The Union to Unseat the Emperor
1. Title
1.1 The Organisation shall be known as “The Union to Unseat the Emperor” thereafter to be referred to as "the Union".
2. Objectives
The objects of the Union shall be:
2.1 To remove Palpatine from the throne by any means necessary.
2.2 To provide for common defence.
2.3 To disseminate knowledge pertaining to the injustices perpetrated by the Imperial Government. 1. Powers
In order to achieve the above objectives, the Union may: -
3.1 Employ and pay any person or persons to supervise, organise and carry on the work of the Union. The Union may also engage with and pay fees to professional and technical advisors or consultants to assist the work of the Union, as and when resources allow.
3.2 Raise such a force as may be necessary to ensure the objectives of the Union are met.
3.3 Use the force outlined in point 3.2 for any purpose related to the objectives of the organisation, so far as this usage does not contravene the basic rights of Union members or other civilians.
3.4 Create and maintain a database for knowledge relating to the injustices of the Imperial institution.
3.5 Liase and consult with or take out membership of such organisations as are considered to be in the interests of and compatible with the objectives of the Union.
3.6 Promote and carry out or assist in promoting and carrying out research, surveys and investigations and where considered appropriate publish the results.
3.7 Arrange and provide for or jointly arrange and provide for the holding of meetings, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and training for union personnel.
3.8 May raise taxes up to 5% of gross planetary product in order to support the objectives of the Union so long as approved by a ballot of Union members.
3.9 Cause to be prepared and printed or otherwise reproduced and circulated, free of charge or for payment, such papers, books, periodicals, pamphlets or other documents or films or recorded tapes (whether audio or visual or both) as shall further the Unions objectives.
3.10 Provide support for organisations who’s objectives are substantially similar to those of the Union.
3.11 To take such steps as may be deemed appropriate for the purpose of raising funds for the unions activities.
3.12 To accept grants, donations, legacies or contributions of all kinds from any person or organisations on such terms and on such security as shall be deemed to be appropriate.
3.13 Invest funds of the Union not immediately acquired for the objectives in such a way as thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) as may at the time be imposed or required by law.
3.14 To enter into any arrangement with any organisation, government or authority which may be advantageous for the purposes of the activities of the union, and to enter into any arrangement for co-operation or mutual assistance with any charitable body.
3.15 To engage in a mutual galactic foreign policy which is in step with the objectives of the organisation.
3.16 Purchase, take on lease or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and any rights or privileges considered appropriate for the promotion of the Unions objectives. The Union may also construct, maintain and alter any buildings considered appropriate for the Unions work, and may also make regulations for the management of such property.
3.17 To engage with volunteers and make provisions for the reimbursement of any out of pocket expenses incurred.
3.18 Do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Unions objectives.
4. Membership - ‘The Union of Contacts’
Membership qualifications
4.1 Membership shall be open to any compact or organisation (association, corporate body or constituted organisation) that supports the objects of the union and agrees to be bound by this constitution.
4.2 Membership of the Union shall be open to any organisation, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation or ability.
4.3 Membership shall be of three types.
(i) Sovereign Membership – Sovereign membership will be granted to all worlds and organisations with a membership of 10,000 or above. This will confer full voting rights.
(ii) Affiliate Membership – Affiliate membership shall be granted to all organisations with a membership of 9,999 or below. Affiliate members will be granted a ½ vote.
(iii) Individual Membership – Individual membership shall be available to individuals, this shall entitle them to vote for the election of one Sovereign member per 10,000 Individual Members.
Membership entitlements
4.7 Each Sovereign member will be entitled to a single vote. In the case of member organisations, a nominated representative will be entitled to one vote on behalf of that member. Other voting arrangements are outlined in point 4.3 (above).
4.8 An individual member may not also represent a member organisation.
4.9 Members will regularly receive information on the work and development of the Union, and will be invited to participate in the Union Congress (to be held at a suitable location quarterly).
Membership subscription
4.10 The annual member subscription fee shall be set at each Union Congress where a full budget will be decided upon.
4.11 Any resulting membership fees that may be gained from future membership schemes of the Union will directly fund the on-going maintenance and development of such a scheme. This will be on a non-profiting making basis as all monies will be directly ploughed back into the work of the Union.
Register of members
4.12 The Management Committee shall keep an up to date register of members’ contact details, initial membership date, renewal date and any other relevant details for the purpose of maintaining the list.
4.13 This register will be held by the Union, or by another organisation on behalf of the Union, as agreed by the management committee and will be held in accordance with the level of security naturally required by such an organisation.
Withdrawal of membership
4.14 A member may withdraw their membership at any time by submitting their request to withdraw in writing to the management committee.
Expulsion from membership
A member may be expelled from the Union only on the provision of the following:
4.15 The Governing committee shall have the right for good and sufficient reason to terminate the membership of any individual organisation if there is cause to do so. The individual member concerned or an individual representing such organisation (as the case may be) shall have the right to be heard by the management committee before a final decision is made.
