General Ministry Senator Relief Bill
In our law, we have no requirements that our members of the General Ministry, should they be chosen out of the Senate, be relieved of their Senate seats when they are selected for service as a Minister. A prime example is Leia Organa-Solo who served for many years as Minister of State and also as Senator of Alderaan. In my mind, with no disrespect towards the currently relieved Chief of Sate, this presents a conflict of interest. Should a Senator become opposed to the current administration, they can use their position as a Minister to work against the Administration...and while this is of course possible to happen still, I believe lack of Senate membership will drastically decrease this possibility. Also, the same Senator could use their Ministery position to benefit themselves in the Senate or their allies...thus providing an open means to corruption within some of our most vital offices. This can not be allowed.
Thus, I am proposing; following acceptance of nomination and confirmation by the Senate and upon assuming office, any member of the Senate that assumes a position as a Minister of the New Republic General Ministry, as well as the position of First Administrator, is hereby required to relieve themselves of their Senate seat immediatly, with a replacement delegate serving out the rest of their term, chosen by whatever means the applicable constituency has.