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Till the Next Day Comes
Silas_CairneDate: Tuesday, 28 Dec 2010, 2:13 AM | Message # 1
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Till the Next Day Comes

"The most persistent sound which reverberates throughout history is the beating of war drums."

~Arthur Koestler


Coruscant, 25 BBY
Chamber of the Jedi High Council

"-and we haven't heard from them since."

"They just vanished... how's that possible? It's not been more than a week."

"Why we fear for them, it is. Long have I tried to reach them, to no avail. This is why send you and your Padawan, we must."

"Karth isn't ready, not for this, not for this..."

"We've no choice in this matter, old friend, we can't leave two of our own behind, you know this."

Jedi Master Silas Cairne furrowed a brow in contemplative thought; his steps heavy as he paced across the cold steel floor of the Chamber in which he's spent his days for so long. He was a stately man; taciturn yet carrying a great wisdom behind soft gray eyes, the result of near-forty years service as a Jedi Knight. When Silas Cairne entered a room he commanded the attention of all within, though it is not out of fear or distaste that this was so. Rather, it was out of respect, respect for a man who'd been a compassionate mentor to many a burgeoning Knight. He was one of few men who'd dared to cross tongues with even the most skilled orators; who'd prevented war with naught but a few words, and who's blade had seen more use than he'd ever wished it had.

He spoke again, taking care so as to maintain neutrality in his tone; though there was little doubt in his mind his fellow Masters could sense the ripple of concern that'd crossed his features but for a fraction of a second. "Is there no-one else? Understand, I fear for Master Kyza'an and young Daneira as well, but surely you can't expect me to involve my Padawan in this? Not after his latest... display... he's becoming difficult to control." The 'display' in question referred to the incident on Bakura, from which Silas and his apprentice had returned not two days earlier. While Karth had managed to accomplish what they'd set out to do, there'd been a fair amount of bloodshed that could have been avoided had he'd listened to his mind over his heart. Good people, innocent people, had died needlessly, all over a careless mistake. Silas couldn't begin to describe how utterly disappointed he was in the boy.

"Why we chose you two, this occurrence is," Yoda interrupted, slender ears tilting slightly downward; almost indicative of his souring mood. The disappearance of Master Kyza'an and her apprentice was troubling news indeed; they were a promising pair and to lose them would be a tremendous loss. "Control, he must learn; to stay his blade until all other options are spent. Agree, you must; for even now you bely what little faith left in the boy, you still have." With a slight tapping of his cane, Yoda turned the floor back over to Master Windu, who eyed his old friend Silas with an empathetic stare. "Master Yoda is right, Silas, you know as well as the Council does that his progress has... stalled... somewhat. He'll never graduate from your tutelage until he proves otherwise."

With a slight frown, Cairne permitted himself a reluctant nod. "Know Masters that, while his actions of late are troubling to us all, I've complete faith in him. He'll not fail me again, this I swear."

He eyed the Council tentatively, waiting for some sort of rebuttal, though none came. It was no secret how they felt about De'Qora; the boy was oftentimes more trouble than he was worth, not to say he wasn't talented. Quite the contrary, it was merely because of his potential that they tolerated him at all; were it not for Cairne's gamble Karth would have been reassigned to the AgriCorps... master-less. Such a fate for such a powerful initiate was one Silas simply could not tolerate. To say it was arrogance on his part to put such a burden upon himself would not be an untruth; Silas felt, no, he knew, that there was no-one else capable of training the boy. Even if it killed him; Silas Cairne would shape one of the greatest Jedi the Order'd ever seen, that he could say with a great degree of confidence.

Bellassa System, 3 Weeks Later
Aboard the Consular-class Cruiser Sojourn

The quarters were modest, for a diplomatic shuttle; though modesty was to be expected when dealing with Jedi. Even after being assigned the quarters assigned for the most important of ambassadors, Silas had requested near-every accommodation be removed. All that remained was but a simple cot, desk, and exercise mat. Such impoverished living was expected of a Jedi; to separate oneself from all but the simplest of living conditions was to be free of selfishness, a trait all-too-common among the younger members of the Order.

