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To Trandosha
TsskDate: Friday, 15 Mar 2013, 12:10 PM | Message # 31
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The ship would be fired on again and again until it was blasted into parts but with such a low yield that despite the hull being blasted apart no systems would be necessarily destroyed. The concussion of the blasts would destroy any people left in the ruins, not to mention the all consuming blasts of heat and plasma.

Alyn would be scanned for trackers as Tssk stood infront of him, waiting for him to return to full consciousness and twisting a claw down into his gaping wound in the Leg. "Sssssstark?" he would say as a blood transfusion was brought in for Alyn, along with some small briquettes of drug that were (predictably) intended for Alyn. Along with a load of another drug (a vital suppressor useful to put someone deep under) which lay across the room.

"How're you feeling? My Doctorsss tell me you'll lossse the feetss"

The severed but cleaned fingers would be used to leave prints on a Padawan's lightsaber taken in battle many years back (after it had been cleansed to assure no Trandoshan DNA was on it) and enough DNA would be left to indicate it had been in Alyn's possession.


War Chief of Trandosha
Brood Chief of the Red Skull Clan
Bounty Hunter (Guild Member)
Noted Hunter of Wookiees
"Aoacwo coaoohurcrrwo ooww orraoaacahrcacoo" - "The Scourge of Kachirho"
Alyn_StarkDate: Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 10:02 AM | Message # 32
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A turbolaser's low power setting, so to speak, would do more damage to an already cracked open freighter than would be assumed. While the men inside were dead from the initial blast, computer systems were slagged beyond recovery, Stark's small pistol armory was melted into a fused ball and partially evaporated and anything within that could have been of true importance save for hull that was blackened and charred was more or less eradicated. The hold itself had been empty, as a search of the wreckage would provide, but even the expensive agrocite crystals were destroyed. The repeated and unnecessary blasts with their all consuming heat and plasma had even destroyed the upgraded hyperdrive. If the Trandoshan intent had been to salvage parts, all they had now was scrap.

Stark came fully awake with a loud groan, twisting in his restraints as he tried to focus. Finally, his gaze settled upon Tssk. "I would say your doctors are fools then, or just inept. It isn't too late for you, Tssk. You let me free and there is money in it for you. Keep on this path and I won't envy what will happen. Even if you kill me, things in motion stay in motion."

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
TsskDate: Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 12:47 PM | Message # 33
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From the scan they had naturally removed anything technological from about his person, especially communicators or trackers.

"My Doctorsssss are butcherssss Mr Ssstark, butchersss..." Tssk said twisting a claw sadistically. "This was about a ssssimple ransssom... But you mussst ssseee that Itsss not ranssssom anymore..?" he gave a jab into a vein causing a little more blood to well out "Itsss excsssexution, disssgrace and dessstruction of you. Ssssixty witnessses tesstify to you trying to asssault me in peaceful banqueting hall.. By rightssss you sssshould be dead already Sssstark... but there is an disssposition you humansss call... ssssadism, ssseeing you ssssuffer isss worth many creditsss. Perhapsss when your frame isss so dissstorted and disssfigured you can't ssspeak or think, no eyesss, no gonadsss, nothing, then you may die... But while you can ssssuffer, you will.. Poor... credulousss Alyn Ssstark. You ssspeak of money, Sssstark knows the price of everything.. and the value.. of nothing. Tssk knowsss the value of.. ssssuffering."

Tssk tired of goring the man idly in his wound and licked his razor sharp claw clean. "Isss there anything you wisssh to say, Lasssssst of Houssse Sssstark? Or do you eagerly embrace the endlesss tormentsss my torturers have devisssed for you? Poor Sssstupid Sssstubborn Sssstark."

A few items to be later named were scattered across the ruin of the ship by lackeys. Before the Turbolaser fired one last extremely low powered burst to scatter them about and damage and destroy some, to give the impression a few had survived the ruins of the ship.


War Chief of Trandosha
Brood Chief of the Red Skull Clan
Bounty Hunter (Guild Member)
Noted Hunter of Wookiees
"Aoacwo coaoohurcrrwo ooww orraoaacahrcacoo" - "The Scourge of Kachirho"
Alyn_StarkDate: Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 2:12 PM | Message # 34
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Gritting his teeth, Stark held eye contact with Tssk, even as tunnel vision and unconsciousness neared once again. "Sixty witnesses to you trying to blackmail me, War Chief. But they're yours so it matters not. I know every sentient has a price. So either stop toying and name it or do as you will. I didn't come all this way to bandy words with you, Tssk." Closing his eyes, Stark took a deep breath and steeled himself for what would come.

