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Lord Alyn Stark
Heinrich_MaxwellDate: Sunday, 14 Oct 2012, 2:19 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
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Good Morning Mr Stark,

I'm writing you on behalf of my esteemed client the Sublight Products Corporation of Trandosha who have expressed their wish that they share the following designs with you. Naturally, these designs are all relevantly patented to our company at present and opening the following file will be considered informed consent to a non-discloseure agreement regarding the data therein.

As we would be doing the manufacturing of all but the computer systems and engines aboard these ships, I believe a 85:15 split is what the SubPro board expressed as their required level - especially in recognition of the fact your company will gain considerable public awareness from such a deal.

Yours Sincerely,

Heinrich Maxwell

Sublight Products Corporation

The Stark-SubPro Range

The Outer and Mid Rim Planetary Security Line

ND-1 Starstalker Advanced Interceptor

Production information

SubPro Corporation
Stark Defense Conglomerate

Model: ND-1 StarStalker
Class: Multi-Role Long Range Interceptor
Cost: 150,000 Imperial Credits
Technical specifications
Length: 12m
MGLT: 100 (120 for up to two minutes using pulse drive before it runs out of fuel)
Maximum speed (atmospheric): 1,200 km/h
Engine unit(s): LE-3691 Fusion Engines, SubPro EX1 pulse drive
Hyperdrive system: Class 1
Hull: Hardened Durasteel Alloy (20 RU)
Shielding: XoLyyn shields (50 SBD)
Computer/Navicomp: Vigilance Technologies VT-F5c
Armament: Laser Cannons (2), two hard points for a single proton torpedo or concussion missile each.
Crew: Pilot (1)
Cargo capacity: 200kg
Consumables: 5 Days
Notes: The ND-1 can carry two individuals if required, however, for long range missions it is possible to set the ship to autipilot and use the space created by the flattened down rear seat as a servicable bed.
System wide Interdiction
Long Range Patrol and Interception
Light Ground Attack

ND-2 Buzzards Claw Superiority Fighter

Production information

SubPro Corporation
Stark Defense Conglomerate

Model: ND-2 Buzzard Claw
Class: Light Interceptor
Cost: 70,000 Imperial Credits

Technical specifications
Length: 5m
MGLT: 105
Maximum speed (in atmosphere): 2000 kp/h
Engine unit(s): Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 Fusial Thrust Engine
Hyperdrive system: n/a - Hyperdrive rings could be custom designed or sold on the aftermarket.
Hull: 20 RU
Shielding: XoLyyn shields (25 SBD)
Navicomp/Computer: Vigilance Technologies VT-F5c
Armament: SFS L-s1 laser cannons (2) SubPro Mini-Concussion Missile Array (2)
Crew: Pilot (1)
Cargo capacity: 20kg
Consumables: 12 hours (12 further hours emergency life support via pressure suit)
Features: Incredibly manouverable within atmosphere due to it's manouvering wings at the rear.
Note: The Mini-Concussion Missile Arrays are fitted inside the front spoilers and provide a nasty surprise to enemy craft as they can be fired individually or as a burst. Each array has six tubes, each carrying one 3t3 micro-missile. These missiles have a simple heatseeking function and are around 1/4 as powerful as a Concussion Missile.

Low Cost Superiority Fighter
Short Range Interceptor

ND-3 Reek Planetary Fighter

Production information

SubPro Corporation
Stark Defense Conglomerate

Model: ND-3 Reek
Class: Ruggedised Economy Fighter
Cost: 10,000 Imperial Credits

Technical specifications
Length: 12m
Maximum speed (in atmosphere): 1,250 kp/h
Engine unit(s): Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 Fusial Thrust Engine, Karydee KD10 repulsorlift engine (allowing reasonable manouverability in atmosphere).
Hyperdrive system: n/a - Craft lacks ability to power relativistic shields or hyperdrive engine.
Shielding: XoLyyn shields (25 SBD)
Hull: Welded Durasteel with internally reinforced struts (20 RU)
Computer: Vigilance Technologies VT-F1
Armament: x2-100 laser cannon (retractable), Guided Concussion Missiles (two, inside bomb doors), Kd-3 light blaster cannon (2)
Crew: (2) Pilot (1) Co-Pilot/Gunner (1)
Cargo capacity: 200kg
Consumables: 12 hours (12 further hours emergency life support via pressure suit)
Low Cost Planetary Defense
Giving the option to own a starfighter force to small and impoverished worlds.

