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The Druckenwell Thesis
MaliusKyNomiDate: Wednesday, 15 Apr 2009, 1:22 PM | Message # 1
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    “I understand Ambassador Lipost, but alas there is little that I can do,” Malius sighed, his scaled lips pursed together in momentary consternation as he tried to understand what the good Ambassador was trying to say. Rodians were so difficult to understand at the best of times, and Fyor Lipost was one of them. In total, the assemblage consisted of 10 diplomats and 1 Jedi Master; which coincided with the request by the good Ambassador Novak whom had requested no more than two Jedi, but had similarly failed to specify how many non-Jedi were permitted. Malius smiled at that thought, knowing that he had found a loop-hole around some Sith words; though why it made him happy was most unbecoming of a Jedi Master.

    “I would be inclined to agree with you that it is a good thing that the good Ambassador was not admitted to the New Republic Senate because of the simple notion that he’s a Sith—but I say this as a Jedi, and not because I have some reservation of Sith.” A lie, but Malius liked to think that he could see past the basic animosity that most held for the Sith. Still, with such a powerful past, and knowing that their order was raised in rebellion to his own, the Jedi Master had some reservations of his own.

    ~ Final approach, please belt in Sir’s ~

    Malius waved away the pesky diplomat and moved for his seat, securing the harness around his shoulders as it locked in place; the hydraulics kicking in and fastening the harness more securely. Fyor sat next to him, chirping the entire time about how he hated flying. The Jedi smiled, listening to the PA system as it relayed the pilots commands to ground control.

    ~ Ground control; Ground control, this is flight FI-453-CG34-DASH-1. Registered vessel is the Reciprocity arriving in Druckenwell system; date logged in navicomputer. We’re coming in at vector 4-4-1 by 7-7-2 and are requesting landing confirmation for the spaceport acknowledged. ~

    Malius inhaled, holding the breath in his lungs as he calmed his body and his emotions. Then he took the plunge, and soon—he would face the Sith.

Malius Ky-Nomi
Jedi Master (Councilmen)
Jedi Order

Message edited by MaliusKyNomi - Wednesday, 15 Apr 2009, 1:26 PM
Rath-DeschainDate: Wednesday, 15 Apr 2009, 4:08 PM | Message # 2
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][ Shattered Heel - Orbiting Druckenwell - Druckenwell System - Doldur Sector - Mid Rim ][

The massive profile of the Shattered Heel would greet the diplomats and the single Jedi from where it floated near Druckenwell's solitary shipyard; a silent guardian that was immobile and darkly brooding all at once. The former red lines marking it as a Republic vessel had been recently stripped away; repainted in black to represent Novak's own colors for the time being. In the shipyard nearby, the Glory was undergoing modifications, effectively placing it out of action for the time being. The Nightwatch, one of two surviving Acclamator I type vessels, was the only moving vessel in Druckenwell's orbit. The Hand of Truth was apparently missing, though the Jedi and diplomats would not necessarily know this.

Ground control; Ground control, this is flight FI-453-CG34-DASH-1. Registered vessel is the Reciprocity arriving in Druckenwell system; date logged in navicomputer. We’re coming in at vector 4-4-1 by 7-7-2 and are requesting landing confirmation for the spaceport acknowledged.

Druckenwell's flight control command, located within the capitol (though not including subsidiaries in smaller cities that held spaceports) were the primary response center for all calls that came in and out of the system. Of course, Druckenwell wasn't really busy at the moment, other than coordinating the landing of what would seem to be large numbers of Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters and Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors into various planetary hangars.

New Republic vessel Reciprocity, this is Druckenwell System Control. Reading your approach vector as good. Continue on course; you are cleared to land in bay 651. Welcome to Druckenwell.


Messages were often relayed quickly, and it was Novak who was one of the first to hear of the arrival of the New Republic's investigation team. Smiling to himself as he straightened his clothing that was newly donned, Novak approached a table in his quarters that held his accouterments. The lanvarok slid up his right wrist and was tightened down, hidden under the sleeves of his robe. The double-bladed lightsaber was left behind, as was one of the curved-hilt variant. The second took its place at his belt, gleaming faintly. So, he was ready to meet those who had been sent to test him. Novak drew the Force around him, drinking in deeply for a long moment before letting the shroud go.

