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Remembering the Past
KalThanatosDate: Friday, 03 Dec 2010, 11:01 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 189
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Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Just outside the Coruscant system, a small freighter dropped out of hyperspace. It's hyperdrive had cut out, and luckily allowed the man that was traveling inside to reach his destination. It had been a while since he had been here. The man was sleeping in the quarters section of the ship. His mind was racing with visions that were actually memories that he was not consciously able to remember. He could see a beautiful woman standing in front of him. It looked as if it was on a distant planet that was covered in fields of green grass and glossy blue lakes. She stood on the edge of the lake, looking out at the ripples that expanded out from where she had thrown the rock into the water. There was a smile on his face. It could have been one of the more happier times in his life.

A flash of light came from no where, then another vision surfaced. This one already seemed to be darker. His emotions seemed to control his thoughts, actions and overall life. Before anything further could show itself to him, the man woke up. He starred at the ceiling for a few minutes, trying to figure out the visions. His family was lucky to have inherited the ability to collect memories of instances from objects. Somehow this power was working on its own to somehow attempt to help him regain his memory. Slowly he sat up, turning to set his feet on the icy cold floor of his ship. He stood up, taking a second to stretch. It had been a rough night of sleep, only cause of the visions that seemed to flood his head. He was confused about what he had been seeing that past couple nights. It was always of the same woman. Kal couldn't help but wonder if she had been a big part of his life at one point. He needed to find out. He needed to find her and get more information from her and possibly recover some part of his memories.

He headed to the ship's controls. Upon sitting down, he flicked a switch and turned off the auto-pilot. There was a slight jerk before the ship was in his control. He looked out and could see Coruscant starting to entirely engulf the view port. Something had drawn him to Coruscant, and it pissed him off not knowing exactly what it was that made him want to come here. He could remember being trained at the Jedi Temple as a Youngling, and he could remember being sent off the planet when the Order had come down. Those two memories were the only things that he could remember from his childhood. He shook his head. That couldn't have been what was drawing him to this planet.

Times had changed. He had changed. He was taught the ways of the Force from the Jedi, but had learned that they were not always the truth. It was when he had returned home to his father and clan that he learned that the Dark Side of the Force would give him all that he would ever want. He chuckled a little as he could picture the times that he had back on Kiffu. Then, it was like everything skipped a lot. He was all of a sudden older and couldn't remember anything from the day he left Kiffu to a few months ago when he woke after receiving a concussion.

Kal was determined to figure out what had happened, and why he was being drawn to Coruscant. He had brought his freighter down through the atmosphere and into a landing port. As the ship's ramp lowered, he started down to begin his quest...

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Wednesday, 15 Dec 2010, 5:31 PM | Message # 2
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 891
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
(Chat Transcript)

Ilanah_Thanatos had left senate for the day. The bickering got to her at times, so she tended not to stay late on those days. she wandered to the gardens again, as it reminded her enough of home that she felt a certain kind of odd solace. It was cool out, evening, and she decided that it was much too chilly to stay for too long, but she was going to enjoy the time that she did have, before she would head home.

Kal_Thanatos had his head covered by the hood of his cloak. It had been a while, it seemed, since he had been on Coruscant. There was a gap in his memory, and he believed that the visions he was having was leading him to a certain place in the Senate District

Ilanah_Thanatos sighed and dropped down onto one of the benches as far from the senate building as she could get. Secluded was better. She would prefer if no one from work found her. But it was cold and she didn'tlike cold, but it was nicer than being cooped up indoors.

Kal_Thanatos nearly ran through the streets. Recollection of his visions popped in and out of his mind. He could see a garden. It felt like he had been there before. His body seemingly moved as if it knew the way to this location. It was within minutes that he stood cold and silent at the entrance to the garden, staring at the woman sitting on the bench

Ilanah_Thanatos was looking at a datapad in her hands, not work thankfully, but a book she had chosen on her own. She was a big advocate on having a life outside of her work, despite how important it was to her. with her recent visit from Detective Tayner, and the job she had been given by senator Fowlkes, that separation was all too welcome. Idly, she lifted a hand and trailed her fingertips through her soft blonde curls.

