People can join if they'd wish, I just want my own resistance group against the empire, and what not. I'd like to request a small group of 15.
5 Well trained soldiers. One Cathar, One Trandoshan, One Wookiee. and the last two human.
3 Engineers. One of them Gran. The other two sullustan.
2 Sniper's One Rodian, the other Bothan.
3 Medics. Two Ithorian. One Twi'lek.
2 Mechanics, One Aqualish, the other Human.
Cathar's Nick Name: Lion-O
Wookiee's Nick Name: Carpet.
Trandoshan's Nick Name: Scaley
Human's Nick Name: Tick, Rick, and Flick.
Gran's Nick Name: Flat Foot
Sullustan's Nick Name: Jowel.
Rodian's Nick Name: Snout.
Bothan's Nick Name: Hound Dog
Ithorian's Nick Name: Neck, and Two Throat.
Twi'lek's Nick Name: Bones.
Aqualish's Nick Name: Eyes.
A bit of a story of how they met. We'll just say, amongst Baird's travels across the galaxies, fighting off the empire, and separatist holdouts, he met them, they dedicated their life to helping him.
And if possible, They'd be equipped with around the same gear Isez has. Or something like it.