ND-4 Mantis Picket Craft

Production information

SubPro Corporation
Stark Defense Conglomerate

Model: ND-4 Mantis
Class: Picket Ship
Cost: 500,000 Imperial Credits

Technical specifications
Length: 60m
MGLT: 80
Maximum speed (in atmosphere): 1000 kp/h
Engine unit(s): Girodyne Ter58 high-output ion turbine engines
Hyperdrive system: Class 1
Hull: 150 RU
Shielding: Primary XoLyyn shields (200 SBD)
Navicomp/Computer: Vigilance Technologies VT-F5c
Armament: Pop-up Dual Point Defense Lasers (6)
Crew: Pilot (1) Co-Pilot (1) Officers (2) Technicians (2) Parasite Craft Pilots (2 if parasite craft present)
Cargo capacity: 50 Tons - often consisting of 40 tons of fuel tanks as well as 10 tons assorted cargo.
Consumables: 90 days
Features: Escape pod recovery airlock, extendable refuelling lines compatible with all SubPro craft allowing complete refuelling of up to 20 with a single cargo.
Parasite craft: Two universal docking mounts carrying two ND-5 Rapier Single Use Interstellar Weapon Delivery Systems which fit into niches in the hull. These may be substituted with two ND-1 StarStalker Interceptors if more mission appropriate.

Picket ship
Strike coordination vessel
Rearmourment and refuelling vessel
Super-light carrier craft

ND-5 Scorpion Interstellar Weapon Delivery System

Production information

SubPro Corporation
Stark Defense Conglomerate

Model: ND-5 Scorpion Single Use Expendable Interstellar Weapon Delivery System
Class: Single Use Expendable Interstellar Weapon Delivery System
Cost: 150,000 Imperial Credits

Technical specifications

Length: 24m
MGLT: Normally 60MGLT (Capable of overloading engines for a 5 minutes to reach 120 MGLT, initiating this process is irreversible and will burn out the engines.)
Maximum speed (in atmosphere): 1000 k/ph
Engine unit(s): Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 Fusial Thrust Engine (2)
Hyperdrive system: Class 2
Hyperdrive range: 50 Light years
Hull: 50 RU
Shielding: Ten minutes at 80 SBD, dropping to 20 SBD thereafter.
Navicomp/Computer: Vigilance Technologies VT-F5c - Autopilot that simply guides the ship along a safe course as the weapons release at the pre-set moment.

Armament: A Pop-up Light Rotary Laser Cannon designed to fire at any approaching hostile operated by a simple independent computer linked to the sensors.

Ordanance Bay:

Heavy "Smart" Proton Warhead Cruise Missiles (8) - mounting a 10 SBD deflector each (enough to bounce away a glancing blow or two from a laser) -speed 200MGLT.


Ten Defender ion mines (scattered by being released with explosive bolts)

Crew: Pilot (1)
Cargo capacity: Class-1 hyperspace escape pod - all onboard avionics routed to the control of the pilot aboard the pod until he departs when it reverts to the Vigilance autopilot.
Consumables: 5 days within pilots pod

Single-use expendable Strike Module

Note: The pilot will bail out around a lightyear before arriving at the target with the autopilot onboard programmed to arc (in a preselected pattern) toward the target, deploy it's cargo (be it missiles or mines) then loop about and escape to hyperspace. The Escape pod containing the pilot is later picked up by a friendly shuttle or it's mother ND-4 if it is able to do so.