Kal_Thanatos stepped forwards, entering further into the gardens. He could see that this was the woman that he was having visions of. He just couldn't tell if she was someone from the past, or someone he was destined to meet. His hand slowly reached out as he approached her from behind. He hand softly lowered down onto her shoulder

Ilanah_Thanatos wasn't paying enough attention so she didn't hear him approach, but when he touched her, she snapped her gaze up and her eyes widened. Instinctively, she jumped up, sending her datapad to the ground, along with her bag and all of it's contents. "What are you doing here?" She murmured.

Kal_Thanatos : took a quick step back as she reacted to him touching her shoulder. He hand instinctively rose and stopped the datapad, her bag and all the contents from hitting the ground as he used telekinesis to catch and slowly lower the items down. All the while, his eyes focused on her, "Finding seems"

Ilanah_Thanatos shook her head a little. "Why? I left for a can' here."

Kal_Thanatos hesitated for a moment. She left? What did she mean? His head tilted to the side a little as he responded, "You left? And who the hell says I can't be here?"

Ilanah_Thanatos reached out and pushed his hand gently so that the items would fall. "The Moff and the Inquisitors and if you use the Force here, we'll both be dead....or worse." She nearly hissed in a low whisper. Lana watched him quietly for a moment. "What's happened to you?"

Kal_Thanatos let her hand push his, releasing the items. He thought about what she had said. It all didn't make sense. She was acting like she knew him, and then was talking about these people killing him for using the Force. He laughed for a second, "I'd like to see them try..." He stopped as he thought more of her second part could wrap his mind. How could she have known him, and he didn't know who she was. He stepped closer, "Do you know me?"

Ilanah_Thanatos didn't move back this time and she looked up at him. His eyes were still so familiar, even though she hadn't seen them for years. "Yes." She said simply before she broke the gaze to look past him briefly to see if there was anyone nearby watching.

Kal_Thanatos didn't care if there was anyone watching nearby. He moved his body over back in front of her gaze, "How? How do you know me? I've been having these visions of you and I, and I can't seem to figure out why I'm having them." His jaw clenched, "I need to know..."

Ilanah_Thanatos looked up at him for a moment and then dropped down to the grass and started putting her things back into her bag. Her mind was racing. "We have to go."

Kal_Thanatos shook his head as he spoke to her, " need to know now..."

Ilanah_Thanatos got back to her feet. "I will tell you everything.....I promise." She had to assume that he had some sort of amnesia. And because of that she would try and help him. "But not here."

Kal_Thanatos sighed heavily, "Fine....if now here...then where?"

Ilanah_Thanatos sighed as she picked her bag up. "My condo. It's a short drive. My driver is waiting." she murmured as she started to move away from him. She wasn't sure if he would follow or what he would do. When she left, he was so unpredictable to her and she just....she still had some of that fear of him.

Added (15 Dec 2010, 6:31 PM)

Kal_Thanatos slowly nodded as he began to follow her. It frustrated him that he couldn't figure out what was going on. She had told him that she knew him, but hadn't told him how...yet He would follow her if she went to meet with her driver, and when they would get into the vehicle

Ilanah_Thanatos 's driver wasn't far. He was also one of her guards and when he saw Kal, he postured like anyone would have. "Don't worry about it." She murmured as she patted the mans arm lightly before she climbed into the car and waited for Kal. "I need to get to the condo, and quickly please." She said to him. Not her senatorial apartment, no her place. Her private residence.

Kal_Thanatos smirked a little as he saw the guard position himself like he was going to stop him. Seeing that this woman had the man calm down, he knew that there was something special

Ilanah_Thanatos and the speeder would zip off, away from the senate district a good way, but since the driver knew shortcuts, it didn't take long before the car would land on a platform on a tall, glass building. He would help Lana out and she would have a few quiet words with him before she started inside and pulled her cloak and gloves off. She would turn her head to see if Kal followed as she smoothed her hands over the tightly fitted bodice of the cobalt blue silk gown she wore. Nervous habit.

Kal_Thanatos gave her driver and her time to have a few words before he would climb out. He kept his distance until she got inside. Stepping inside, he could see her move her hands over her dress. There was something else behind his visions. He could feel it. After taking a second to glance around, he turned to her, "So?"

Ilanah_Thanatos sighed lightly and watched him for a moment. "Make yourself comfortable." She murmured as she moved over and turned the fireplace on. Lana would then walk away a little and retrieve a box from a cabinet and a bottle of wine and glasses. She needed the alcohol. But she didn't know if he would still like it or not.