5. Governing Committee
A Governing Committee shall control the affairs of the Union.
5.1 The committee shall consist of the following:
. A Chairbeing, whose duties will include chairing of the meetings of the Union and represent the Union at functions/meetings that the Union has been invited to and act as the spokesperson of the Union when necessary.
. A Vice-Chairperson, whose duties will include providing cover for the duties of the Chairperson where necessary.
. A Secretary, whose duties will include the recording of minutes at each meeting of the Union, the issuing of notice of meetings, the maintenance of the register of members (union of contacts) and dealing with correspondence.
. A Treasurer, whose duties will include the maintenance of the Unions accounts and providing an accurate financial statement and reports at each meeting, such as the Union Congress, as and when required.
. Any other positions as deemed necessary by the committee.
5.2 The management committee shall consist of no more than eight [8] individuals and no less than four [4] comprising the nominated office bearers of the Union and other non-office bearing members, as elected at the Union Congress.
5.3 Minutes shall be taken at all committee meetings and reviewed at the next meeting.
5.4 The committee will seek to make decisions by consensus. When this is not possible, decisions are made by simple majority votes of committee members present. In the case of an equal number of votes being cast, the Chairperson (or Vice-Chair) shall have the casting vote.
5.5 The management committee shall be elected by the membership annually at a session of the Union Congress.
5.6 Only members of the Union, or members of member organisations may be elected to the Committee.
5.7 The office bearers of the management committee shall carry out the duties that are relevant for that position, and they shall hold office for one [1] year. Office bearers may stand for re-election, but may hold office for no longer than three [3] consecutive years from the time of election. On the expiry of such a period, one [1] further year must elapse before any former office bearer shall be eligible for re-election.
Termination of office
5.8 A member of the management committee shall be deemed to have automatically vacated their position if:
. They are found to be guilty by the Union Congress of a crime against the Union.
. They cease to become a member of the Union.
. They are found to be incapable of office.
. They resign from office.
. They are absent from four consecutive governing committee meetings.
Powers of the management committee
5.9 The Governing committee may exercise the powers stated in this constitution provided that such actions are in the interests of the Union.
5.10 The Governing committee may at any time convene such special or standing committees or sub-committees to be made up of members of the management committee and/or the wide membership for any purpose and shall determine their respective terms of reference, powers, duration and composition. All acts and proceedings of such special standing committees or sub-committees shall be reported back to the management committee as soon as possible.
5.11 The Governing committee shall have the power to co-opt additional committee members from the membership at any time. Co-opted members shall not be entitled to a vote on the Committee.
5.12 The Governing committee shall have the power to adopt standing orders for the Union and its groups. Such standing orders, which will be consistent with and complementary to the terms of this constitution, shall come into operation immediately.
Personal interests
5.13 If a member of the management committee is involved in a decision through which they stand to benefit from, they must declare their interest in the decision and they will not be allowed to participate in the decision.
5.14 An interest may be considered to be declarable if the management committee member, their partner, close relative, a company or other organisation they are involved with would benefit from the decision.
Payment to management committee members
5.15 The members of the management committee shall be paid a salary approved each quarter (based upon performance in the previous quarter). This salary shall not exceed 50,000 Credits per year for any one officer.
6. Meetings
Management Committee Meetings
6.1 The Committee shall meet at agreed intervals and not less than four [4] times per year.
Congressional Meetings
6.2 A Congress meeting may be called at any time providing the procedures relating to the notice have been adhered to.
Quarterly Congressional Meetings
6.3 The Governing committee shall convene an Quarterly Congressional Meeting (QCM) in each three months (but excluding the year in which the Union is formed); not more than three months shall elapse between one Quarterly Congressional meeting and the next.
6.4 The business of the Quarterly Congressional Meeting shall be to:
Confirm the minutes of the previous Quarterly Congressional Meeting and any General Meetings held since the last Annual General Meeting.
A report by the chair on the activities in the last three months and the published annual report on the work of the Union from the Secretary.
Receive and approve the accounts for the year from the Treasurer.
Elect the Officers of the Management Committee i.e. Chairperson; Vice- Chairperson, Secretary; Treasurer and any other Government Committee Members.
Approval of new motions submitted by the government committee and approved by the steering group.
Transact such other business received in writing by the Secretary from Members days prior to the meeting and included on the agenda. And any other matters as may from time to time be appropriate.
6.5 The union shall advise all members that any business to be moved at the Quarterly Congressional Meeting must be made in writing at least fourteen [14] days before a meeting.
6.6 Nomination of candidates for election of Officers shall be made in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting date. Nominations can only be made by members and must be seconded by another member.
6.7 The Secretary shall circulate or give notice of the agenda for the meeting to Members not less than seven [7] days before the meeting.
6.8 The management committee will ensure that MINUTES of the general meeting shall be kept as an official record of proceedings, and will be distributed or made available upon request.