ND-6 Stark InterstellarRapid Deployment Ship

Product Information
Model: ND-6 Interstellar Rapid Deployment Ship
Class: Very Fast Personnel Dropship
Cost: 10,000,000 Imperial Credits

Technical specifications

Length: 50m
MGLT: Normally 75MGLT (Capable of temporary burn to increase speed to 100MGLT for two minutes - may be used once per engagement or engine damage and likely deactivation is likely)
Maximum speed (in atmosphere): 1000 k/ph
Engine unit(s): SubPro TX-24 High Performance Proton Drives (4)
Hyperdrive system: Class 1 with Quickcharge system causing a 10% reduction in wait time to jump)
Hyperdrive range: 75,000 Light years
Hull: 200 RU
Shielding: 200 SBD (Capable of being temporarily raised to 350 SBD for five minutes if engines are not presently on burn setting)
Navicomp/Computer: Vigilance Technologies VT-F5c - Autopilot that simply guides the ship along a safe course as the weapons release at the pre-set moment.
Armament: Twin Heavy Laser Cannon Turret (2 one starboard, one port - may be angled to face forward or back), Ventral Heavy Ion Cannon (Forward Facing), Two Light Laser Cannons (forward facing), Two stern facing mine deployment doors, each carries three Type 1 Space Mines and may deploy them to screen itself or deter pursuers at a rate of one per second.
Crew: Pilot (1), Gunners (2), Engineering (4)
Compliment: 10 Soldiers in Light or Medium Powered Armour, 6 in Heavy (these may be replaced by 10 further Medium or Light Armoured Men). On the ship there are two Drop pods aboard which allow descent through atmosphere at around 22,000 KPH (once they have entered) using repulsors to cushion their fall, they are able to deploy unexpectedly with little warning. Firing the drop pods does require a two second shield deactivation.
Cargo capacity: Class-1 hyperspace escape pod - all onboard avionics routed to the control of the pilot aboard the pod until he departs when it reverts to the Vigilance autopilot.
Consumables: One month

Elite Special Forces Deployment Ship
Fast Gunship

Models to be revamped and re-released that are based on older models.

The NTB-640 Long Range Bomber

Production information

Subpro Corporation
Stark Defense Conglomerate

NTB-640 Long Range Bomber
Long Range Bomber

New: 200,000
Used: 70,000

Technical specifications
Length: 15.0 meters
MGLT: 85
Maximum speed (atmosphere): 1,000 km/h
Hyperdrive rating: Class 1.5
Hyperdrive range: 7,500 LY
Hull: 80 RU
Shielding: 80 SBD
Countermeasures: Jamming Beam, Sensor Jammers, Flares, Chaff, Automated ECM
Forward-mounted light laser cannons (2)
Dorsal turret-mounted laser cannon (1)
Ventral Warhead Launcher (2) - Each may carry of the following devices: HE missile, Proton Rocket, Proton Torpedo, Mag Pulse Warhead
Crew: Pilot (1) Co-pilot (1) Gunner (1)
Crew Assistance and Targeting Computer: Vigilance VT-3458-B (Operates rear turret)
Cargo capacity
500 kg
10 days
Features: Two bunks are available so the crew can "hot bunk" rather than remain at their stations on long missions.

Long Range Bomber

Super-NovaSword Space Superiority Fighter

Production information

Subpro Corporation in cooperation with SDC

Model: Super-NovaSword Space Superiority Fighter
Class : Starfighter
Cost: 185,000 (95,000 used)

Technical specifications
Maximum speed (atmosphere)
1,000 km/h
Hyperdrive rating: Class 2
Hyperdrive system: Equipped
Armament: 2 Laser Cannons, 1 Medium concussion missile launcher with 3 missiles, Automated rear facing automated light laser cannon.
Crew: Pilot (1)
Cargo capacity
110 kg
4 weeks
Space superiority fighter[

Mr Heinrich Maxwell

Imperial Liaison Representative of Trandosha

Major Accounts:
The Government of Trandosha
The Sublight Products Corporation
United T'bac Company
Palar Microsystems

Partner in Terumo, Nicholson and Maxwell - Specialists in lobbying and managing the affairs and relations of organizations of all sizes, from corporations to planets.

Message edited by Heinrich_Maxwell - Sunday, 14 Oct 2012, 3:10 PM
Alyn_StarkDate: Sunday, 14 Oct 2012, 2:37 AM | Message # 2
Group: Users
Messages: 1359
Awards: 2
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Mr. Maxwell,

I'm intrigued by these designs, and rather pleased as well. I'm more than willing to offer the superior products of our engines and sensor packages towards this, and I accept the current terms. Will these be produced at SubPro facilities or at Lorrd Engineering?


Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
Heinrich_MaxwellDate: Sunday, 14 Oct 2012, 3:03 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 36
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Status: Offline
Lord Stark,

SubPro offers the following generous partnership arrangement.

Stark Defense Conglomerate (it's subcontractors or subsidaries) shall:

- To produce all computational systems required to fit out these classes and future classes to be released by the partnership.
- Be allowed to design and propose products to be released under the Stark-Subpro Partnership (requiring the approval of both parties for release).
- Open it's R&D databases to SubPro, encourage cooperative research and allow the use of it's patents in partnership designs.
- Refrain from producing or selling new designs of fighters, bombers or shuttles outside the partnership (this is to say, not attempting to compete with SubPro in these areas).
- Be the preferred private security firm used by SubPro in the Kanz Sector.

SubPro shall:

- Produce the initial designs for these classes of craft listed in the document already sent.
- Be allowed to design and propose products to be released under the Stark-Subpro Partnership (requiring the approval of both parties for release).
- Produce and assemble the vessels, and source all items not produced by Stark Defense Conglomerate.
- Open it's R&D databases to SDC, encourage cooperative research and allow the use of it's patents in partnership designs.
- Refrain from producing or selling new designs of small-arms or any ground or atmospheric warfare designed product outside of the partnership (this is to say, not attempting to compete with SDC in these areas).
- Pay SDC a 15% royalty on all partnership designs presented already. Future partnership designs share of royalties to be distributed 50:50.

Please indicate your acceptance or denial of this contract.


Regarding production agreements

At present, SubPro would wish to construct these vessels in it's own facilities, with the location of future partnership designs production to be by mutual agreement. However, we would be willing to consent to allow Lorrd Engineering the potentially lucrative contract to produce the ND-2 Buzzards Claw Superiority Fighter if it would be willing to replace it's 24 current rather outdated fighters with this design and grant SubPro most favoured producer status for sub-capital combat ships for two decades.

Regarding your Gozanti-cruisers, they seem to be getting on toward the end of their useful lives, if you could persuade the Lorrdian Government to replace these with a vessel on which the ND-6 Stark is based (designs below), then SubPro would be willing to move its Sector Corporate HQ from the Sector Capital to Lorrd.

Yours Sincerely,

(designs followed for the mentioned Gozanti replacement)

Killer-class PPC-7 System Patrol Cruiser

Following a completely different design ethos from the Gozanti-cruiser (essentially a mobile laser platform), the Killer-class does not attempt, as so many other patrol craft are known to do, pretend to be a smaller class of capital ship. Instead, this craft takes a radical an innovative approach in being designed by teams more usually used to producing starfighters, thus unlike most comparable vessels, speed is a high priority and the craft is equipped with extremely high quality propulsion systems and carries a relatively small crew. Like other comparable craft, the Killer-class is not ideally suited to full scale fleet engagements against capital assets but can provide a degree of utility as an anti-fighter picket under such conditions; it is also perfect for drawing away and harassing escort and corvette craft. The craft is designed as a system patrol craft and so is able to eliminate space by avoiding fitting cabins (seats are fitted for passengers or marines - there are also two fold down berths in the engine room), washrooms, kitchens etc, resulting in a craft that is capable of engaging raiders and starfighters as well as interdicting traffic better than other comparable vessels.

Advantages over the Gozanti-class are:

Vastly higher speed
Lower crewing requirements
Better interdiction capacity (able to tractor, board and tag vessels)
Higher passenger capacity
A longer ranged, faster hyperdrive
Less well known to opponents - as a new craft it's abilities are not known to most troublemakers.

Product Information
Model: Killer-class PPC-7 System Patrol Cruiser
Class: Premium System Patrol and Interdiction Craft
Cost: 7,000,000 Imperial Credits

Technical specifications

Length: 50m
Normal maximum: 70 MGLT
Ten minute one time burst: 80 MGLT
With Turbolaser module fitted: 60 MGLT