At current, the Jedi sat perfectly still on the small gray pad, eyes closed and legs crossed in undisturbed meditation. Well, not entirely undisturbed, on more than one occasion he'd been forced to remind Captain Thal he was to be left to his own devices; save for when they'd finally reached their destination. It'd been a long flight to Bellassa, and he'd hoped to spend the trip with naught but the Force and the occasional meal. As for his apprentice, young De'Qora, last he'd felt him the boy had been on a different deck, exactly what he was doing was a mystery, even to a Master as perceptive as Silas. No doubt Karth had found some outlet for his frayed nerves; they'd hardly spoken since the Bakura debacle and it didn't take much to discern how angry Cairne had been with him. In the deeper recesses of his mind he'd felt obligated to apologize to Karth, to coddle him, and he'd banished those thoughts as quickly as they'd come. How was he to learn unless it was through dealing with his mistakes?

Message edited by Silas_Cairne - Thursday, 02 Jun 2011, 10:00 PM
Karth_(Padawan)Date: Wednesday, 29 Dec 2010, 3:02 AM | Message # 2
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The room was dark; save for a soft azure glow flickering against the shadows, almost as if it were struggling to stay lit. Darkness attacked it; tried to envelop it, and yet the light stayed true. A young man stood in the room's center, the glow cast from his lightsaber casting garish shadows across his handsome features. His breath was ragged, were it not for the gentle thrum of the blade the room would have been quiet enough to hear the cold sweat drip down his brow and crash against the cold durasteel. Body tense, knuckles white as they gripped the elaborate silver hilt, Jedi Padawan Karth De'Qora stood waiting, waiting for it to come again.

And, not long after, a second blade burst through the veil of shadows, a brilliant golden hue clashing against the blue already painting the walls. From behind the blade, a pair of hauntingly red eyes made themselves known. The training droid circled, its steps measured and deliberate, thousands of different algorithms, different steps, strikes, parries and tricks being processed at speeds equivalent to the sharpest sentient mind. Servos clicked in the same repetitive fashion, every cog, every circuit working in tandem with the processor at the droid's core. In contrast, the Jedi it had almost bested the round before struggled to stay upright, his lithe muscles tensed as he awaited yet another onslaught. To set the droid to such a high level would have been suicide for most; but as Karth's skills increased, so did his training regimen. This particular unit was set to a level of blade mastery to rival Agen Kolar, one of the finer swordsmen of the Order and one of Karth's unofficial teachers in his younger years.

There was a pause, but for a moment, but in that instance De'Qora knew the droid had found its opening. His right foot slid back, skidding to a halt as he brought his blade up, parallel to his bent elbow in the classical Form V stance. It was a ploy on his part, up until this point Karth had fought defensively, now the droid would be forced to react to a dramatic change in tactics. It was time for this to end, and it had to end now. With gritted teeth, the Jedi forced off his back foot, eyes wide and determined as his first blow came down; an overhead strike which the droid easily parried. With a grin, Karth reached out with the Force, sensing the slightest movements of his opponents blade and bringing his own around to bear against the brunt of the counterattack.

Soon it all became a blur to him; strike, parry, thrust, parry, strike; and with a mighty roar Karth found his opening, plunging his sky-blue blade deep within the droids "chest" and slashing upwards. The resulting shower of sparks left his opponent split in twain, mechanical limbs still twitching on the floor. Finally, he could breathe a sigh of relief, cutting short his saber and returning it to his belt as the lights of the training room flickered back on. Silas had commented several times already on the intensity with which Karth had trained since their trip began; it was all he could do to keep from punching a hole in his wall. He'd made a mistake on Bakura, a terrible mistake, and people had paid with their lives. He felt it Silas' greatest gift to him that the Master had withheld the full truth of the incident from his fellow Council members. Had they learned what transpired in its entirety, they might have cast him out of the Order altogether. He cast one last look back at the droid, chuckling in spite of his aching bones, and left the mess behind for the servants to take care of. The hail for him to return to the crew deck had reached him shortly before he began the practice duel; and if Karth knew his Master at all, Silas wouldn't leave his room until Karth came to rouse him.

