Victor Mallix
Star Yacht Indelible
Jaemus System
Dear Sir,
I am very concerned at the turns of events at Acherin in recent days, rumours of abandoning worlds to the New Republic and even worse talk of crippling the economy to produce more and more ships.
I saw Jaron Park in his final days as head of the New Imperial Order, he had become a chronic onanist, wracked by a liquid stomach, sitting in his personal quarters with doors locked, messages of worlds seceding coming in heaping humiliation every day. A most shameful specemine of a man, the last time I saw him he was fleeing his quarters in one of his wifes dresses holding a bottle of some liquid and his bodyguards boot.
Thus disspeared Jaron Park, the leader of a once powerful Imperial Remnant.
And now, unfortunaly, I do see paralels between the begining of the end of the New Imperial Order (the assault on Vjun being very similar to the assault on Acherin), while I do not suggest any such humiliation will befall you as head of the Alignment, I would caution you against hybris, lest Duma bring you low.
We must act on a policy of fortifying our worlds, especially Eriadu and the economic capitals. [/u]We cannot afford to produce massive numbers of Warships, nor do we have the manpower to. I would advise looking into cheaper methods of defense, such as defense platforms and on-planet bunkers etc, rather than expecting to raise a mighty fleet.
What other projects will need funding? Do we wish to raise a larger army or fleet.
If you are not able to publically disclose the losses at Acherin, perhaps you would in private so I may attempt to calculate replacement costs and times; and more importantly to calculate if we can continue a war with the NR and expect to win with current forces.
In lighter news, economic growth has continued to rise and we project 2% growth this year despite the galactic economic situation.
Victor Mallix
Victor Mallix
Director of Economics