Maximum speed (in atmosphere): 900 k/ph
Engine unit(s): SubPro TX-21 High Performance Proton Drives (4)
Hyperdrive system: Class 1.5, Class 25 Backup
Hyperdrive range: 35,000 Light years
Hull: 150 RU
Shielding: 150 SBD
Navicomp/Computer: SubPro Standard Suite
Twin Heavy Laser Cannon Turret (2 one starboard, one port - may be angled to face forward or back),
Modular Ventral Borstel MS-1 ion cannon or XV7 turbolaser (Forward Facing)
Two Light Laser Cannons (forward facing)
Tractor Beam Projector (1 forward facing)
Retractable boarding umbilical with automated fusion cutter (underbelly, requires both craft to have shields powered down)
Crew: Pilot (1) Copilot (1) Communications Officer (1) Gunnery Specialist (2) Engineers (4)
Compliment: Marines (12) - Seating for a further eight passengers.
Cargo capacity: 50 Tons
Consumables: One month
Special features: Forward facing Subpro TagCannon, the SubPro TagCannon fires sensor tags at high velocity that can attach themselves to the hulls of unshielded craft (allowing them to be tracked up to 100 light years away), the disadvantage of this system is a short range of 1000m. The standard strategy for use of this device is to approach a ship fleeing to hyperspace, close to range and fire microseconds before as their shields drop to jump, catching them undefended. Operation of this system requires great skill and reflexes from a human, aftermarket upgrades to use a digital system are possible.

Modular Ventral Weapon: SubPro realizes that sometimes conflicts do occur, and in these circumstances it pays to have all the options on the table. The ventral ion cannon is a modular system that is easily slotted out. Free of charge with each module is a secondary ventral weapon; the XV7 turbolaser module that can be fitted in an hour at the ships home base and provides the ship with a harder punch when faced with more dangerous enemies. Due to space constraints the unused weapon module cannot be carried aboard the Killer-class.

With the turbolaser mounted the Killer-class suffers with reduced speed due to the higher power requirements placed on the main reactor (out of which SubPro squeezes every last volt), restricting the craft to a maximum speed of 60MGLT, bringing it in line with most corvettes.

System Gunship
Interdiction Cruiser

Mr Heinrich Maxwell

Imperial Liaison Representative of Trandosha

Major Accounts:
The Government of Trandosha
The Sublight Products Corporation
United T'bac Company
Palar Microsystems

Partner in Terumo, Nicholson and Maxwell - Specialists in lobbying and managing the affairs and relations of organizations of all sizes, from corporations to planets.

Message edited by Heinrich_Maxwell - Sunday, 14 Oct 2012, 4:09 PM
Alyn_StarkDate: Monday, 15 Oct 2012, 2:51 PM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 1359
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Mr. Maxwell, a few points before any final agreements are made, if I may.

1) The engines you have listed are from Lorrd Engineering and the sensor systems are from Vigilance Technologies. Neither of these companies are subcontractors or subsidiaries of Stark Defense Conglomerate, which is a wholly separate corporation.

2) If the partnerships is expanded to include all three companies, be aware that Vigilance Technologies is willing to open it's R&D databases regarding certain systems, but due to the nature of certain products slated to hit the market soon, largely falling upon drone starfighters and modifications thereof, certain R&D items will not be fully available for viewing or use. This is simply to maintain an air of safety considering the delicate nature of production. However, all companies owned by Stark Defense Conglomerate in regards to weapons (excluding any medical technology companies) will be open for utilization.

3) The pair of current planned vessels soon to be released by Lorrd Engineering will belong wholly to Lorrd Engineering for sale and use, considering they are capital vessels.

4) Lorrd Engineering will not produce fighters, bombers or shuttles as per the agreement, but Vigilance Technologies will continue to produce drones for planetary defense; namely, the I-002 series drones.

5) When it comes to preferred private security, the SDCSC is still up and running; it is not fully staffed or prepared yet, so this area of the deal will have to wait to be fully claimed for a time in the near future.

6) I cannot guarantee that the Ruling Houses of Lorrd will agree to grant SubPro the status of most favored producer or that they will agree to utilize the Buzzard's Claw design. I can, however, suggest it to them. The same goes of the Gozanti cruisers and their replacement. You must keep in mind, Mr. Maxwell, that as I am no longer the Lorrdian Representative, my sphere of influence is largely limited to the Kinyov Province; I have much opposition to world-affecting decisions from certain elements on Lorrd that are not fond of me.

Let me know what you think.


Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
Heinrich_MaxwellDate: Tuesday, 16 Oct 2012, 1:58 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 36
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Lord Stark,

Let us start out regarding the Lorrd Engineering engines by stating our confidence that as one of the most major shareholders (so we are told) in the venture you'll be able to assure we have no problems purchasing these engines.

As for Databases, SubPro is willing to allow you to restrict access to highly sensitive material, as it will do the same.

The pair of current planned vessels soon to be released by Lorrd Engineering will belong wholly to Lorrd Engineering for sale and use, considering they are capital vessels.

The agreement regarding fighters mentions new designs, the Planetary Defense Committee has expressed very clear disfavour for militarized Drones that we suspect is reflected up to the highest levels of the Empire, we advise extreme caution if your company is to continue to produce new designs in this area.

Security can wait on time constraints - SubPro have providers currently - they were just offering a bonus as it were. Security contracts would be limited to certain facilities naturally.

As for the Lorrdian Government, we have every confidence that you'll be extremely persuasive in assuring they sign this deal which (after all) will bring them thousands of jobs and leave them better defended than they are now. Of course, SubPro is aware that neighbouring worlds within the Sector might leap at hosting a facility of one of the Galaxy's top starfighter manufacturers and so will not have unlimited patience in this regard - just a thought

Mr Heinrich Maxwell

Imperial Liaison Representative of Trandosha

Major Accounts:
The Government of Trandosha
The Sublight Products Corporation
United T'bac Company
Palar Microsystems

Partner in Terumo, Nicholson and Maxwell - Specialists in lobbying and managing the affairs and relations of organizations of all sizes, from corporations to planets.
Alyn_StarkDate: Tuesday, 16 Oct 2012, 2:07 PM | Message # 6
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Mr. Maxwell,

Since we've worked out most of the kinks in the agreement, although I should still let you know Vigilance Technologies plans to expand it's semi-drone line with the newest technology we're incorporating into the systems.

I will do what I can to persuade the Ruling Houses. They may be more willing to bend about the issue of the Gozanti cruisers than they will be about replacing the fighters. Nonetheless, I will attempt to secure the replacement with the PPC-7.

With this in mind, I agree to the terms.

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
Heinrich_MaxwellDate: Tuesday, 16 Oct 2012, 2:50 PM | Message # 7
Group: Users
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Mr Stark,

I am surprised that your world would be averse to replacing the fighters. We already co-produced the Z-95s for them (a fine fighter but not the most modern anymore), we could at the very least overhaul these old birds with some mode modern systems. As for the HLAFs, they're really an awful design, Corellian trash. Objectively speaking the ND-2 is a better fighter than either.

Also, just to remind you; CEC or Incom are not offering to build the only production plant for a fighter line on your world, this will generate (we estimate) 1,000 jobs and bring a lot of investment to Druckenwell, as a small world it is being offered a very generous reward for a minor purchase. Having the plant there you'll never have to send off for parts and always be able to keep your fighters flying no matter what.

I don't see a down side. But it's your world's call at the end of the day.

Mr Heinrich Maxwell

Imperial Liaison Representative of Trandosha

Major Accounts:
The Government of Trandosha
The Sublight Products Corporation
United T'bac Company
Palar Microsystems

Partner in Terumo, Nicholson and Maxwell - Specialists in lobbying and managing the affairs and relations of organizations of all sizes, from corporations to planets.
Alyn_StarkDate: Saturday, 01 Dec 2012, 3:15 PM | Message # 8
Group: Users
Messages: 1359
Awards: 2
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Mr. Maxwell,

I have a few ideas on how it might be possible to sway them, but not for two squadrons of the Buzzard's Claw. Perhaps one squadron supplemented by a bomber squadron, for defense. After all, the Z-95 and the HLAF ships are warhead heavy. I may be able to acquire them for the SDCSC as well. I don't think it will be too much of a problem, now that I put my mind to it.

Added (01 Dec 2012, 3:15 PM)
Mr. Maxwell,

Having met with the people in question, the following decision has been reached. A squadron of Buzzard's Claw light interceptors will be purchased by Lorrd to replace the squadron of Z-95 Headhunters. As well, Lorrd wishes to purchase three of the Killer-class patrol cruisers.

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
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