Senate Rotunda
Office of Senator Cul-utaan Forte Memorandum for: Eli Fitzgerald
Chief of State
Subject: Acherin Blockade
Security: Classified
Chief Fitzgerald... after review of the official standing of the Acherin Resolution, and looking into the standing Acherin blockade... by galactic law, the Acherin Blockade, maintained by the militias of Brentaal and Neimoidia alongside the security forces of the IMC, is illegal. If I may bring your attention to the official results, the Acherin Resolution demands through the final vote, that a diplomatic effort be made, and should that and all else fail, that military force by the NRDF be used to enforce the resolution.
Never did it call upon anyone but the New Republic, and the NRDF, to enforce the resolution. The deployment of the forces of Brentaal, Neimoidia, and the IMC are a violation of the resolution that the Senate voted on and thus became law, and a violation of the standing planetary armed forces laws. These illegal acts must be punished... no matter who perpetrates them.
Thus, I am calling upon you to issue the immediate temporary suspensions of Senator Cambrist, Senator Kruus, and Representative Bo'Var... and following that, an immediate investigation must be launched to discover what has occured thus far at Acherin, and develop a full list of charges for those who have been involved, including the delegates. We can not allow our Senate to become corrupt like that of the old.