Skirmish at Manaan
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Captain_Holt | Date: Monday, 05 Jan 2009, 9:09 PM | Message # 1 |
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| ACCLAMATOR-CLASS CRUISER "BEAUMONT" PYRSHAK SYSTEM, NEAR MANAAN It began simply; without explanation, Holt had ordered the Beaumont (the eldest ship in his fleet) to be willfully abandoned at the edge of the Pyrshak system, with its distress beacon activated. It was a cold, empty and insignificant location, far removed from the nearest of civilization - Manaan, an oceanic world which was itself of little significance. Laconic as usual, Holt had said only that battle was imminent, and had instructed his fleet to ready itself; that the rebellion's "Second Battle Fleet" would arrive in short order. Presently, the Star Destroyer Magnum and her accompanying vessels sat just outside sensor range of the the Beaumont, and positioned so as to be effectively invisible against the glare of the local star, Pyrshak. The ambush was set, and Captain Holt stood stoically on the Magnum's bridge, his arms across his chest as he gazed out the forward viewport with his back to the crew. Nearly an hour had passed, whereupon Wenzel Thatch, Holt's grey haired (but often naive) Lieutenant and confidant, approached. "I'm still not sure I understand, Sir," he said softly, standing beside his Captain and joining him in glancing upon the distant bait, "Why should we suspect that the rebel fleet is here in this system? Or in this sector, for that matter?" "Prostitutes," Holt answered without pause, his gaze never leaving the viewport. Thatch looked at him suddenly, seeming to think that the Captain must have been joking, if not for the severe, matter-of-fact tone in which he'd said it. Despite the fact that Holt's methods often seemed unusual to Thatch, the Lieutenant had learned long ago not to question his judgment, and had had his faith in the man redeemed time and again with countless victories. But still, prostitutes? "I don't understand," he managed after a moment's contemplation. "You will."
Captain Gordon Holt Star Destroyer Magnum
Message edited by Captain_Holt - Wednesday, 01 Apr 2009, 11:41 AM |
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Treslar | Date: Monday, 05 Jan 2009, 9:16 PM | Message # 2 |
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Messages: 27
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| Vice Admiral Treslar sat behind the desk in his quarters aboard the Immutable, which (though no two Calamari cruisers were exactly alike) bore a close resemblance to Home One, the flagship of the New Republic fleet. The differences, however, were only cosmetic; Immutable packed every bit as much firepower as her counterpart, and was just as fearsome in battle. But not today; the radiance of hyperspace filled Treslar's quarters with a dull blue, as his fleet continued on toward its destination. The Vice Admiral, having just finished inspecting the fleet's manifest, shut off the datapad on his desk and leaned back in his seat, loosening the collar of his navy white uniform. He glanced thoughtfully about the room, allowing the blue glow from the viewport and the high humidity in his quarters remind him of the warm depths of his homeworld, Dac (or "Mon Calamari" in Basic). His eyes were closed meditatively when a knock was heard upon his door. "Come in," he answered. The door slid open, and a young Ensign stepped inside, offering a casual salute to his superior. At least, he looked young as far as Treslar could tell from his human features. "Good morning, Admiral," he said respectfully, pulling a datapad from beneath his arm as he approached the desk. "We've detected a distress signal from an area of space due Galactic North of Manaan, Sir. The vessel identifies itself as an Acclamator-class, and an older one at that." Treslar leaned forward in his seat and accepted the datapad from the Ensign. "Don't see many of these about," he said contemplatively, "I suppose it'd be well suited as a barge though, commercial and the like. Do they say what the trouble is?" The Ensign shook his head, "Unspecified engine trouble, but it's designated 'urgent.' The Arbiter has volunteered to investigate the signal, Sir, since it isn't far from our current flight path." "Of course," Treslar said, nodding after a moment's consideration. He returned the datapad, "Have the Peacekeeper go with them; there's no sense in taking chances. Besides, Captain Tarand's something of an exhibitionist. He's a good man and a fine officer, but I'd just as soon he doesn't handle this assignment on his own. At least, not yet." "Yes, Sir." The Vice Admiral nodded in approval to the Ensign, who turned to leave the room. * * * Two sleek, gunmetal forms appeared from hyperspace not far from the Beaumont, their durasteel hulls glinting from the sun (with the exception of the red markings which identified them respectively as vessels of the New Republic defense fleet). The Arbiter, a Corellian corvette, and the Peacekeeper, a gunship, sailed noiselessly toward the third, disabled Acclamator. Captain Tarand, a blonde haired human who sported a pair of sideburns most likely exceeding regulation, sat in his chair on the bridge of the Arbiter, glancing from the forward viewport to his communications officer. "Anything?" he asked, perhaps prematurely. "No response yet, Captain," came the answer, "We're not detecting any life signs; it's possible they might have abandoned ship, but we'll keep hailing them." "Good good," Tarand said with a crisp nod, returning his glance out the viewport at the Beaumont, which appeared larger by the moment. "Continue on this heading," he announced, "Let's get in a bit closer, and see just what we've got here. Forward our course to the Peacekeeper, as well. Double blind formation, and keep on the comm." "Aye, aye."