Kal_Thanatos walked off towards one of the windows, taking a look outside at the planet wide city. He could remember being at the Temple, and used to love the planet. He slowly took off his cloak, leaving him in a pair of pants and a t-shirt. He stood there, watching the speeders zip by

Ilanah_Thanatos sat down on the rug next to the fireplace and opened the box. There were several items inside. "There are only parts that I can help you with, Kal...." She murmured as she tucked her hair behind her ears and she watched him.

Kal_Thanatos quickly turned as he heard her say his name. The expression on his face was of surprise. He could see the box and wondered what was in it. He walked over to where she was sitting and looked down into the box, "What's in there?"

Ilanah_Thanatos motioned for him to sit down on the floor with her so she could show him. She could only hope that what she had would help, even if only a little bit. Lana would start pulling items out; a movie ticket stub, a polaroid of him at the beach, a pair of white lace gloves and a necklace of salt water pearls, among other things. Tucked in the corner was a little holo recorder and under it was an actual paper album.

Kal_Thanatos would see her motion for him to sit down next to her. He nodded and sat down. He watched her pull the items out, and mainly focused on the holo recorder and the album that was last. He raised an eye brow, "What's that?"

Ilanah_Thanatos glanced over at him for a moment and pulled them out, along with the rest of the trinkets. To most they would have been meaningless. " she put the lid on the box and sat the holo recorder on top and pressed play. Immediately a 3 dimensional image of her in a beautiful, flowing white dress and a veil. She was laughing and smiling, but she also pushed the recorder away. "Dad stop's time...." She smiled and the image dissapeared before another one cut in. No, it wasn't a church, but a huge garden at her parents manor on a bright, sunny afternoon. As Kal would watch it, she would watch him for a reaction.

Kal_Thanatos would watch as she turned on the recorder, playing the recorded moments in its memory. He could see her there, but he still didn't understand. He watched as it played on, trying to understand what was going on...

Ilanah_Thanatos had seen it so many times, that she didn't need to watch it to know what was happening. Her father walked her down the aisle to a handsome young man in a black suit, they said their vows, he put a ring on her finger and she put one on his. It was hard to tell who the man was, however, until he lifted the sheer white silk veil to kiss her. So, she waited and watched Kal to see the look on his face when he saw himself in the holo.

Kal_Thanatos would see the video play out. It looked as if the video was of a wedding involving this woman. Once the woman and the man kissed, he saw that it was him. Immediately, he jumped up to his feet, " that true?" He asked as he pointed at the recorder

Ilanah_Thanatos looked up at him and nodded slowly. That wasn't the reaction she expected, but a reaction none the less. "Kal....there's more...." She would pull the album into her lap.

Kal_Thanatos moved over to get a better look at the album she pulled out. He couldn't believe all this. When would all of this happened? He knew that he was missing memories, but he didn't know that some of the things he couldn't remember would be this serious

Ilanah_Thanatos reached up and took his hand gently to pull him down next to her again.

Kal_Thanatos would allow her to pull him back down. This time he was sitting closer to her, making sure that he would be able to see the album that she had

Ilanah_Thanatos 's album was mostly wedding of the two of them, happy and smiling, along with honeymoon photos. "We went to Naboo. I'd never been." She murmured as she looked them over.

Kal_Thanatos could feel something inside of him. He placed his hand on one of the photos of him and her, smiling and happy. Just as he did, a memory popped into his head. This one, he was able to see himself with her. They were on Naboo, just like the picture. He could feel the happiness that he once had. The vision ran through Kal_Thanatos 's head, replaying that entire event. It was then, that something snapped and it all flooded back into his head. He came to from the vision, turning to her, "I remember...I can remember it all...our entire marriage..."

Ilanah_Thanatos hesitated for a moment before she closed the album. "You can keep this if you want." She said, offering it to him. "If it will help." Lana watched him quietly. No, that wasn't all. He didn't, obviously, remember the end of it all, but she didn't want to tell him.

Kal_Thanatos would take the album from her, taking a moment to look at the cover. He looked back up at her, "There's more, isn't there....I can sense it..."

Ilanah_Thanatos shook her head. "Nothing important, Kal." She said as she started putting the items back into the box, but she offered him the holo recorder too. There was more on there than he saw, so she thought that might help him too.

Kal_Thanatos also took the recorder from her as well. He could definitely feel that there was something else that he wasn't being told. He grabbed her hand once he took the recorder, "Tell's something I did...isn't it?"

