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The Week's News on Brentaal and Beyond
Brentaal_Trade_NewsDate: Monday, 30 Jan 2012, 8:29 PM | Message # 1
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Outer Rim Charity Condemns "Khedive" of Sluis Sector

The Society for the Improvement of the Outer Rim, a Brentaal-based charity which counts among its members Senator Cerra of Garos, Senator Fowlkes of Telos, former Senator Veritas of Deralia, and other politicians and prominent academics and businessmen, has issued a statement critical of the "Khedive" of the Sluis sector for refusing to condemn xenophobic threats made to prospectors from Brentaal and other Human-owned businesses in the Sector. The Society's statement expressed concerns that these threats—from the Sluissi residents of Praesitlyn, as well as Sluis Van—will "discourage much-needed investment in Outer Rim sectors."

"The Sluis sector should be setting an example to all Outer Rim sectors," the statement read in part, "It should be encouraging businesses from the Core to invest in the Outer Rim to provide jobs to its people and raise the quality of life. Instead, the leader of the Sluis sector—the 'Khedive'—hasn't once condemned xenophobia and other anti-Human sentiments on his worlds."

Senator Domon of Sluis Van has requested that the Imperial Senate support the "Khedive," who is Sluissi. Drayson Lorano de Vega, the former CEO of "RimCo," headquartered on Sluis Van and the second-largest employer in the sector, told the Trade News that the Senate should think hard on Senator Domon's request. "I've worked with the 'Khedive,' he's a smart alien," Mr. Vega said, "But he appears to be using anti-Brentaal and anti-Human sentiments as an excuse to get his people behind him."

"It's very dangerous what's happening," Mr. Vega added.

Lars Tanfelt, analyst for the Trade News, explained that there is fear among the Humans of the Sluis Sector that, with Senate support, the "Khedive" will seize Human property and hand it over to his Sluissi patrons instead. "The 'Khedive' hasn't denied this is his plan," Mr. Tanfelt said, "Neither has Senator Domon, and until they answer these questions it'd be unfortunate for the Senate to support the 'Khedive.'"

Today's statement from the Society for the Improvement of the Outer Rim seemed to agree. It was signed by most of the Society's members, including Aemont Sillib, senior loan officer for the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Jamson Caglio, the Moff of the Bormea sector, Klorma Draill, holonet actress and Outer Rim improvement advocate, and others. Whether it will influence the "Khedive" to condemn the racial tension in his sector or discourage the Senate from supporting him until he does remains to be seen.

Embassy Brings Flavors of Brentaal to Cronese on Chandaar

The Cronese people of Chandaar, the capital world of the Cronese Mandate, gather each Satunda in the atrium of Brentaal's embassy in anticipation of free servings of Brentaal cuisine, popular throughout the Core Worlds and now in Cronese space, too. "I love the Vuultin stew," said one enthusiastic Cronese man, who said he was happy to stand in line for 30 or more minutes for a helping of Brentaal's famously savory, but spicy food, combining imported spices and herbs from the length of the Perlemian trade route with unique flavors of Brentaal.

"It started when the embassy staff missed the tastes of home and arranged to have it imported to Chandaar," an embassy official told the Trade News, "We offered it to the public one day as a gesture of friendship to the Cronese people, and they couldn't get enough." It was so successful, the official explained, that the embassy began serving Brentaal food every Satunda. A prominent Cronese food critic praised Brentaal—and its cuisine—and referred to the event as "a great time to bring family and friends together and share some good times and great food."

"Everyone is invited," the embassy official told the Trade News, "Men, women, and children, young and old. Even the homeless on Chandaar are welcome to a enjoy a warm meal with us."

Brentaal, Anaxes to Participate in War Games and Goodwill Tour

Brentaal has announced that it will join Anaxes and other worlds in war games in the Auril sector next month. Sir Edwin Lancaster, First Admiral of the combined Defense and Merchant Fleets of Brentaal, told reporters that Brentaal was likely to contribute its Arquetins-class cruisers to the games, but didn't say how many and wouldn't confirm or deny that Brentaal's flagship, the Vindicator-class cruiser Regal, would also participate.

The war games, Sir Edwin said, are meant "to strengthen command and coordination between the fleets of Brentaal and Anaxes," and, he added, "to keep our boys sharp." The games are expected to focus on blockade tactics, with which Brentaal's fleet is familiar—with Brentaal at the intersection of the Perlemian trade route and the Hydian Way, the most traveled hyperspace routes in the galaxy, its fleet is experienced in interdiction.

Brentaal's fleet will also embark on a "goodwill tour" of the planets on its journey to the Auril sector, parading the green and gold to Brentaal's trading partners on the Perlemian trade route, including stops at Chandrila and Ralltiir . After the war games, the fleet will traverse Cronese Mandate space on its way to Lianna in the Allied Tion sector and, from there, back home. Sir Edwin told reporters he expected it to be "good fun and a good show."

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