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Senator Lomen Ryuun
Bernard_OrielDate: Wednesday, 31 Oct 2012, 5:21 PM | Message # 1
Colonel general
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Senator Ryuun,

I was rather frustrated today at your (frankly hostile) attacks on a piece of legislation which is patently for the good of the Empire. My current act withdraws powers from the Defense Committee - where current legislation from the past few years vests them, and passes the burden of arbitrating the majority of issues involving private citizens to Planetary and Imperial Judiciary.

I think your policy on "over-regulation" is becoming rather challenging to stomach for myself and the Committee generally. It is your responsibility as not just a Defense Committee member (and still officially holding the position of Vice-Chair), but also as a Senator, to see that legislation is passed that is demonstrably in the interests of the Members of this Empire. The Committee takes the view that there ought to be

I agree with you when it comes to what Senator Terrawin suggested - if anyone was so foolish as to want to waste money on Private Capital Ships - let them do so. I was having dinner with a quite agreeable chap the other night, Prince Xizor (proprietor of XTS) at his lovely skyhook close to the Emperors - and he was just telling me the atrocious costs to keep a warship going - he told me, even for the highest security cargoes, it's pretty fiscally inefficient to run anything bigger than a Corvette for convoy duty. It's the running costs - so I'm told, keeping the hypermatter levels safe, everything working properly etc..

And I sat and I thought, "My goodness, we have a situation where Private capital ships aren't regulated or protected. Surely you must agree with the requirement for licenses and insurance - it'd be irresponsible not to mandate insurance on such dangerous vessels and require they be kept up to spec (which is what I think is questionable in the Private Sector).

This law is one that grants protections, as well as responsibilities. As it stands, a private capital ship is just a private ship and subject to any jurisdiction's whim - they could arrest the owner of one, seize his ship or do whatever local law allowed. This protects these owners from predatory worlds who may seek to appropriate their ships, and allows them to withdraw from any system which prohibits their type of vessel - rather than be subject to seizure as is currently the case.

So I ask you, Senator, in Private. Please stop quibbling about the details of ships (these are technical matters). And I'd also like to ask you to stop repeating the fallacy that this grants the Defense Committee new powers above the existing ones - currently we're responsible for all Private Military Assets and that's something we'd like to delegate to the Member Worlds for licensing and the Imperial Courts for implementation - devolution of power.

I have no interest in the Defense Committee having anything but notional oversight over such matters, I'm no micromanager, but I do think that in this case there's no other committee better positioned to decide ship classes (as current legal precedent grants us the right to do).

We're meant to be on the same side, and once this Ethics matter is sorted out I'll expect you back on watch as my Vice-Chair, and I'm worried that your seemingly illogical opposition to an act which is really doing everything you support may render us with a difficult situation in the Committee.

Yours sincerely,

Bernard Oriel
Senator for the Planet of Vjun
1st Earl Malreaux (Second Creation)
Vjun Delegation to the Imperial Senate
LomenRyuunDate: Wednesday, 31 Oct 2012, 9:48 PM | Message # 2
Lieutenant general
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Senator Oriel,

To begin with, I should inform you that, regardless of the findings of the Ethics Committee, I will be stepping down as Vice-chair of the Defense Committee; my duties as Senator for the Doldur Sector make it difficult for me to assume a post as involved as the Defense Committee while simultaneously dealing with representing a number of worlds.

My issue isn't that private capital vessels aren't regulated or protected; it's the level at which the regulation is going on. There needs to be much more clear definitions; exclusions for private merchant vessels and less widely-covering legislature when it comes to the specifics of capital vessels. I mean, really now Senator, any turbolasers on a ship make it a capital vessel? That's preposterous.

When the legislature is altered sufficiently for me to feel it is not over-regulation and is fair, then I will cast my vote in favor. This stems from my desire to see the people protected, but not at the cost of certain rights.

Warm regards,

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
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