MEMO TO DANTOOINE HOUSING AND BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Subject: Purchasing "Sandral Spice Cafe" This agreement (Titled Deed for "Sandral Spice Cafe") is between Miles Kolbrun of Coruscant and Anatoly Sandral of Dantooine listed at XXX.XXX Crescent under clause 42a of the Dantooine real estate guideline for the purchase of the "Sandral Spice Cafe" at XXX. SECURITY The sum of 65,000 credits has been deposited to the Intergalactic Banking Clan as a down payment on the purchase of the "Sandral Spice Cafe." The guarantor has registered and collected payment for the aforementioned property. "AS-IS" CONDITION It is herein accepted that the property is to be sold "as is" to the buyer, and that the seller and buyer have mutually agreed to the value of the property and its condition. RISK OF LOSS INSURANCE Insurance is listed to cover the property up to 3,250,000 credits in the event of fire, water, electrical, or laser damage. WITNESS Nikolai Sandral BUYER Miles Kolbrun SELLER Anatoly Sandral This Claim officially lists that the property ("Sandral Spice Cafe") has transferred ownership from the above mentioned persons. (( OOC: Zeril, you'll have to tell me what the "X"'s mean one of these days, so I know what I'm talking about. lol. ))
Miles Kolbrun