"Rajek... it would be well to keep you hidden for now. Take your ship to the Shattered Heel. I will call upon you if I need your assistance."

Turning to depart his quarters, Novak let the droid slip from his mind. The dance was beginning. Once this simple test was passed, it would be an easy matter to begin shipping BlasTech items to the New Republic. He had every intention of honoring his promise, after all, of making the citizens of Druckenwell wealthier. He just never stated quite fully how he intended to do it.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor

Message edited by Ashikage - Friday, 17 Apr 2009, 10:27 AM
MaliusKyNomiDate: Monday, 20 Apr 2009, 4:40 PM | Message # 3
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“We’ll remain here until summoned for sir, and until then—best of luck,” the New Republic pilot saluted to the Jedi Master, then turned to the other dignitaries and did similar. Taking his leave, the other diplomats would circle around Malius, each of them briefly asking what to expect. For Malius, the answer was quite simple, he did not know. A Sithlord was not something Malius had ever had to face—since the dawn of the Empire, the Sithlords had always been Darth Vader, and Darth Sidious, and with their defeat, exactly what to expect was not something up for debate. Especially a Sithlord as old as this one, he thought dryly.

The dignitaries and Malius were guided into the anteroom where they would be meeting with the Dark Lord, and all of them fanned out casually to examine the contours and designs of the lustrous chamber. Refreshments were undoubtedly presented, but beyond that they were left mostly to themselves.

Malius refused both drink and curiosity, instead standing near the door with his hands tucked within their opposing sleeves, his head bowed low as he allowed the force to guide his visions of this place. Druckenwell was not an inherently dark place, yet he could sense the sinister presence of Jericho Novak. Not bowing to the subtle itch in his shoulder blades as to a possible trap, the Jedi Master expanded his own presence, letting the light of his aura fill the very chambers. Although not visible to the naked eye, it was sure to draw the attention of the Dark Lord—signaling their arrival. Then again, he undoubtedly knew.

Malius Ky-Nomi
Jedi Master (Councilmen)
Jedi Order
Rath-DeschainDate: Monday, 20 Apr 2009, 5:21 PM | Message # 4
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][ Anteroom - Druckenwell Capitol Building - Druckenwell ][

Novak paused outside the closed doors to the anteroom, a small smile spreading across his lips. The touch of the Light filled the room beyond. For a half-moment, Novak was quite tempted to draw deeply upon the Force and bend it towards darkening the room. Restraint. Restraint would prove useful in this setting. It was not likely to be a young, impressionable Jedi who had been sent to meet with him. No, it was likely an older Jedi; experienced, less trusting. Less hotheaded as well, unfortunately. Possible thoughts of verbally baiting a Jedi into attacking him went out of his mind. It was still too young in time to do anything less than submit, an action that galled him.

With a small wave of his left hand, the doors opened slowly on the anteroom chamber, allowing him entrance to where the diplomats, mere sentient beings, in Novak's eyes, and the Jedi (the true challenge) awaited. True, there was a massive chamber that groaned under the weight of food and drink that had been prepared for the visiting members of the New Republic. Indeed, all was in order, down to Druckenwell's militia, of which Novak had been recently recruiting more of. Likely as not, this Jedi and his delegates would wish to know about such.

With the Jedi's closeness to the door, he was the one whom Jericho spotted first. Entering fully, allowing the doors to close behind him, Novak bowed low; first to the dignitaries, then to the Jedi. "Welcome, emissaries of the New Republic. Welcome, Master Jedi. Druckenwell is happy to receive you this day. I am happy to receive you this day as well. Senator Ryuun sends his best wishes and apologizes for his absence. He has gone to Coruscant to assist in resolving this... debacle... at Acherin. As such, I stand for him as Minister of Defense while he is away. Be welcome. Feel at home."

Moving past the Jedi, he walked close enough by so that the bottoms of his robes might just brush against those of the other being's. There was no love lost between himself and Jedi, regardless of his feelings towards the New Republic. The second lightsaber he carried had once belonged to a former Jedi who was no longer.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
MaliusKyNomiDate: Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009, 7:04 PM | Message # 5
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“Indeed,” was Malius’ only reply. Schooled in the art of remaining passive in the face of outright insolence, Malius betrayed none of the sudden hatred that one would normally feel to be brushed aside so casually—and to the infringement of personal space that this Sith seemed so intent to deliver. As a matter of face, no hatred, nor anger, nor irritation formed in his mind. Preoccupied as he was, Malius had schooled his thoughts to the current task at hand—and was instead curious as to what traps the Jedi Master would run into.