Message edited by Karth_(Padawan) - Wednesday, 29 Dec 2010, 3:02 AM
Silas_CairneDate: Saturday, 01 Jan 2011, 8:59 PM | Message # 3
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The bridge was cold; come to think of it, every room on that ship was freezing cold, and for the life of him Silas couldn't understand why. He supposed it would have been simple enough to note that, when in the deep vacuum of space ships were always cold, but he'd assumed that a diplomatic shuttle of such make would have heaters somewhere on board. As it stood, however, he'd simply wrapped himself tighter in his cloak and banished the thought from his mind. He'd received several salutes from the various deck officers on his way up to meet the Captain; and while he'd bowed in response, mainly out of his respect for Republic soldiers, being treated the way he'd been up to this point had always made Silas just a bit uncomfortable.

Captain Ranira Thal was an intimidating women, to say the least, even now as Silas approached her he felt a slight chill settle down his spine. The woman was cold; career-military with a tongue as sharp as her trigger finger. Every crewman on the ship respected her; for while she was alot of things, she was always fair, and she cared deeply for those under her. With an uncomfortable smile, Silas offered Thal a polite bow as she turned to meet him; hand snapping up to return the gesture in a crisp salute. "Hello Captain," he began, waiting for her hand to drop before continuing. "Have you called my apprentice as well?"

Thal nodded, her steel-blue eyes never leaving his own; her gaze was magnetic, Silas felt entrapped by it. "Yes, Master Jedi, I hailed him over an hour ago. Seems to me like he operates on his own time."

The Jedi offered an apologetic smile; running a weathered hand through hair that he'd no doubt had gone gray long before its time. "No, punctuality's never been his strong suit-" his gaze locked for a moment with the ship's tech officer, a beautiful young lady who's gaze said to him 'I've been there, she's not as scary as she looks.' "-But if I know him, and I'm quite sure I do, he'll never apologize for it. So allow me to apologize for him." It wasn't the first time he'd had to play damage control for the boy, sometimes Cairne's patience amazed even him.

Almost as if on cue, the door to the bridge slid open once more; and in stepped a rather haggard-looking Karth, shifting uncomfortably in his robe as he quickened his pace. Silas' gaze was stern, if not unsympathetic, judging from his current state De'Qora more than likely was too caught up in his training to hear the bridge calling him. Still, his lateness would not go without reprimand. "So nice of you to join us, Karth, and here I was starting to think one of those droids had finally got the best of you."

Message edited by Silas_Cairne - Sunday, 02 Jan 2011, 3:48 AM
Karth_(Padawan)Date: Saturday, 08 Jan 2011, 4:51 PM | Message # 4
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He'd prepared himself for a reprimand; what he hadn't prepared for was the chillingly cold gaze of the ship's captain that peered over his master's shoulder. It was haunting, almost; and for a moment the normally-fearless De'Qora found himself rooted to the doorway in fear. Nevertheless, Thal returned her attention to the tech officers and Karth was able to free himself, taking a few lazy strides towards his master before settling up against a wall. "You do me credit as always, Master." His tone was lighthearted, a wry smile forming at the edges of his mouth as he gauged Silas' reaction. "I stopped by your chambers along the way, figuring you might have 'nod off, so whose fault is it really that I'm late?"

