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Cronese Mandate National News
CMNNDate: Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012, 2:43 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 3
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Cronese Miners Strike Motherload

Today reports have come in for a world in one of the many uninhabited systems of the Cronese Mandate, the world in questions, recently becoming better known as "The Miners World" was earlier reported as being worthless. It proved otherwise earlier this week, when a team of Cronese Miners came across a rock face that had been freshly sheered by a recent storm. When the sun rose the miners where able to get the first glimpse at what has since been described as "The Motherload" a massive vein of gold that scans have shown to be reaching 90 meters (295.28 feet) in some places.

When interviewed, Iso Zydri told CMNN "It was a beautiful sight to behold when the sun first rose and the gold began to shimmer. It was if we were witnessing the creation of the universe, and the eternal shining of the stars." Iso Zydri, whom had arrived on the planet with his team, was searching for Quartz to be used for industrial applications, his discovery of this new vein though has caused the price of gold to sky rocket.

Appraisers have already estimated that the vein is worth Tens of Billions of Imperial Credits. For their discovery, Iso Zydri and his team will receive 20% of the total worth of the find, a hefty sum that the foremen and his crew can retire on and live off of for the rest of their lives. A large sum has already been set aside, with 35% of it being slated to be exported to the Empire to fill the Imperial Treasury, while the remaining 45% of the vein would remain in the Markets of the Cronese Mandate, with 10% of that being placed in a gold reserve.

Heir Apparent Returns

In a private ceremony held today in the estate of the House of Cron, the Heir Apparent, Lord Robeir XXIII, was welcomed home to the Mandate today. The Heir has spent the last Three and a Half years abroad, studying first at the Sector Naval Academy, where he scored in the top 2%, allowing him to apply to the Imperial Naval Academy in which he was accepted. Lord Robeir XXIII then spent the next Two and a Half years at the Imperial Naval Academy where he scored in the top 3% and was able to receive training to join the legendary ranks of the TIE Fighters, which he reluctantly had to decline, as he wished to serve aboard the Cronese Mandate fleet. The heir apparent has since then be inducted into the 42nd Defense Wing of the Cronese Mandate Fleet, where he will be given command of a Prowler Class Corvette. When interviewed, he spoke of his experiences.

"It was a rough time in the Academy, both of them, though I know I'm better for having spent time in each. I can say that the Imperial Navy has an outstanding school system, and I've brought home a few of the things I've learned to help implement them into the schools of the Cronese Mandate" It's was clear that Lord Robeir XXIII was eager to start his first tour in the Cronese Mandate fleet as a captain of one of the first two newly christened Prowler Class Corvettes, and has a promising Naval career ahead of him.

Dictating to others, failing to help Constituents

During the Senate Session today, Senator Oriel produced a Bill that he claimed "Is to help protect the people of the Mandate." The bill in question has shown to be redundant on numerous points, and yet Senator Oriel continues to fight for the bill that would install a "New Mandate" one which would not and would never be chosen by the people of the Cronese Mandate. Senator Oriel cited that Lord Robeir XXII was "afraid of losing a good thing" and "worried that he'd lose his power," both statements which proved to be false when Lord Robeir was concerned for his people. When asked, an Aide of Lord Robeir XXII was able to comment.

"Lord Robeir XXII has his concerns over this Bill. While Senator Oriel claims it is to help the people, not a single person of the Cronese Mandate was asked for their view or opinion, nor for their support or ideas to offer for a new Mandate. It would seem for all his claiming that the Bill is for the people, he's skipped the obvious step of asking the people what they want"

It's no secret that in recent months Senator Oriel has had his own personal problems with the Cronese Mandate, yet introducing a bill that claims to be for the people and protecting them, without first asking the people of what they want, seems greatly out of place. When asked about the Bill that Senator Oriel had introduced, a judge of the Cronese Mandate legal system was quoted as saying.

"There is no shortage of personal liberties afford to the people of the Cronese Mandate, and the Imperial citizens that choose to reside and pass through the Mandate. Our laws are bound together by the Mandate Charter, drafted for the people and by the people, and modeled off of the Imperial Charter. Our people have nothing to worry about when it comes to their freedoms and protection under the law. This bill seems to be more about Senator Oriel dictating what he believes, when it appears that he should be spending more time looking to his own constituents and helping their plight, rather than claiming to help a system with a redundant bill."

One thing is clear though, Senator Oriel has been looking to other worlds, rather than spending his time seeing to the people of Vjun, a world in which only a small percentage of people are free, where the top 5% of the population rules over the rest that are either grouped into the large number of "serfs" or the few "free-men." It is clear that Senator Oriel should be looking to his own people first.

Cronese Mandate National News

Message edited by CMNN - Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012, 3:41 AM
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