Treslar Captain of the MC-30c frigate Tarsus Valorum Ruusan Reformation League Former Captain of the Guard, City of Mon Ubris
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Captain_Holt | Date: Monday, 05 Jan 2009, 9:22 PM | Message # 3 |
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Messages: 31
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| Holt could not rightly be described as a handsome man; his was a cold, stern face which seemed always to carry with it an expression of contempt, and his gaze was quiet, but severe, suggesting an intensity - a rage, even - that seethed endlessly within him, and was restrained only by some constant, tenuous effort on his part. It was an effort that slowly greyed his hair and weathered his features with each passing day, but still, one could observe by his typically unkempt hair that the Captain did not much care for his appearance. He was a man with a singular purpose, who denied himself any sort of gratuity or pleasure in life; and yet, when the New Republic vessels had fallen into the ambush, Lieutenant Thatch thought he glimpsed the vaguest hint of a smile on Holt's face. But of course, any such expression (if it had happened at all) quickly disappeared. "All ahead full," he ordered, quietly, but with a sort of lusty, murderous intent in his voice. As the Magnum's mighty, sublight engines rumbled to life, there was heard a sudden cheer on the bridge from a crew that had waited far too long to engage the Rebels in battle once more. Holt paid it no mind, "I want Ardent V and Leonidas in strike formation on the starboard flank," he said. "Targeting solutions on the rebel ships, concentrated fire; start with the gunship, then the corvette. Ready the tractor beam if need be, and open fire as soon as we're within effective range." The orders were followed by a cascade of enthusiastic "Yes, Sir"'s, as the New Republic vessels appeared closer by the moment. Wenzel Thatch lowered his pair of electrobinoculars and shook his head, "Well, you've done it. They're from the second fleet alright, delivered right to us, but I still don't understand how you knew." "The so called New Republic hasn't the slightest notion on how properly to police this galaxy, Wenzel," Holt said contemptuously, even lamentably as he continued to glare at the rebel ships, watching closely their movements as his Imperial ships drew nearer. "This fleet has been patrolling what they call 'Thunder Alley' for months; their politicians boast of this fact so they can feel as though they earn their salaries. The rebel fleet was last seen at Antar, was it not? And Denon, the week before that. From Antar, the nearest port of any consequence is at Contruum, and from that it isn't so difficult to estimate their flight path." "But Sir," Thatch rejoined him, skeptically, "We're nowhere near Contruum, or Antar for that matter. If what you say is true, then this couldn't possibly be their flight path." Holt diverted his gaze away from viewport at last, to glance momentarily - and mischieviously - at Thatch, before glancing back at their prey once again. "As I said, Lieutenant, their fleet has been on patrol for months. Surely their crews are in need of shore leave; rest and relaxation, and certain other pleasures. Zeltros, Wenzel. That planet has a reputation for the finest prostitutes in the galaxy, in fact they're reputed to have perfected it to an art form. There are men aboard those rebel ships; misguided and hopelessly, intellectually corrupted, but men nonetheless." He nodded at the Arbiter and Peacekeeper, as if in affirmation, "They're going to Zeltros, even if it means burning several metric tons of fuel unnecessarily." "But more importantly," he continued, "They're tired, weary, finished." A brilliant green hue filled the bridge, as the first turbolasers lanced out at their targets. Thatch could only shake his head in amazement, as he watched the battle begin to unfold.
