Memorandum for: Eli Fitzgerald
Chief of State, the New Republic
Subject: Probable Tribal Discord at Endor
Classification: Secret (CTX-Directive), Medium Priority Sir, we're recieving reports of some urgency from the University of Sanbra (which maintains a compound on Endor, and conducts various studies of the ecology, etc.) that there is mounting evidence of severe tribal conflicts on the moon. Of course, this wouldn't ordinarily concern us, but this conflict seems to be more intense than typical disagreements between Ewok tribes, and based on information from our observation posts, there's reason to believe that there may be outside interference; namely, one of the tribes, apparently the aggressor, is conspicuously well armed with blaster technology, and their tactics are, reportedly, considerably more ferocious than one would expect.
The University, and also the New Holstice Humane Society, also keep a close watch on potential poaching at Endor (and so do we, for that matter, since the moon falls under the aegis of Operation Flotsam), and we've recieved reports of an increased number of "tourists," probable mercenaries, venturing into the woods and, in one instance, flying their own transport in defiance of protected airspace. NRI suspects that this incident is related to the tribal conflicts, although at this point we've not been able to identify the vessel, or the mercenaries. With your permission, Sir, we'd like to investigate this matter more closely.