When the only response he received was a slight shaking of Cairne's head, Karth considered the matter settled. "At any rate, I assume I wasn't called up simply for my pleasurable company?" Another grin, and the Padawan pushed off the wall and came to stand next to Captain Thal, peering down at the datapad the much shorter woman held in her hands. She cast a look up at him, and once again Karth found himself subtly shifting away from her, looking back at the door as if he'd needed an escape route. The Captain noticed, hiding a triumphant smile as she turned back to her two Jedi companions, datapad in hand. "Right then," she started, waiting for the two passengers to form up so she could brief them. "Now I know the Jedi Council briefed you once already, Master Cairne, but they've instructed that I re-brief you and your Apprentice before we land."

"Several weeks ago, two of your own: Jedi Master Atrya Kyza'an and Padawan Daneira Farris were sent to Bellassa in response to an attempted assassination of Crasus Gratus; one of the planet's most influential senators. Their initial reports suggested political tension in regards to the upcoming election for planetary governor, yet they'd no factual evidence supporting any sort of foul play. As of 23:45, thirteen days ago, all contact was lost with the Jedi team, and despite their best efforts the Bellassan government has been unable to locate them. Thus, they've requested a Jedi investigation into the disappearance." She finished with a frown, setting the datapad down on her chair and regarding Silas curiously. "What do you make of it, Master Jedi?"

Message edited by Karth_(Padawan) - Saturday, 08 Jan 2011, 4:51 PM
Silas_CairneDate: Sunday, 09 Jan 2011, 9:58 PM | Message # 5
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He's going to give me a stroke...

Preferring instead to drop the matter, rather than reprimand his apprentice in front of a command crew that was already well-aware of his grating attitude, Silas simply remained silent. A gloved hand grasped tightly on Karth's robe and pulled the boy back, bringing the shorter lad up next to him; weathered eyes focusing intently on Captain Thal as she briefed them. From the datapad, an image of the missing Jedi sprang forth; and Silas was surprised as how young Master Kyza'an appeared. Judging from her reputation, he'd expected her to be more... experienced, so the sight of a rather attractive Miralukan woman in her early thirties had caught him off guard a bit. Daneira, however, was what surprised him the most. He'd brought the girl to Coruscant when she was just an infant, along with Karth, though unlike his apprentice Silas had never taken the time to monitor her progress as a youngling. De'Qora was, and had always been, the apprentice he was going to train, the apprentice he'd stake his reputation as a Jedi on. The boy's power, while untamed, was tremendous; and in Karth Silas had seen a chance for his legacy to last through the ages.

The brief ended almost as quickly as it began, and in response to the Captain's inquiry Silas stroked the light beard forming at his chin in silent thought. "It's possible their disappearance is entirely accidental, after all, from the reports I've received they did endeavor to travel to Arno spaceport during their investigation. Bellassa's a lovely planet, and a civilized one at that, but its wilderness is still rather dangerous to just about anyone." A pause, and the Jedi Master began pacing, something he'd always felt aided in achieving mental clarity. "However, it's no mere coincidence that their disappearance occurred after they unearthed signs of political tension, and during such an important month for the Bellassan senate, it's quite possible they stumbled upon something they shouldn't have. At any rate, our mission's simply to find them, not to get involved in the election, leave the bureaucracy to the bureaucrats. We'll be landing on Ussa in a matter of moments, yes?"

Thal nodded; "Yes, Master Jedi, we've already sent word to ground control and we've been cleared to land. I was instructed to tell you that Senator Gratus will be greeting you at the ship dock; he's offered whatever assistance he can lend in finding your missing Jedi."

Karth had remained silent; preferring instead to close his eyes and reach out with the Force. His physical body seemed to melt away, all that remained was the pulsations of his heart, the subtle machinations of his mind working tirelessly as he extended his reach. He felt everything then, every crewman on the ship, every bulkhead that suffered under the stress of atmospheric entry. The life force of the bustling city growing steadily in the viewport; the sheer amount of thoughts, of emotions, almost seemed to overwhelm him. To his credit he absorbed the "blow", as it were, his own consciousness joining the millions of others on the surface below; the planet laid bare to him now. Unfortunately; he could not sense any other Force signatures on the planet, none of significant size anyway. For now, the Force would be of little use in locating the missing Jedi Knights..