6.9 The Union in general meeting may issue policy directions in relation to the content of standing orders for the Union and its groups. In the event, the management committee shall be bound to follow such directions in formulating such standing orders.
Extraordinary Congressional Meetings
6.10 Extraordinary Congressional Meetings (ECM) may be convened by the Government Committee as and when required.
6.11 Extraordinary Congressional Meetings may be convened on receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing from not less than two [2] Sovereign members of the Union or its equivalent quantity of Affiliate votes.
Notice of meetings
6.12 Notice of meetings must include the date, time and location of the meeting. The number of days notice required for each meeting shall be as follows:
. General Meeting – 14 days
. Quarterly Congressional Meeting – 21 days
. Extraordinary Congressional Meeting – 2 days
Procedure at meetings
6.13 No meeting may proceed unless a Quorum is present. A Quorum for each meeting shall be:
. Government Committee Meeting – No less than 50% of the serving committee, or three members of the serving committee, whichever is the larger number, are in attendance.
. General Congressional Meeting – No less than twenty-five [25] percent of voters (present in person or via live communication) from the union membership.
. Quarterly Congressional Meeting – No less than fifty [50] percent of voters (present in person or via live communication) from the union membership.
. Extra-ordinary Congressional Meeting – No less than ten [10] percent of voters (present in person or via live communication) from the union membership.
6.14 Each meeting shall be convened by the Chairperson of the Union. Should the Chairperson be unable to fulfil the role the Vice-Chairperson shall act as chair. Should the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson be unable to fill the role, the management committee shall appoint an Acting Chair for the purposes of that meeting.
Voting at Meetings
6.15 Voting at a general meeting, QCM and ECM shall be decided by a simple majority vote of those present.
6.16 Due to the wide astrographical spread of Union members, voting at these general meetings may also be by means of proxy, including transmissions and witten communications.
6.17 The government committee will seek to make decisions by consensus at committee meetings. When this is not possible, decisions are made by simple majority vote of committee members present.
6.18 Each member of the Union shall entitled to votes as outlined in section 4.3.
6.19 In the result of a tied vote, the chair (or acting chair) shall have a final casting vote, which shall be final.
7. Finance
Financial matters
7.1 All funds raised by or on behalf of the Union shall be applied to further the objectives of the Union and for no other purpose.
7.2 A bank account will be held in the name of the Union, with such banks as the government committee shall from time to time decide.
7.3 The government committee may enter into agreement with an appropriate agency to be responsible for administration of Union funds until such times that a bank account is able to be set up in the name of the Union.
7.4 The government committee shall authorise members of the management committee or other suitable Union employees to sign cheques on behalf of the Union. No more than four members of the government Committee shall be authorised as signatories for cheques. All cheques must be signed by not less than two of the authorised signatories.
7.5 The title to all property, heritable and moveable, which may be acquired by or on behalf of the Union, shall be vested in the name of the chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer of the management committee.
Accounts and auditing
7.6 The treasurer or an appointed person thought capable of carrying out sufficiently thorough accounting shall keep proper accounting records.
7.7 The Association’s accounts shall be examined by an independent person thought capable of carrying out a sufficiently thorough assessment.
7.8 Should legal or operational requirements deem that an audit be carried out then the Union shall appoint an Auditor at any time and at each subsequent Annual General Meeting when required.
7.9 Annual accounts shall be prepared in accordance with law and set before each Annual General Meeting.
8. Alterations to the Constitution
8.1 A resolution to alter this constitution shall not be valid unless:
. two thirds of the votes cast in relation to the resolution at a Congressional meeting of the Union are in favour and notice (setting out the terms of the proposed alteration) shall have been given to the members not less than fourteen [14] days before the meeting at which the alteration was proposed.
9. Dissolution
9.1 The government committee may decide by a two-thirds majority, that on the ground of expense or otherwise, it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Union.
9.2 It shall be necessary to call a special Congressional meeting of the Union, to be held not less than one month thereafter, to discuss and vote on the resolution. Not less than twenty-one [21] days notice of the meeting (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed at the meeting shall be given.
9.3 If, at any Congress of the Union, a resolution were passed calling for the dissolution of the Union, the Secretary shall immediately convene a Special Congressional Meeting of the Union to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
9.4 If, at that Special General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the members present at the meeting, the Management Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Union and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Union.
9.5 After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Union, the remaining assets shall be distributed to the members of the Union.
10. Adoption of the Constitution.
10.1 Until the first Quarterly Congressional meeting takes place (no longer than one year from the declaration of this constitution). The following officers shall form the provisional Government.
Chairbeing: Chairman O'Keefe, Peoples Front of Dantooine.
Vice Chairbeing: General Shiva
Secretary: Commodore Scumble, Freedom Eagles
Treasurer: TBA
10.2 All decisions of the provisional Government shall be voted upon by the first Quarterly Congressional Meeting.
10.3 The provisional Government will prioritise the formal organisation of the Union to Unseat the Emperor's military forces.