“I am Jedi Master Malius Ky-Nomi of the Jedi Order. You stated no more than two from the Order were permitted to come, and in the interest of mutual cooperation, the Order has agreed to send just one. Thank you for your hospitality, it is greatly appreciated for our short stay here.” Malius’ gaze made a quick inventory of the weapons and articles of clothing he wore. Doubtless there was a weapon concealed, or perhaps all weapons, but those which were visible (even for a brief time) would be noted in the Jedi Masters mind.

“You spoke of a mutual understanding... The Order is interested in understanding. May I broker a question to you?”

Malius Ky-Nomi
Jedi Master (Councilmen)
Jedi Order
Rath-DeschainDate: Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009, 10:41 PM | Message # 6
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"Well Master Ky-Nomi, I didn't expect your stay here to be very long. I'm sure with what is going on elsewhere you don't have much time to waste on minor issues such as I am. I am happy to hear the Jedi Order are open to talking."

Novak smiled slightly as he glanced Ky-Nomi over. The Jedi struck him as old. That didn't mean the Council had sent an expendable member, of course. Master Yoda had been quite old, and he'd nearly done for Tyranus. No, this Master had to be watched carefully; tiptoed around even. Novak was not so full of pride that he could not admit there were those who knew more than he about the Force. Things would change, in that regard. Once he was able to free some time up, a trip to Korriban would aid him greatly.

"By all means, Master Ky-Nomi, ask your question. I wished a Jedi here so that I could be frank, not conceal things. Trust is especially important in these times. When the Jedi were purged, it gave way to far too many darksiders. The fall of the Sith has done the same, so I have no room for anything but honesty."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
LaurentSancartierDate: Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009, 11:26 PM | Message # 7
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Message edited by LaurentSancartier - Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009, 11:30 PM
MaliusKyNomiDate: Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009, 11:31 PM | Message # 8
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"The fall of the Sith has done what? Given way to far too many lightsiders?" Malius nodded grimly, clearly not revealing any of his emotions on the issue of darksiders. Though it was easy to tell that Malius himself was a follower of the Jedi Order of old, at least in theory. He paused a second, contemplating the best way to broach the situation before he spoke. Once ready, he started.

"Why come forward? What can you hope to accomplish by informing the Jedi of your stature as a Sith? More importantly, what can you hope to gain with your supposed humanitarian efforts to domesticate darksiders to New Republic law?" It seemed ridiculous, that a sadistic and tainting thing such as the darkside could be manifested within an individual and controlled. The Force was not something to control, and indeed the more you attempted to control it, the more you were controlled. The difference was the allure. Where the Jedi sought to be one with the force, the Sith sought to make the force one with it. Both bowed to the infinite wisdom of the force, but one was led, the other deceived. Both were equally controlled.

Malius Ky-Nomi
Jedi Master (Councilmen)
Jedi Order
Rath-DeschainDate: Thursday, 23 Apr 2009, 0:24 AM | Message # 9
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Novak laughed at Ky-Nomi's initial response, ignoring the delegates who looked their way at the initial outburst of noise. "No, no, my dear Master Ky-Nomi. Quite the opposite, in fact. The breaking of the Sith Order has caused just as many darksiders running amok as the breaking of the Jedi Order did. It's an unfortunate truth I've had to come across since I emerged into this strange new galaxy.

"You see, these darksiders are little more than children. Children with enough brains to dazzle regular sentient beings with gaudy displays of Force. Children with enough brains to craft a lightsaber or steal or buy one. Unlike us, however, they are not masters of our profession.

"What is it we do, then, in which we share the same aspect? We both wish to safeguard the galaxy from the issues that arise. We just do it in different ways. You ask me, what was my purpose by informing the Jedi Council? What do I have to gain? I ask you this in turn: what do I have to lose? The days when a Jedi could simply arrest a Sith are long over. The Council can hardly imprison me for a few Jedi and soldiers killed in the Clone Wars. By proclaiming what I am, I have shown honesty and that I am willig to not hide behind false shields.

