Quote (Hector_Cynum)
The Frezen-Auril Union Peace Treaty
Recognizing that it would be disproportionate for the The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector to carry on a war indiscriminately against a whole world when certain segments of its population are not desirous of war and have expressed their willingness to respect Tionese lives by returning them to our custody and furthermore have agreed to pay wergild on the dead ethnic Tionese Vianists within their province (although no guilt attaches due to these men dying in a misunderstanding).
Noting further the polite and gentlemanly manner in which Lord Jareth Bowe has treated and rescued men from ships of worlds within the The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector.
The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector and the Lordship of Frezen Province now, forevermore and perpetually end the recently declared war and are in a state of peace.
The Frezen Province shall be regarded as a Neutral power and is recognized as sovereign in its own right, its citizens and military shall be treated as those of a Neutral power and no military operations shall be conducted within its territory.
This treaty shall be applicable only to the Frezen Province, The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector shall remain at war with the other states on Lorrd.
The Frezen Province agrees that it shall not cooperate with or endorse any war effort by the other Ruling Houses.
Commodore Cynum,
I swear my name and my sacred honor as a Lord and a gentleman to the above document. Additionally, any Vianists of Tionese blood residing in the Frezen Province shall henceforth be regarded as members of my court, shall be treated to fine libations along with the rest of your prisoners of war, and returned to the Auril Sector at my expense. I am pleased to do so to consummate this peace agreement, which shall be joyously celebrated by the people of Frezen.
Mirabile dictu,