am informed that he believes it is likely he will be released; he has expressed a wish to return to academia on Lorrd (where he is due for retirement in one year) - I'd be inclined to support this call. Something I had not realized until I spoke to his wife and discovered he is a Master Geometer of the Canted Circle (a huge omission which had somehow evaded his ISB File - a matter which has been corrected); of which our Lord the Emperor is an enthusiastic and senior member.

It would be my first instinct to have him die; he's an old man and has served his purpose. However, it would undoubtedly be problematic in the Canted Circle for His Majesty if a member was executed at the hands of agents (no matter how remote) belonging to another Member (Indeed, all members of the Circle have a mutual obligation "never to see a hand raised against a Brother" and to protect the life of another Brother (if it does not cause a threat to yourself).

Offering Harald a "grace and favour" position within the Imperial State would seem to me to be an overly overt endorsement of the man's rhetoric (which was as you say, rather confused and excessive), so I am inclined to propose two possible solutions I believe would be warmly acceptable to Dr Lennon.

1. That he be allowed to retire on Lorrd, publish his papers and tend his vegetable patch. In short, allow him to take himself out to pasture, but with a strong warning not to become entangled in public policy unless explicitly instructed to do so. I'd suggest having the local COMPNOR Youth Division be used to keep an eye upon Lennon, I'm sure they'd be happy to do some voluntary work for an old man and his wife (in the garden etc).

2. I am informed the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Imperial Center University (one of his Alma maters) is stepping down in order to found a Private University on Alsakan. I assume they'll be tendering for candidates, I know the University's Senate would (with a little guidance) vote to nominate Harald Lennon. I'm sure I could prevail upon him to hold the position for a few years (and extend his retirement) in exchange for a course of anti-geriatrics, thus keeping him out of Lorrd and it's politics for a while.

Either way I'd like to leave it open to you to decide, I hope you'll agree that the situation is resolving itself in a satisfactory manner.

Would you like me to instruct he sells his media holdings and removes the presenters who were pro-democracy? I gather they have already tempered their message and are instead calling for "Moderation" regarding Lennon and a package of law reforms substantially in line with what Lord Stark will give..


Lord Gregorious Gemmell
Advisor to the Emperor
Imperial Ruling Council

Message edited by Gemmell - Saturday, 14 Jul 2012, 2:35 AM
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