"When the Council takes and trains younglings, they do it in an effort to strengthen their numbers, while also safeguarding the galaxy against possible threats. The Remnant is a threat, broke as it might be. My intention, as I will openly state and I have stated, is to create a Sith Order. Oh, there will be differences between us and the Jedi Order, of course. However, it will clear up most of the random darksiders who are plaguing your civilized worlds. Instead, the Jedi and Sith will work together to rid the galaxy of the Remnant."

Smiling slightly, Novak spread his hands. "I'm sure many of the Jedi will not like it... yet there is no law against it. The New Republic will gain Sith-trained frontline soldiers to fight in tandem with the Jedi as guardians of the galaxy. This is a Sith Order that cannot be cut with a lightsaber, nor quelled with the Force. Why? Because it is one that follows the laws, rules and restrictions of the Senate, exactly the same as the Jedi have put forth."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
MaliusKyNomiDate: Saturday, 25 Apr 2009, 2:03 PM | Message # 10
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Malius’ brows furrowed, and his lips were pursed tightly together as he considered what the Sith had just said. Safeguard the Republic he thought to himself, though more of what he dwelled upon rested in the words different ways and what it truly meant.

“The very theology of the Sith Order is one of Order and Control. I would attest that Order and Control do not coincide with Democracy, and Harmony. If there is a Chaos to the galaxy, then it is the living harmony of the galaxy to which the Jedi exist, and the justice and democracy. How can an Order built up struggle, conflict, and for lack of a better word ‘survival of the fittest’ possibly survive within a government or system that believes in equality, not egality?”

Malius Ky-Nomi
Jedi Master (Councilmen)
Jedi Order
Rath-DeschainDate: Saturday, 25 Apr 2009, 6:33 PM | Message # 11
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Sighing slightly, Novak shook his head. The Jedi still judged, understandably though, off of past transgressions that had been committed by the Sith. This Ky-Nomi must be an old hardliner who was unwilling to see that things did indeed change when required to do so. The old principles of the Sith, at least on the surface, could not be allowed to remain as they had once been.

"Times change all things, Master Ky-Nomi. The New Sith Order will be founded much like the Jedi Order. Instead of answering to a council, they will answer to me. Within the Order, power and control and survival of the fittest will be paramount... yet outside it, we will follow the laws and rules of the New Republic.

"This is no grouping of delegates and ambassadors as the Jedi are. These are frontline soldiers, trained to make war. We will protect the New Republic with the Force and with lightsaber, quite alike to any soldier at present. You see... the New Republic does not tell the Jedi how to run their organization and trai their own. The New Republic has no call to tell me how to train or run my Order. As long as we obey the law, we are completely within reason."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
MaliusKyNomiDate: Friday, 29 May 2009, 2:16 PM | Message # 12
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One of the delegates spoke up, “if you would pardon the question good sir, but isn’t it true that terrorist groups are not recognized within the New Republic? We would no more have the Scorpions of Terror Humanitarian and Dantooine Fund recognized as we would a Sith Order. The very premise of an organization that has been bent on the conquering or destruction of the Republic and the democratic system is a basis for the assertion that such an organization should be either not allowed, or quarantined from admittance.”

Malius glanced back at the man, thinking thoughtfully before his eyes wavered to Darth Novak again (for a Darth he was). “There is also the mention of the dark arts being banned from Jedi teachings, and that the mandate for Jedi to apprehend and ‘redeem’ darksiders was something that the Republic sponsored. You must forgive me,” Malius paused, his right hand beckoning to the delegate who had posed the question, “but I too would be slightly uneasy thinking of a group proclaiming themselves to be Sith and following Sith doctrine—for I am led to believe that the teachings of the Sith is tantamount to what you hope to accomplish by creating this New Sith Order—would indeed present nothing more than a threat to the Republic, insofar that the threat is that the Sith themselves are counter balance (at least historically) of the Jedi.” Malius was unaware as to the true Sith, only of those Darksiders that had infested the Sith planet and taken over there people, adopting their traditions based upon the darkside of the force. Then again, had it not been for those outsiders, it was safe to say that the Sith system only worked in primitive society...

Malius Ky-Nomi
Jedi Master (Councilmen)
Jedi Order
Rath-DeschainDate: Sunday, 31 May 2009, 2:22 AM | Message # 13
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With a small, faintly amused yet not mocking smile on his face, Novak turned to address the delegate first. He gave a slight sigh as he began, assuming the expression of one who had many trials placed upon his shoulders.

