The Hapan refugees who had escaped the clutches of the Empire had settled with their new friends on the world of Durace, within the Durace System. However, despite their ability to colonize the world, which had been markedly difficult and wracked with many setbacks, they'd made themselves a home. Now, though, in the time since the colonization, they'd opted to explore their surroundings. The Unknown Regions were, by and large, as the name implied, rather unknown. However, some of their allies had knowledge of the pathways between the worlds and as such, the Hapans of the Independent Hapan Nation began to send out small scouting parties. Granted, it would be a timely process before they had much fully mapped out, but the Hapan were quite determined in this endeavor.Added (04 Sep 2012, 9:33 AM)
The Hapans had not met with many successful results in their scouting. Oh, there were plenty of worlds, but nobody had seemed rather friendly, and the scouting parties had worked very hard to cover their tracks back to their home; something they'd been successful in doing so far. Thanks to their newfound allies, they were able to have greater knowledge of the Unknown Regions. The Chiss, certainly, were to be avoided at all costs, and there was no need to cause trouble with such a powerful faction. Beyond that, they simply continued to scout and map worlds.
Added (08 Sep 2012, 5:11 PM)
The Hapans had held some limited success it contact now within a few places. They'd come across a nomadic species within the Osseriton System. They'd pointed the Hapans in two other directions of exploration: the Umaren'k System and the Carrivar System. Both of these systems would be explored at length, and soon as well. Much as Da'shune did not want to leave his world undefended, he was sending the Nova cruisers out more and more often as opposed to relying on fighter patrols.