Akku had indeed signed a contract with Jerome Twist, though in some ways it was like signing a deal with the devil; a devil of a worker, that was. From the start, Twist's mercenaries and the local mercenaries did not get along. While the locals were there to 'protect Twist and his work crew from other locals,' Twist and his construction company went out of their way to learn to local language, when possible with time permitting, and also went out of their way to contribute extra food, candies and all manner of things hard to find on Abregado-san due to it's recent civil war, to children and families of the local populace. Their hired-on security provided by Akku was given nothing extra, which lessened their protectorate status in the eyes of the locals, while Twist's own hired guns made off-color remarks about the ability of the localized mercenaries when other people were around.
With the foundation set, Twist's work crews set in with massive construction and labor droids, beginning in the capital city, or what was left of it, and six other major sites around the planet, all the while sowing good cheer and good, sturdy buildings that they assured anyone who asked would be for the betterment of the world. Hospital-style facilities, schoolhouses, playgrounds, all such things were progressing nicely under the watchful eye of Jerome Twist.Added (04 Apr 2012, 2:17 PM)
Problems continued to abound in certain cities; frequently after Twist himself visited them on his rounds before returning to the capitol to oversee the primary work. Where he went, jokes were often made on the local security forces and hired-on mercenaries, and they were scorned by his own mercenaries and workers. To balance this, though, food and luxury items were freely shared amongst the locals. This led to no little amount of animosity between Twist's work crews and mercenaries and the Abregado-san mercenaries hired by Akku, largely on the part of the local hirelings, which in turn, began to lead to verbal altercations and fist fights. Several brawls between the mercenary companies, and local mercenaries and Twist's work crews landed people on both sides in the medical bays, or in the case of the locals, the closest thing they could find to such. Obviously, Twist's men were better fed and taken care of, as opposed to Abregado-san's likely underfed and probably underpaid mercenaries.
While this continued, Twist himself, watching all, so to speak, kept on watching as the buildings slowly began to rise from the ground.
Added (08 Apr 2012, 7:58 AM)
The unthinkable had finally happened, or at least in in part the unthinkable. In a fit of anger and jealousy, two of the Abregado-san mercenaries had been caught by a local town trying to sabotage Twist's equipment. This would not have necessarily been a bad thing in and of itself, but Twist's people and the work they were doing made the locals beloved of them, and as Abregado-san was primitive in some ways, the punishment was swift and harsh. Both men were dragged before the local magistrate and sentenced to be hung; the execution was carried out before anyone of Twist's group, or indeed, the Abregado-san mercenaries could counter it. Violence was a way of life on Abregado-san, it seemed, and it was a continuing factor. When the mercenaries found out that two of their number had been so callously hung and in the name of foreigners, they decided to counter in their own way.
While Twist's work crew in that town looked on in horror, a dozen heavily armed Abregado-san mercenaries moved through the streets, mowing down men, women and children in an act of senseless vengeance and brutality. Twist's work crew should have done more than simply stand there, though, for some of the mercenaries, faulting Twist and his crew as strangers and the cause of all their new problems, turned their weapons on the outsiders. As Twist's work crew in that town fled, many were killed as they ran, but then the mercenaries Twist had hired on responded in kind, firing upon the Abregado-san mercenaries and their fire was joined by that of the locals who were armed and saw Twist's people defending their homes.
Added (13 Apr 2012, 5:04 PM)
The situation was quickly devolving into something very ugly. From the village where the massacre occurred, word spread quickly, and localized Abregado-san militia would begin to be scorned as some waged a guerrilla campaign against Twist's men and mercenary forces in revenge for their slain comrades. In response, Twist brought in yet more mercenaries from off-world to protect his workers. Under constant threat and suffering from machine sabotage, Twist even turned to the locals, whom he continued to help in an effort to improve their quality of life. He pleaded with them to assist him, citing the fact that Akku, the supposed leader of the planet, was taking no steps to protect the men with whom he'd made a contract and, in fact, had hired the mercenaries who had slaughtered innocents in the first place.
Despite misgivings by some of the locals, many were swayed by Twist's pleas, and informed his own security forces of where Abregado-san militia and mercenaries were in hiding, or in ambush. A brutal campaign was being waged on Abregado-san as locals sided with the militias or with Twist's helpful forces. Throughout it all, Twist and his workers continued their dangerous task of building for the people of Abregado-san.
Added (22 Apr 2012, 8:12 AM)
The current reigning Abregado-san government had fallen under fire, so to speak, from both sides. The majority of the planet seemed to be divided into a progressive faction, those that sided with Twist, who'd become somewhat of a reluctant figurehead, and the those who were the removal faction, who supported removing Twist, his forces and work crews, and returning Abregado-san to how it had been, without any change. The current government, for lack of siding with one group or another, had been all but cast aside as guerrilla warfare reigned. Twist's new buildings that had been under construction had come under attack, and in turn, Twist opened his coffers and hired on more mercenaries and funded more locals to back him. Rare was the day when some of Twist's hired-on folks did not fly patrols overhead in Z-95 Headhunters or R-41 Starchasers. The removal faction, fortunately, did not have any aircraft, nor the funding to do more than conduct guerrilla raids. It seemed to many who supported Twist, that making the man planetary governor was the next step to finalize his ability to make peace.
Added (16 May 2012, 0:20 AM)
And the day finally arrived; eighty-five percent of the population backed Twist as the new planetary governor. His promises to help keep the peace had been made good on; to be sure, the guerrilla raids did continue, but they were less frequent, and Twist, being a good and honest man, had many of the Abregado-san natives who were competent and worthy of the positions placed as members of the government and cabinet; men and women he could trust to build a new future for Abregado-san. The betterment of the entire world was at stake, after all, and Abregado-san could only be transformed by the work of its people, with Twist's help and monetary assistance, as well as continued support. For now, Twist had ordered the construction of respectable government offices that would be capable of housing the new democratic regime's working officials.