"What you bring up is an excellent point, sir. No terrorist group should be allowed to threaten the safety and security of the New Republic. It strikes me, therefore, that it is not my organization that bothers you so much as the name behind it, unless I am mistaken. Then again, it may be for all intents and purposes that should I change the name to the Coalition of Fluffy Tauntaun Riders, you would still be suspicious of me and my motives.

Turning slightly, Novak spread his arms to address both the delegates and the Jedi Master.

"Hear me out, please. Master Ky-nomi, you say the Jedi wish to 'redeem' and 'rehabilitate' those who use less desirable methods and who don't strictly follow their philosophy. To me, that seems like a breach of liberty and free will. This is no terrorist organization I am trying to create. This is simply another military wing I am adding to the New Republic. I invited you all here to see this and I have no fear in stating what I believe. Let the Jedi be seen as the ambassadors and diplomats of the the New Republic. Let them carry the message of peace and fellowship. On the other side, let my New Sith Order be the edge that decisively strikes at the Imperial Remnant. Why should good men and women die if they do not have to? For every squad of troopers sent against an Imperial world, how many will die? Now, weigh the odds of survival of even a group of moderately Force-trained soldiers. You all must see the odds improve greatly.

"My teachings are different from that of the old Sith Order. Too long has the name of Sith been spat upon and seen as a blight. I want to redeem it. There is nothing to say here that a name makes a group into terrorists or into usurpers of the government."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
MaliusKyNomiDate: Thursday, 04 Jun 2009, 10:17 AM | Message # 14
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"The Republic condemns and restricts the construction of Death Stars, this is a breach of liberty and free will (namely free enterprise) but is justifiable through the notwithstanding clause of the constitution. Irregardless, the very real threat that the Dark Side poses, not simply to the galaxy, but to the individual, is something that cannot be overlooked. Enough with the banter, for we both know that neither will budge on the issue. You are commited to validating the purpose of your New Sith Order, and I am commited to ensuring no darksider ever threatens this Republic, nor the galaxy at large. Instead, let us focus on another aspect on this debate--you stated," the other delegates essentially served no purpose any longer--but Malius had invited them in to be the eyes and ears of the Republic in this instance, to hear about the founding principles and desires to this new Sith Order. Indeed, shock troopers and warriors of the Republic would be one of the many words written down--and a gungho (and for lack of a better word texan style) leader like "airstrike" Fitzgerald might find the idea appealing, Malius did not. He continued, "you stated... That you had teachings different from those of the Old Sith Order. How so?" Indeed Malius was -not- old enough to have uncovered the teachings of the Old Order, and he had not lived to see a functioning Sith Order, so his information was sparse in this field. Ashame that Echuu had fallen to the darkside--he was by far the most knowledgable on such events.

Malius Ky-Nomi
Jedi Master (Councilmen)
Jedi Order
Rath-DeschainDate: Thursday, 04 Jun 2009, 6:19 PM | Message # 15
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The smile on Novak's face this time was much more genuine than those he had offered to the Jedi Master to this point. It was one thing to simply say that they differed on important points and continue arguing. It was the mark of a good debater that Ky-Nomi could move on to a new issue. It would be slightly frustrating to try and explain the tenets of Novak's beliefs as the sentient was not actually in the order. Of course, this difficulty would prove itself to any outside the order.

"To paraphrase some of the common knowledge on the Old Sith, one line from the Sith Code states 'through victory, my chains are broken.' These chains can be seen as the restrictions upon any being, Sith or not, that prevents them from achieving their full potential, power or, most importantly, their destiny. The Sith of old believed that, should such a being exist, they would be able to break the entire Sith structure as it was known and be capable of anything. Nothing could stand in the way of this being, who would be called Sith'ari.

"The Sith'ari has already come though, if you are familiar with the tale of Darth Bane. I have no desire to try and remake the Sith as he did. Instead, I simply wish to adapt what is already there to a better purpose. Soldiers in every military have contests of strength and skill to see who is better and improve themselves. The Sith simply take it to a further degree. Besides, there is no need for another war between Jedi and Sith. If I truly wanted control of everything, I could have just as easily launched this proposal to the Remnant. They would have jumped at the chance to have Sith warriors fighting for them. Instead, I bring it to the New Republic in the hope that I can actually help."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
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