Message edited by Silas_Cairne - Sunday, 09 Jan 2011, 9:59 PM
Crasus_GratusDate: Thursday, 13 Jan 2011, 0:04 AM | Message # 6
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Ussa, Capital of Bellassa

Springtime on Bellassa; the trees blooming a resplendent collage of pink and white, the seven lakes of Ussa glinting brightly in the rising sun. To many, there was no more beautiful a sight in the universe, and Senator Gratus was no exception. From the air, he'd no doubt the arriving Jedi would find the city magnificent to behold; testament to the longstanding heritage and nobility of the Bellassan people. The Senatorial Plaza bustled with activity in anticipation of the Republic delegation, merchants hurried across the white-washed cobblestone streets, hoping to catch the eye of a Republic soldier looking for a trinket to take back home. The welcoming committee, consisting of eight of the planet's most prestigious delegates, watched with feigned happiness as the Republic ship began its descent. In truth, the events that had unfolded in recent weeks weighed heavy on them all; and Crasus was more relieved than anything else when the Republic had announced a second Jedi team. The toll the investigation had taken on the planet's security forces had more than exceeded the budget at this point.

As the Jedi disembarked, Crasus and his fellow Senators offered a respectful bow, to which he was pleased to see the elder Jedi returned. Surprisingly, the younger Jedi, walking several steps behind his Master, seemed either unaware or indifferent to the greeting, as his head swiveled around as if to gauge his surroundings. Fighting back a slight frown at the Jedi's rudeness, Gratus decided instead to confer with the Jedi Master. "Greetings, Master Cairne; I must say it is truly a pleasure to have you in our lovely city. How was your voyage? Not too taxing, I hope?" His voice was surprisingly light for a man as tall and as intimidating as he appeared; often he'd found himself catching an opponent off guard. Never judge a book by its cover, after all, the same held true for politicians.

Message edited by Crasus_Gratus - Thursday, 13 Jan 2011, 0:05 AM
Karth_(Padawan)Date: Friday, 21 Jan 2011, 4:27 PM | Message # 7
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Though he'd kept quiet during the descent into Ussa; Karth had found himself marveling at the resplendence and natural beauty of it all, though he'd managed to stifle his childish wonder with gritted teeth as the ship settled down in the city plaza. Silas had gone first, flanked by the Captain, with Karth following a good ten feet behind. His steps were measured, obsidian eyes scanning warily about the plaza as the common folk dispersed in their wake. Security was tight enough, and while his Master seemed tranquil and assured; Karth was far less comfortable. Two Jedi disappearing in the wake of an assassination attempt, political unrest, and as he'd surmised based on the debriefs: an expanding rift between the people and those they'd placed in office. He wouldn't have been shocked in the slightest if something happened, and he'd be damned if he were to be caught off-guard.

His attire, while atypical of a Jedi, was differed greatly from the standard dress of the planet's inhabitants. A blue vest and trousers, tucked neatly within jet-black boots and gloves; gleaming silver lightsaber resting at his belt. It was all hidden within the folds of a thick black cloak; an attempt at discretion, though it was rather half-assed, but at least his Master would notice the effort. Even as they walked and talked, he remained silent, trailing behind with the cadre of Republic soldiers following in their wake, and his gaze came to rest on the one known as Senator Gratus. He seemed a regal enough man, with a deep, authoritative voice and a gentleman's posture, though at one point Karth noticed him leaning ever-so-slightly on the arm of a colleague; a pretty young thing, Zeltron he supposed, with a shock of white hair trailing down to the V in the back of her white dress. For now, De'Qora put it out of his mind, focusing instead on the Senatorial building looming before them.

(( Edit - I'm skipping ahead to Chapter 2 so that Dani can get in on this, though I'm not sure if anyone cares really; I just wanted to avoid any potential confusion ^_^. ))

Message edited by Karth_(Padawan) - Thursday, 02 Jun 2011, 9:56 PM
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