Ilanah_Thanatos looked at their hands for a moment before she shook her head. " it wasn't your fault. Promise." She said before she squeezed his hand gently.

Kal_Thanatos shook his head, "I can feel that there is something more. You have a fear for've had it since you saw me again...what is it?"

Ilanah_Thanatos would turn her gaze to him. "I didn't know what....I knew you could use the Force, but I didn't think you would....." She hesitated. "Be a dark Jedi."

Kal_Thanatos 's head sank, "Honestly, when I was a young boy, I didn't either. The Jedi trained me, but with the Emperor giving the order, it changed me...changed me into who I am....and was." He took a slight pause, "I don't really want to be like this...I know it was my fault why we aren't together anymore..."

Ilanah_Thanatos bit her lower lip lightly as she drew in a deep breath. "I left because I was afraid of you....and I thought it would be safer away from you." She murmured as she put the lid back onto the top of the box.

Kal_Thanatos couldn't believe the words that came from her mouth. It was his fault. He knew it. His head lowered and he closed his eyes, "I'm sorry, Lana....I never meant to scare you"

Ilanah_Thanatos shook her head and untangled her hand carefully from his. "It's alright. It all worked out for best I suppose.....obviously not for you though."

Kal_Thanatos slowly looked up at her, "Obviously..." He stood up, walking back over to the window, "Is there any way for be us again?"

Ilanah_Thanatos frowned a little as he walked away. She would pull herself up as well and move over to look out the floor to ceiling window. "I don't's too dangerous.....for both of us."

Kal_Thanatos shook his head, "Nothing is too dangerous. What is it that you are worried about?" This part of the Empire was new to him. He only knew of the outposts and stations that the Empire had. He had never been this close to the heart of it all

Ilanah_Thanatos : Moff Brandt....he....has the Jedi hunted. And the ones that he can turn, well....I don't know....... He has traitors shot by firing squads.

Kal_Thanatos laughed a bit, "Moff Brandt...this man has everyone scared, doesn't he? I'm not scared of him, or his hunters. I'd be more scared of a Rancor coming and destroying the Senate District than his firing squad"

Ilanah_Thanatos trailed her fingers trhough her blonde locks. "Well I am afraid of him." She said, though she had a reason to be afraid. She was supposed to get close to him to pass on information, but it was risky.

Ilanah_Thanatos sighed as she glanced up at the man next to her. She had loved him once, and probably still could. "I don't know, Kal...." She murmured softly as she almost instinctively moved closer to him.

Kal_Thanatos turned to face her, "I may have made mistakes in the past, but the Force has done something for has led me back to you. I'm willing to do what ever it takes to be like that again..." He pointed over to where he left the album and recorder

Ilanah_Thanatos looked up at him and sighed softly. "Whatever it takes?" She murmured, her voice almost hoarse.

Kal_Thanatos hesitated a moment before answering, "Whatever it takes, Lana...I'll do anything..."

Ilanah_Thanatos turned her gaze back out the window as she started to form a plan in her mind. There was an idea forming there. She had heard, though it was all rumor and speculation, that the Empire had fallen/dark Jedi working for them. It was a dangerous and likely stupid idea, but an idea none the less. She sighed. "I don't know....I don't know. I just...maybe." That was all that she could give him for the moment. It likely wasn't the answer he wanted, but it was what she had.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila

Message edited by Ilanah_Thanatos - Saturday, 18 Dec 2010, 5:25 AM
KalThanatosDate: Saturday, 18 Dec 2010, 8:23 AM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 189
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Upon taking a moment to watch her and study her expressions, Kal could tell that there was something going in her mind. He wasn't sure if he would like it or not. Then she spoke. It was as if she was trying to talk herself into telling him something. Giving her the time she needed to convince herself, he stood there watching her. Once she was finished, he didn't hesitate to ask, "What is it?" There was a part of him that wanted to know what she was talking about, but then there was the other side that wasn't sure if he truly did. He turned his body towards her, waiting for her to tell him exactly what it was that she was thinking about. All he wanted to do was get back on her good side, and he would do whatever it took for that to happen.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Saturday, 18 Dec 2010, 9:24 AM | Message # 4
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 891
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
She turned her gaze to him again and she offered a wary smile. "I don't know yet, Kal. I have'll be fine. " She needed to see if she could sweet talk that information out of Miff Brandt. And she wasn't sure if she could do that yet or not.