Captain Gordon Holt Star Destroyer Magnum
Message edited by Captain_Holt - Wednesday, 01 Apr 2009, 11:42 AM |
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Treslar | Date: Monday, 05 Jan 2009, 9:27 PM | Message # 4 |
Group: Users
Messages: 27
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| "Captain!" shouted the sensors officer on the cramped bridge of the Arbiter, the alarm in his voice being matched only by the sudden blaring of klaxons throughout the ship. "Inbound capital ships from sector 12; they're Imperial, Sir! We have two, no, three vessels approaching at over 50 MGLT and closing fast!" Captain Tarand hesitated, staring at the sensors officer in disbelief, then turning to squint out the viewport, raising one arm to shield his eyes from the glare of the local sun. Even from this distance, he could see the menacing, daggar-shaped silhouette of at least one Imperial Star Destroyer, with even more ships in close pursuit and Force-only-knows how many more hidden outside of sensor range. Is this some kind of drill? he asked himself, and instantly regretted it. Don't be an idiot, and don't lose your nerve! You're ready for this! It's just like the simulations. Of course, what Tarand didn't seem to remember (or rather, had never truly learned) is that his instructors at the New Republic Fleet Academy had called him "brash," "overzealous," and "impulsive" in his simulations. "Sir," the comms officer announced, maintaining a measured, professional demeanor despite his obvious anxiety, "Peacekeeper has identified two of the ships; an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer and a Strike-class cruiser. We're reading the third as an Imperial II. Sir, Captain Valen has concluded that we're outmatched, and suggests we fall back to Zeltros and rendezvous with the rest of the fleet to arrange a counter-offensive." "Fall back?" Tarand said in disbelief, as if those two words were the only ones he'd heard. He planted his hands defiantly on his hips in a swashbuckling gesture that (combined with the sideburns) the Arbiter's crew always found irritating, even more so now. "This is our chance, Ensign! We missed all the great battles of the war, but now we've got them right where we want them. Send a message to the fleet; 'Have encountered Imperial task force, engaging, request reinforcement, over.'" "Sir," the Ensign hesitated, but then dutifully relayed the message with noticeable reluctance. "Good good," Tarand said sternly, as he hastily (and furiously) attempted to button the collar of his uniform, "Come about 40 degrees to starboard; I want us facing these Imps straight on, and move us closer to that old Acclamator, we can use it for cover if need be. Divert power to forward shields, and raise Valen on the comm; I want Peacekeeper covering our left flank." He wiped a bead of sudden perspiration from his forehead, then nodded resolutely out the viewport, "Sound the general alarm! All hands to battlestations!" * * * By the time the Magnum, Ardent V, and Leonidas had entered within firing range only moments later, the Arbiter and Peacekeeper were ready, but only just. The two ships sat on either side of the Beaumont, both facing the approaching Imperial craft with their shields raised and their weapons (or at least, most of them) primed. The Arbiter, under Captain Tarand's direction, opened fire on the Magnum too early, its red tinged lasers glancing harmlessly off the larger vessel's shields as it fast approached. The heavily-armed Peacekeeper, however, under the command of the more seasoned (albeit reluctant) Captain Valen, waited until its targeting solutions on the slow-moving Strike cruiser Leonidas were meticulously finalized, and then unleashed a deadly salvo of thirty concussion missiles, along with an array of indiscriminate turbolaser and quad laser fire at both the Leonidas and Ardent V, intended to weaken both vessel's shields in preparation for its next missile strike. The first shots were exchanged, and the battle had begun.