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
TsskDate: Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 2:25 PM | Message # 35
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A medical droid slid a needle of tranquilizer into Stark's arm, rendering him dissociated and semi conscious. Everything around him would be a blur of images and mental projections as the drug took effect in seconds, the next innovation was the connection of a blood transfusion to his lower leg, a transfusion of blood enriched with enriched quantities of Midichlorions which would help keep him alive (if not endow him with force powers). Following this, as Stark began to sink into dissociation a dose of Bota was prepared by the droid and added to his IV as Stark would become insensible, limp but perhaps able to hear some of the noises and sounds around him.

The whirring sound of a circular saw blade would begin, Stark's vision unable to see or focus anything but choppy sensory input would mean he was unable to know what direction the rotating filthy blade was in, nor where it was intended for.


War Chief of Trandosha
Brood Chief of the Red Skull Clan
Bounty Hunter (Guild Member)
Noted Hunter of Wookiees
"Aoacwo coaoohurcrrwo ooww orraoaacahrcacoo" - "The Scourge of Kachirho"

Message edited by Tssk - Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 2:25 PM
Alyn_StarkDate: Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 2:43 PM | Message # 36
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And so it continued. Though what Tssk might not know, and likely wouldn't for some time, was that Stark was mildly allergic to bota.

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)

Message edited by Alyn_Stark - Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 2:44 PM
TsskDate: Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 2:53 PM | Message # 37
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That was fairly irrelevant really. He'd either go into Anaphylaxis and die if it was severe (especially since he was sedated) or he would survive and have to take 5mg of "Man the F up" later on. Allergies don't stop a drug working, he would be given a hefty dose of the drug, indeed extremely high to fill his blood with the level which would resemble that of one who was a regular user of the filthy chem.

The sedative being administered was also an antihistamine (common in several groups of sedatives) and so the release of histamine would be minor if occurring at all. Around fourty five minutes later, the Imperial Judge would likely begin to rap on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat. Tssk would have left as the first needle went in, losing interest in the schemes of his Muun advisor and having no patience for medicine.


War Chief of Trandosha
Brood Chief of the Red Skull Clan
Bounty Hunter (Guild Member)
Noted Hunter of Wookiees
"Aoacwo coaoohurcrrwo ooww orraoaacahrcacoo" - "The Scourge of Kachirho"
Argus_MyjectorDate: Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 3:01 PM | Message # 38
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The medical droid would open the door as the Imperial Magistrate swept in wearing his full robes, accompanied by his Clerk in a neat uniform, a guttersnipe saved from the streets of Imperial Center, trading his chastity for a life of dignity and respect in the Imperial Legal institution. Waiting outside was a freighter Captain Myjector was owed several rather large favours from.

The Clerk named Simms carried a box with him, it was an item they used often to check Jedi convicts and indentured labourers to check they posed no risk to the Empire (since they were the sole two Imperial officials in the system it had been issued by the highest level of authorities to prevent force sensitive Wookiees causing trouble of Kashyyyk when supplied to Imperial labour camps. Yes indeed, it was a state of the art Force Detector. Myjector turned curtly to the droid, flicking on an on-off switch on an evidence recorder to record the droid's answer "Medical droid, please state Lord Alyn Stark's blood midichlorion level." the Droid took a needle and dabbed Stark in the arm with it to take a drop before putting it in a processing unit "Your Honour, Lord Alyn Stark is showing a blood midichlorion level of 5,500. He also appears to be under the influence of the drug Bota, but I am unaware of it's use" after taking the droid's reply he clicked off the recording as they prepared the Force Detector.

The Honourable Argus Myjector
Imperial Justice for the Kashyyyk System
Branded by Wookiee Media "Enslaver Myjector"
Owner of Jonex Mining Company Ltd. used mostly for tax avoidance.
Alyn_StarkDate: Sunday, 17 Mar 2013, 3:56 PM | Message # 39
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Stark was unconscious for the visit, but his body was covered in a number of small rashes, barely kept at bay by the drugs. His reaction was not fatal, but simply that he broke out badly in external rashes when he took bota. Obviously the judge nor the Trandoshans were likely to care.

