For whatever reason, I neglected to mention in my last request, which included a space station at Yag'Dhul, that I'd also like to request that Brentaal have a somewhat close diplomatic relationship and very close commercial relationship with the Givin Domain, the governing authority of Yag'Dhul. I'll develop this more over the course of the RP, but what I'd like to establish here first is Yag'Dhul's economy having been entangled in Brentaal's so that there exists a condition in which Brentaal's businesses are a significant employer of Givins on Yag'Dhul and, additionally, investors from Brentaal possess much of the planet's shipping rights, mining rights, etc. This would be the result of a subtle campaign of state-encouraged business dealings on Yag'Dhul over the course of the last decade since the end of the Clone Wars, intended to bring about a circumstance in which Yag'Dhul is incentivized to comply with Brentaal's wishes (to place a space station there, for instance) and accept it as a significant player in Givin politics, economics, etc.
By and large, this would be a mostly commercially beneficial arrangement for Yag'Dhul that most Givin tend to support, though some might see Yag'Dhul's inseparability from Brentaal as a long-term threat to the planet's fiscal independence and self-sufficiency. The arrangement is of some commercial benefit to Brentaal as well, but is more valuable to Brentaal insofar as it allows them to project and also protect their interests in a key region of space both economically and militarily.
I did intend this to be in the prior request. I'm surprised I forgot it, but here it is.Added (29 Nov 2011, 2:16 AM)
I didn't want to load the request with too much information, but the relationship would also be strengthened through emphasis on cultural similarities, for instance in the shared aptitude of the Givin and Brentaalis for astrogation. Despite these gestures, however, most Brentaalis will remain as humanocentric as one would expect them to be in this era, with grumblings about Givin duplicity and calculation, etc. Though the campaign would be successful, ironcially, in improving the image of Brentaal among the Givin.