Treslar Captain of the MC-30c frigate Tarsus Valorum Ruusan Reformation League Former Captain of the Guard, City of Mon Ubris
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Captain_Holt | Date: Monday, 19 Jan 2009, 3:15 PM | Message # 5 |
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Messages: 31
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| Undeterred, the Magnum steamed toward the hapless Arbiter, and mere seconds later, was upon its flank, starboard to starboard (and slowing just enough that Holt's gunners could ready their aim for maximum effect). The order to "Open fire!" was announced, and all at once began a punishing broadside of luminescent, green turbolaser fire, as over 30 batteries unleashed upon the smaller, and apparently motionless corvette. The Magnum's massive ion cannons joined in the fusillade, as the Star Destroyer completed its pass and disappeared behind the Arbiter as quickly as it had come. The total effect would torment the corvette's shields (if not collapse them completely, and inflict resulting damage to the ship's hull), and the tremendous ion blasts would no doubt cause havoc to the ship's navigation, sensors, communications and life support. For its part, the Magnum would be relatively undamaged from the engagement; its shields were directed to starboard (rather than to the bow, as were the Arbiter's), and the corvette's modest weaponry would be unlikely to breach them. Never slowing down, the Magnum would turn gently to starboard, circling around the perimeter of the battle and rounding the Beaumont in anticipation of its next broadside to the distracted Rebel gunship, the Peacekeeper. The Leonidas, however, would not fare as well as her commandship had. The Strike cruiser's formidable array of turbolaser batteries opened fire upon the bow of the Peacekeeper as soon as it had come within range, but not before the latter's missile volley impacted its shields. For one, perilous moment, the entire cruiser seemed to be only a bright, white glow as its shields strained under the punishment, but ultimately (barely) held firm. The Star Destroyer Ardent V, which had previously been dividing its fire between the two Rebel ships, now turned lazily to starboard, ignoring the damaged Arbiter and concentrating instead on the much more potent Peacekeeper. Leonidas' shields would not likely survive another volley like that one, but it wouldn't have to assuming the Magnum would be successful in creeping upon the Rebel gunship's flank, as it would imminently.
Captain Gordon Holt Star Destroyer Magnum
Message edited by Captain_Holt - Wednesday, 01 Apr 2009, 11:42 AM |
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Treslar | Date: Saturday, 07 Mar 2009, 3:37 PM | Message # 6 |
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Messages: 27
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| Captain Valen was in a difficult position; his apprehension had been grimly vindicated when Tarand's Arbiter was shot all to hell in one volley, and as Valen noted from the bridge of the Peacekeepr the Arbiter drifting helplessly amid a thin, white cloud of frozen, vented oxygen, he knew simultaneously that the battle was already lost, but that he could not simply abandon Tarand to certain (and probably deserved) destruction. Any hesitation that Valen had, however, quickly disappeared as the approaching Leonidas and Ardent V's shadows were cast upon the Peacekeeper, darkening the gunship's bridge but for its interior lighting and the teal glow of the ship's forward shields laboring under the turbolaser barrage. "Sir!" announced the logistics officer, a boy who, it occurred to Valen, was too young for this (and indeed, it was probably his first time in combat), "Direct hits reported on the strike cruiser! We're reading their shields at 11%. Another round and we've got them! Should we prepare to fire, Sir?" "Our own shields?" Valen asked, feeling the Peacekeeper's deck begin to rumble under his feet at the punishment from both the Leonidas and now the combined fire of Ardent V as well. The gunship's shields were directed forward to best deflect the approaching ships, but they would only hold for so long. On the other hand, knocking out that strike cruiser would be a major obstacle out of the way. "84 percent, Sir. 81 percent.. 80. They're holding steady, Captain." "Alright, hold position and prepare to open.. wait," Valen interrupted himself, his gaze darting back at the Arbiter, "Where's the other one? The other Star Destroyer?" He had assumed that the Magnum would come about for another run against Tarand, but the corvette still drifted alone, and its assailant was nowhere to be seen. Valen searched his memory of the last few seconds, retracing the Magnum's course and suddenly realizing what was about to happen even before the sensors officer announced: "It's coming around behind us, Sir! Moving in at..." "Hard to starboard!" Valen shouted, "I want engines to full, and even shield displacement now! Take us down fifty meters, we'll use the Acclamator as cover." At least Tarand had one good idea, Valen thought as the Peacekeeper lunged forth, veering down and to the right and disappearing beneath the Beaumont, so as to shield it from the Leonidas and Ardent V. The gunship would enter into a long, starboard arc, so that it and the Magnum would be essentially circling each other at a distance; but Valen had the advantage of speed and maneuverability, and so Holt would be left with the decision to continue to pursue her (and end up with the Peacekeeper behind the Magnum) or break off the chase.