"I've heard rumors that the Empire has Jesi working for them, is all." He did say he would do anything, after all. That would be the thing. And hen he would tell her what she needed to know, and she could pass it on to Tremaine. It was a dangerous game and idea, but she knew that in the long run, Kal would not let anything happen to her. Which really did mean alot to her.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
KalThanatosDate: Saturday, 18 Dec 2010, 6:35 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 189
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Could see her smile as she turned to him from looking out the window. She then went on to tell him that the Empire had Jedi working for them, supposedly. He nodded, taking it in for a minute. He wasn't sure exactly what she was wanting from him, but he could tell that she might be asking for his help soon. He took a few steps towards her, "I've never heard of them, but if I can put what you've already said would like for me to go work for the Empire then, right?" He paused for a moment thinking about this. He wasn't a Jedi, so this job might actually be easier for him then. A small smirk came to his face. It had been a while since he had gotten to use his lightsaber against flesh. There was a small nod, "If that is what you're asking from me....then yes. I would do it without hesitation. How are we to go about this?"

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Saturday, 18 Dec 2010, 6:57 PM | Message # 6
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 891
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
She didn't like it when he said it. She didn't like the expression on his face. Her whole idea revolved around being able to turn him to her side, to help her and Tremaine against the Empire. Lana bit her lower lip lightly before she took a deep breath and looked up at him. Should she tell him now? Or let him get in first? She wasn't sure. And she couldn't ask Tremaine's advice.

"That's not....all....I'm asking, Kal." She murmured. "They can't know we're you" She said as she still debated whether or not to just be honest with him. "And...." she trailed off suddenly. Oddly, she was more confident in front of thousands addressing senate, than she was speaking to Kal Thanatos. "It just wouldn't be good for me, whether you are under their employ or not."

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
KalThanatosDate: Saturday, 18 Dec 2010, 7:16 PM | Message # 7
Group: Users
Messages: 189
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
His smile slowly faded away as she continued on. He wasn't too fond of him and her having to hide their relationship, even if it was a friendship of sorts. He took in a deep breath, thinking if it would really be worth it all, but he knew that this was what she wanted him to do. He nodded slowly to her, "I....I understand." He paused as he walked over, placing his hand on her shoulder, "I understand the fact that you must keep your name clear of anything like this. You are a Senator, and I could be killed just for being here, but I know that I must do this for us both. If we are not able to see each other, except possibly in secret, than I want you to know that I will always have my eyes keeping watch over you...."

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Monday, 20 Dec 2010, 3:00 PM | Message # 8
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 891
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
Ilanah_Thanatos drew in a deep breath as she looked up at him and offered him a small smile. "I uh.......appreciate that." She hesitated. It felt so awkward to her, and she wasn't sure why. :How did you know to come here?" She finally asked.

Kal_Thanatos shook his head in response to her question, "Honestly, I was drawn here by the Force. Something just brought me to Coruscant and then to the Senate District. Why do you ask?"

Ilanah_Thanatos shook her head a little. "I don't know...." She murmured as she looked back out the window. "The Force works very mysteriously, doesn't it?" Lana asked him as she glanced back up at him. "When will you go?"

Kal_Thanatos quickly nodded, "The Force does work in mysterious ways." She then wanted to know when he would go. That was a difficult question for him. Either the sooner he left and got this done or the longer he prolonged and spent more time with her. "Could I stay the night. I need the rest..."

Ilanah_Thanatos nodded her head. "Sure." They were safe there. No one knew it was her condo except Tremaine. And he was busy dealing with business in the underlevels and likely would not stop by or call. "I have to go make up the guest room though."

Kal_Thanatos nodded as she said he could stay overnight and that he basically could use the guest room for the night. "Thank you. I suppose that tomorrow I'll find a way to get a hold of this mysterious group."

Ilanah_Thanatos "Whenever you're ready, I suppose." She was still wrestling with whether this was a good idea or not. It seemed so dangerous, and despite what they had been through, she felt bad lying to him and using him. It was not even helping when she tried to tell herself that it was for the greater good.

Kal_Thanatos let out a small yawn before asking, "So, is there a reason why you brought up that group in the Empire that used fallen Jedi to do their work? I mean, it did come up out of nowhere...."

Ilanah_Thanatos shrugged as she looked up at him again. "It was the only way I could think of to keep you from being hunted." Lie. It made her a little sick, actually. "Actually....there is something else I need...."

