To: Dominion Federation Citizens
Subject: Mr. Stark of SDC insults Dominion Federation Law Enforcement.
Earlier today, Representative Lekpin of Lorrd read a prepared statement from Mr. Stark owner and CEO of Stark Defense Conglomerate. In this prepared statement, Mr. Stark openly insulted the Dominion Federation Law Enforcement.
I certainly can't see why these people were hurt, unless of course they didn't read the instruction manuals. User error, or lack of common sense, is most often why any person gets hurt.
This comes as shocking news as it is clear that Mr. Stark is placing the full blame not on the products that his company sells, yet putting the blame on the men and women of the Dominion Federation Law Enforcement that were injured when said products failed at a critical moment. This failure lead to the injury of twenty Law Enforcement personnel, three of which were listed in critical condition. Sadly, since then, those three officers have passed away from injuries sustained while on duty.
The families of both the injured and those Law Enforcement personnel who have passed have demanded an immediate apology from Mr. Stark. The grieving widow of one officer was able to muster up the courage to speak to use.
"I can't believe that someone could be so insensitive at such a trying time. My husband went to work fully expecting his equipment to work, and when it came time for it to protect him it failed. And what does this Mr. Stark do, he insults and places the blame for the failure on the consumer. I've just lost my husband, and now to hear that he is being blamed for the failure is appalling."
Our Hearts go out to all those families who have lost a loved one, and those families whose loved ones are still recovering in the hospital. We took also find it appalling that Mr. Stark would rather blame the consumer than looking into the direct cause of the failure.