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
TsskDate: Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013, 2:06 AM | Message # 40
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Tssk had wondered off and so was not present at this time. The antihistamines would have suppressed all rashes as they "inhibit the action of histamine by blocking it from attaching to histamine receptors; or it may inhibit the enzymatic activity of histidine decarboxylase, catalyzing the transformation of histidine into histamine" ergo no rashes or skin disturbances etc, especially as the antihistamine had been administered prior to the administration of the Bota.


War Chief of Trandosha
Brood Chief of the Red Skull Clan
Bounty Hunter (Guild Member)
Noted Hunter of Wookiees
"Aoacwo coaoohurcrrwo ooww orraoaacahrcacoo" - "The Scourge of Kachirho"
Malos_YhemnDate: Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013, 2:11 AM | Message # 41
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Malos Yhemn
Alyn_StarkDate: Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013, 2:12 AM | Message # 42
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( Oops. Delete the above and then skip. )

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
Argus_MyjectorDate: Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013, 2:40 AM | Message # 43
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The Force detector paddles were put in place alongside Alyn Stark, and reliably hummed into action, a holographic representation of Alyn Stark appearing on its display, followed by it turning a light shade of blue, indicating force sensitivity. The Judge shook his head regretfully, Tssk's allegations had been proven by the most scientific method available to the Empire and so he shook his head, calling in the merchant captain "This man is a force user and a traitor, Gentlemen." he took Alyn Stark's thumb and inked it with a small pad and then applied it to the will that he had produced "It is only right that his assets should largely devolve to the Empire, you saw his thumbprint placed on this will, did you not?"

"This, Gentlemen, is Justice. Such as it can be applied, Stark comes from a family of dissidents and despite his loud protestations had been repeatedly involved in questionable dealings. This is Justice, this is what is right, he is fully conscious and signed this of his own free will after dictating it earlier, his seeming unconsciousness is rather a catatonic state he seems to be falsifying due to his immense guilt at his crimes."

Having been pre-programmed to do so, the droid subtly injected a delayed action vital suppressor into the system of Alyn Stark, to take effect in ten minutes and render him to all intents and purposes essentially dead for a day or so.

As the Imperial party left, a Doctor entered to perform treatment on Stark, blowing air between his teeth. "Sawbones" Magruder was a bluff Dantooinian with a basic understanding of Doctorin' he gained via an apprenticeship and awarding of a MD via a rather judicious use of stimulants to pass his medical exams. "Bonesaw please Droid" he said as he began to excise part of Alyn Stark's legs, considering them to be too badly damaged by the blaster bolt and clawing to save, removing the left leg at the Knee and cauterizing it, and the right just above the ankle.

Just as this first phase of surgery was completed, Alyn Stark's vitals began to drop, the Doctor did all he could but due to scant resources didn't have the CNS stimulants required to boost it back up. As such Alyn Stark's official death would be recorded and notarized by the Doctor at 16:43. The Medical droid would be quickly sanitized and have its memory replaced that evening. The two legs detached would be cooked and eaten, the fingers vaporized in a medical sanitizer. The leg and foot bones remaining after the feast by his shooters would be returned to Tssk, who would have the tooth-marked leg bones cleaned of all remaining flesh or blood material with a medical sanitizer and packed in a small coffin to be repatriated to his homeworld, white clean bones in a velvet box.

The rest of Alyn Stark's "body" would be loaded aboard the ship of Tssk's financial advisor and be shipped elsewhere aboard his ship for further revenge to be taken, with the official line being he had been eaten and the majority of the carcass having been jettisoned with the trash (which would burn up upon re-entry to the Trandoshan atmosphere, with the claim being that Tssk had made a great deal of effort to gain the corpse back from the warrior who's honour it was to have it.

Traces of Alyn Stark's biomatter in the room where he was shot, and in the medical lab were removed via normal sanitation procedure so that not a drop was left.

The Honourable Argus Myjector
Imperial Justice for the Kashyyyk System
Branded by Wookiee Media "Enslaver Myjector"
Owner of Jonex Mining Company Ltd. used mostly for tax avoidance.
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