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Imperial Prosecution Service
Argus_MyjectorDate: Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013, 6:02 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 7
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Status: Offline
Dear Sirs,

It is my conclusion that Alyn Stark was not a member of the Jedi Order in any formal sense, although I believe it is possible that his companion, an Epicanthix, was a member of the Jedi Order as indicated by his attempt to use a Jedi trick upon a room full of Trandoshan warriors.

On an investigation of his personal weapons lodged within a secure holding trolley upon his arrival at the Trandoshan station I was able to find the following weapons that carried Alyn Stark's DNA samples and indeed we were able to gain intact fingerprints from all:
2x DE-10 blaster pistol
4x Jagged Vibro-knife
2x Throwing knives
1x Lightsaber
2x Force Pike (may be the bodyguard's)

Analysis of Lightsaber discovered
The Lightsaber found in Alyn Stark's weapon cache is almost certainly not of his own making, and was likely aquired on the black market, it remains though a fully functional weapon. The weapon, upon a full scan, fits the model of a Jedi blade but of no great craftsmanship, it's Jedi provenance is further asserted by the Ilum Crystal mounted within it. It is my belief that this is one of the Lightsabers mass produced during the Clone Wars to replace those destroyed in combat. Stark himself was unfit for a full interrogation using truth drugs, and he showed no willingness to disclose the origin of the blade.

Within the ruins of his shuttle, quantities of several drugs were found, including Bota (a drug known to aid those with little ability to use the force become a force user). In addition, several cannisters of blood were recovered (one intact) containing blood enriched with Midichlorion cells. It is my belief from needle marks on Mr Stark's right arm over the basilic vein that he was imbuing himself with a degree of short term force sensitivity which with the addition of considerable doses of Bota would allow his standard human count to be boosted to force-using levels. On application of a Force Detector there were indications that he was at the time of his death registering as "Force Sensitive".

It is thus my belief that Alyn Stark may have become the casualty of his own hybris in falling in with a Jedi. He was clearly a man with a great enthusiasm for personal combat (as is evidenced by his use of martial arts when he attacked the Trandoshan warlord and his massive weapon ensemble) and I believe this lead him to seek even greater ability in combat. Thus the formerly likely non-force sensitive Alyn Stark (as indicated by his blood samples on his medical records in the Navy databases; although midichlorions can be an innacurate measure of sensitivity in adults) believed that he could harness the power of an proscribed religion known for it's proficiency in combat (much as he had trained in other ancient martial arts). Alyn Stark had everything, but as a man who had already survived many brushes with the Imperial authorities he believed that he was just "too clever" to get caught. Thus he used various deluded means to harness the religion of the Jedi for his own use, but in a way that could be conveniently and discretely hidden if the need arose by ceasing transfusions and Bota doses.

Thus, after seeing his mechanical armour had failed to provide him with godlike powers (in the Droid uprising recently) he appears to have turned to the escoteric lure of the Jedi ways. I do believe that it ought to be noted that it is not my belief that Alyn Stark was an adherant to the Jedi ideology or religion aside from insofar as it suited him to accrue power. There is little evidence of him being more than a misguided and foolish meglomaniac, seeking out another level of power to add to his laurels. I do not believe he thought very deeply about any creed save his own self-advancement. He was a "wannabe", carrying an impractical number of weapons he believed that his prestige was furthered.. a Lightsaber and the ability to use them would indeed have been intimidating in combat and so like a spoiled child he "had to have them"

On searching the ruins and scans of his ship, it became apparent that there was the ruins of a Sensor Jammer aboard, we believe this was there for the fundemental purpose of concealing his drug and transfusion supplies, as well as likely his Lightsaber. What need of such concealment would an honest businessman have?

Possible Charges the Empire might bring against Lord Stark were he alive, and to be considered with regard to pressing charges against his estate.
- Being an unlicensed and unregulated user of the Force via the means of blood transfusion and drugs.
- Possession of an illegal Lightsaber.
- Possession of a controlled drug.
- Knowingly employing a member of a proscribed group (assumed to be a Jedi), giving him aiding and abetting his avoiding Imperial Justice.

Yours Sincerely,

The Honourable Argus Myjector
Imperial Justice for the Kashyyyk System
Branded by Wookiee Media "Enslaver Myjector"
Owner of Jonex Mining Company Ltd. used mostly for tax avoidance.
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