Kal_Thanatos tilted his head to the side a little as she said that there was something else that she needed, "What is it? What else is it that you need?"

Ilanah_Thanatos hesitated for a moment. "I need to know what they are doing....these....fallen or dark Jedi or whatever they are....."

Kal_Thanatos was confused a little. Why was it that she needed to know what they were doing, but he figured that he needed something to dig for if he were to do it for her. With a nod of his head, "No problem...I'll find that out for you..."

Ilanah_Thanatos was confused that he didn't want to know why, but that was ok with her too. "Thank you..." She murmured before she turned and moved away from him. "Alright so, guest must be exhausted." She said as she wandered down the hall. "It's just down here on the right." Hers was on the left and the door was open.

Kal_Thanatos could feel that she was a little uneasy about something. The feelings that he could feel from her made him really wonder what was bothering her. He figured that it was just the fact that he had popped back up into her life out of nowhere. He followed her down the hall as she pointed out his room, "Thank you." He looked into the room a little.

Ilanah_Thanatos gave him a tenative smile. "I'm right across the hall if you need anything." she murmured before she went to work putting sheets on the bed and getting towels out.

Kal_Thanatos looked over at the room that was right across the hall, just to take a look and see what she was talking about. He stepped into the doorway of her room, taking a look at the room. It was decorated very well. There was something inside him that told him things will finally work out for him.

Ilanah_Thanatos "Will this work for you?" She said as she finished and re-made the bed so it looked nice. Her gaze lingered on him for several moments as he gazed across into her room and she moved up behind him. "what are you thinking?"

Kal_Thanatos quickly snapped out of his thoughts as she asked what he was thinking. His head slowly shook, "Nothing. Just thinking about the way that I remember us." He didn't want to tell her the actual truth of what he was thinking of. He knew that he wanted to turn to the Light, but would he once he found this secret group?

Ilanah_Thanatos moved around him and walked into her own room and slipped her shoes off and her height dropped dramatically almost immediately. "What about us?"

Kal_Thanatos cleared his throat a little. The thought of them actually popped into his head at this point. He could remember the way that they were after they had gotten married. He smiled slightly, "I remember how happy we were after our wedding..."

Ilanah_Thanatos smiled a little as she pulled her earrings off and laid them on the dresser next to her jewelry box. "Yeah I remember that too....I had never been that happy, and haven't been since." She smiled and fumbled with the clasp on her necklace before she gave up on it. "It seems like forever ago."

Kal_Thanatos smiled as she did. He nodded in agreement with her, "It was the happiest moment that I can remember. It feels as if it was another life for me..." He was starting to feel the lack of sleep starting to hit him hard. He looked at her, "I should get some rest..."

Ilanah_Thanatos nodded. "Of course...." She murmured. "I hope its comfortable for you...."

Kal_Thanatos smiled, "Thank you again for giving me a room for tonight." He turned and headed back across the hall into the guest room, closing the door behind him for the night.

Ilanah_Thanatos watched him go and she hesitated a moment before she went across the hall, knocked lightly before she just pushed the door open. She didn't even stop to think before she did it. "Kal I really....don't want you to work for them. I back....and that's not you." She said hurriedly. If she didn't say it fast, she wouldn't have had it in her to say anything at all.

Kal_Thanatos heard the door open as he was starting to get prepared for the night. He had stripped down to just his pants as the door opened. She had come in and told him how she truly felt. It was good to hear. He nodded to her, "I don't have to work for them...I can stay with you..."

Ilanah_Thanatos shook her head. "I need you to....I don't have any other way to know what they're doing. And I need to know..." She looked him over for a moment before she regained her focus.

Kal_Thanatos nodded slightly and smirked as he saw her look him over, "Fine. Only cause you need me to. But you and I will have to find a time and place to see each other..."

Ilanah_Thanatos nodded a little. "I'm scared." She barely whispered. It was not something that she would tell anyone else.

Kal_Thanatos walked over to her, placing his hand on her upper arm, "Everything will be fine. I will get it done for you, and no one will find out about you and I"

Ilanah_Thanatos wasn't scared only because of that, but because of everything else. She was starting to think that maybe she was a bad choice that Tremaine had made, but at the same time, she was glad he asked for her help. "Thank you." She whispered again before she looked up at him briefly before she turned and went into her own room and shut the door.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
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