Treslar Captain of the MC-30c frigate Tarsus Valorum Ruusan Reformation League Former Captain of the Guard, City of Mon Ubris
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Captain_Holt | Date: Wednesday, 01 Apr 2009, 9:22 PM | Message # 7 |
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| If only Holt were so easily fooled. He had, in fact, anticipated Valen's maneuver insofar as it was his only real alternative to being imminently destroyed (other than retreat, an option that Rebels generally considered only when their cowardice had overruled their blind sentimentality). So this Rebel was of the latter persuasion, Holt reasoned as he watched the gunship accelerate to starboard in its expected attempt to encircle the Magnum. No matter, the Magnum was ready. "Inertial compensators to 99 percent," Holt announced methodically, the confidence in his voice radiating calm to—and willing obedience from—the bridge crew, even as the Peacekeeper appeared from beneath the Acclamator and seemed to gain on them. "Stay the engines," the Captain continued, ordering the Magnum to a sudden and complete stop. "Come about afore of the gunship; bring us bow to bow, and we'll meet them head on. Instruct the gunners to adjust their targeting solutions and fire at will as soon as within effective range, and alert the crew to prepare for missile impact." The Magnum, now at a halt, turned to face down the Peacekeeper head on just as it completed its arc and approached the Star Destroyer at an unreasonable. In seconds, it would close upon the Magnum and be subject to the full, combined fury of its entire turbolaser (and ion cannon) loadout, all brought to bear at once upon the imminently unfortunate gunship. Holt anticipated some damage from Valen's expected missile barrage, but as always, he wasn't terribly concerned.
Captain Gordon Holt Star Destroyer Magnum
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Treslar | Date: Thursday, 09 Apr 2009, 6:24 PM | Message # 8 |
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| The antiseptic white corridors of the Immutable were filled with the sound of boots clanking purposefully on the durasteel floor, as Treslar and his command staff—assembling around him by the moment—strode toward the bridge. The Vice Admiral had been informed of the transmission recieved from Captain Valen just moments ago, and had ordered the fleet (nearly at Zeltros, a good twenty minutes away from the ambush site) to drop out of hyperspace and form up for the imminent reinforcement of their two, beleaguered vessels. "... and forward the data to the Admiralty," Treslar continued, speaking to an Ensign walking beside him. "I want Emancipation to lead beta group, and inform Captain Qarl he's with Emancipation. The Indomitable is with us. Get on it, now." The Ensign disappeared as he went to relay the orders, just as Treslar and his company arrived on Immutable's spacious bridge, where the crew was already assembled and at work. Outside the viewport, the blue radiance of hyperspace that Treslar had found so relaxing only moments earlier was distorted, condensed, and became the familiar black of space. Beyond the cruiser could be seen the rest of the fleet forming into its separate attack groups, some of whom more sluggishly than others (which the Vice Admiral noted, for later reference). The fleet was expecting shore leave, not another fight. Hopefully this wouldn't be long, and hopefully Tarand and Valen would hold their own. The fleet, having formed up and set coordinates, disappeared back into hyperspace. * * * This is not going well, Valen noted to himself—while berating himself for making such an obvious observation—as he watched his adversary come about and face the Peacekeeper head on, a maneuver he hadn't expected. There was a remarkable silence on the bridge; the sound of hope destroyed, as this gunship might well imminently be. What were the odds of surviving a direct attack on an Imperial Star Destroyer? He wondered, having heard it somewhere before but long since forgotten. No doubt it was one in a very large number, but Valen had no choice. "Shields front. All gunners prepare to fire on my mark," he said solemnly, ignoring a bead of sweat on his forehead as he watched the Magnum fast approach. He saw it all quite clearly; each menacing turret down to the black of its barrel. "Mark." The Peacekeeper opened up with everything it had. Seven double turbolaser cannons, six quad laser cannons, and all four of its concussion missile launchers. In 45 seconds, the frigate would have unloaded all 90 of its remaining missiles which, along with the hail of laser fire, would prove a menacing sight to the Magnum. Of note, more than a few of the missiles were directed to the Star Destroyer's bridge. Even if the Peacekeeper went down, Valen reasoned, she could still take as many Imperials with it as possible. He watched the dizzying array of light outside the viewport, holding his breath.
Treslar Captain of the MC-30c frigate Tarsus Valorum Ruusan Reformation League Former Captain of the Guard, City of Mon Ubris
Message edited by Vice_Admiral_Treslar - Thursday, 09 Apr 2009, 6:24 PM |
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Captain_Holt | Date: Tuesday, 02 Jun 2009, 4:33 PM | Message # 9 |
Group: Users
Messages: 31
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| (( In the interest of finishing up this thread, we're autoing the following outcome: the Arbiter and Peacekeeper are destroyed, with all hands. The Magnum is significantly damaged, and must spend a month under repair at Yaga Minor. The Magnum and the rest of the Imperal ships leave before the Republic fleet arrives, narrowly. ))
Captain Gordon Holt Star Destroyer Magnum
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