A Soiree at Deralia
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Rath-Deschain | Date: Friday, 10 Jul 2009, 2:10 PM | Message # 16 |
Colonel general
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| Dalamar's response to the Neimoidian vessel was cut short as he received a rather brief message from an automated delivery system. It would seem that there was nothing Druckenwell could do for Deralia at this point. Already aimed outsystem, the Hand of Truth accelerated and then jumped to hyperspace, leaving the Neimoidian fleet and the planet behind.
Rath Deschain High Inquisitor
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Lucius_Aurelius | Date: Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009, 0:01 AM | Message # 17 |
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| Captain Drescher had a decision to make. Slowly, her ship was being destroyed, but they had a duty to stay and fight, in the name of Deralia and all her free people that were faced with oppression. She sat in her command chair, watching the displays as the superior enemy force took them down. It was unfortunate how the NIO had turn Deralia into what it was. In the old days, before the Empire came along, the previous Deralian military, the Self-Defense Force, could of took on a force like this with ease. She remembered her parents serving in the DSDF when she was a child, and although she went to the Imperial Academy and ended up joining the Imperial Navy, she had ended up in the Provisional Armed Forces, the successor. She soon reached a point where a decision had to be made, one way or another. She did the calculations, and estimated they had five minutes before the ship was destroyed. After a moment of though, she acted. "All hands, abandon ship, and head for the surface. Set weapons on auto-fire with defensive perameters engaged. Set for all power to be poured into Weapons and Shields once escape pods are deployed." she ordered. These actions would give the ship even more time to fight, allowing them solid time to get to the surface. Within a minute, the changes were made, following which the command crew and herself went into their escape pods, and along with the rest of the crew, were blasted out from the Dreadnaught. The pods travelled directly away for one kilometer before swinging towards the planet. Commander Vyyrnus proceeded to prepare his crew to do the same delaying action. Although he would prefer to have turned his guns on the enemy fighters and rip them to shreds, he knew why they had to do what they were doing. They needed to survive, and fight their warrior spirit and predatory instincts. And thus, the Golan II awaited the inevitable enemy attack. Meanwhile, on the surface, the troops manned the defensives, which were a system of trenches extending from an earthen wall at Mtihra and the city walls at Imperial City, all still sitting under the protection of the shield. A no man's land had been set up, with mines of all types and claymores, dotting the land for one hundred yards. Within the Command Center, Admiral Hacket spoke. "General Oraka, are all our Special Operations assetts active?" he asked. The General nodded, and answered. "Yes, our last men were just mobilized." he said. The two were interrupted by Tirkan, who approached the two military leaders. "Gentlemen...it appears our guests from Druckenwell aren't coming, afterall. Special Operations is hereby released from High Value Escort..." he said, walking away. The man was solemn, calm, and in someways, depressed. They had never seen him like this, and the change was slightly frightening from how he was a few minutes ago. The two turned to each other, and nodded. Hackett however, spoke first. "Send the Commandos to Raven's Gate. Contact the Monks, and see if they can't work with us to get the natives to assist us in defending the city. Send out a message to all population centers, that local governments are hereby authorized to form militia units, under the command of their military liason." he said to Oraka, who nodded and walked off the relay the orders. In truth, Tirkan felt betrayed. Druckenwell came to them with this treaty, offered aid, and then fled from the battle. 'Cowards...' he though to himself. The treaty was now null byt his view, and the rest of the leadership, unless Druckenwell ships began dropping into the situation, and fast. With the New Republic stonewalling them, and the CSA unwilling to risk all-out war being dropped upon them for interferring, they were truely all alone in the night...
Governor Lucius Aurelius Deralia
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Simon_Levi | Date: Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009, 0:15 AM | Message # 18 |
Major general
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Messages: 395
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| All assembled on the Kruus watched the light show before them as the distant Druckenwell ship fled and the Dreadnought's sheilds flickered out, its sheild generators exploding spectacularly, filling the void with searing plasma. After this a dozen turbolasers struck its rear quarters before the gunnery system switched to pure turbolasers, blowing much of the dorsal engine housing away and shorting out all propulsion. The deep within his armoured catacoomb Ictood Kruus roared his discontent and pure rage at being cheated of honourable combat with the Druckenwell ship. He would launch pursuit, but for now he had his priority of destroying the deralian defenses, he instructed a number of focus and calm drugs to be injected before taking a moment to recollect himself, synchronising the firing of the final crippling turbolaser volley with the press of the button. Now the vessel was dead in the water, he fired a few extra ion blasts to make sure it wasn't going anywhere for a while, concentrating on command and control systems before tossing it aside with his tractor beams, sending it spinning end over end into deep space. The fleet then cruised in system under full sheild in combat formation, the three corvettes approached the Golan first, skimming around the stationary vessel, evading and firing torpedos and turbolasers. The fighters largely kept their distance, waiting to act in a counter fighter manner when needed. The Kruus steamed though, directly towards the Golan station, firing all weapons as they came into range, altering firing patterns to discern which was most efficient and also to match the music in the observation deck. By now on the observation deck, everyone was having a splendid time, eating, drinking and making merry while a battle as intense as any raged silently in deep space 'what a spwendid battle' a neimoidian aristocrat commented 'maybe I shouldve joined the gunnewy batawion, this isn't so bad!', Kruus nodded, clad in his full Neimoidian General's regalia "Indeed, I once shot a quail, it made a dreadful noise and was the most horrible expewience of my wife, this is much more fun."
Moff of the Tammuz Sector
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Lucius_Aurelius | Date: Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009, 0:57 AM | Message # 19 |
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| Commander Vyyrnus proceeded to fire defensively, only as need be. However, he was on the loosing side of the battle. Within ten minutes, they began preperations for evacuation, just as the escape pods from the Dreadnaught came in to pass them. The Golan would hold out however, and at least give Drescher's crew cover for their escape to the surface. He was prepared to loose lives in this proceed, including his own, but so was every other man and woman on the station. And as he watched the Kruus come streaking in on them from the viewport, he realised how much what they were willing to do, might became what they were to do. On the surface, the Commandos, under the command of Major Jacob Taylor, were walking into Raven's Gate after a rather quick deployment. Hahne-Kedar had pledged everything they had to helped their home government fight, and their forces and supplies met with them there, being given the duty of supporting the Special Operations mission. Each man had goosebumps run up and down his body as they walked through the gate, and were greeted by the Ravenna Monks. The Revanchists were distinguishable, in that with the exception of the battle helm, they wore robes identical to Darth Revan, while the other monks wore flowing black and crimson robes, reminiscent of the Sith, which partially freaked out some of his men. However, Major Taylor was able to keep them in line. "Welcome, to the craddle of our culture and history." said on the Revanchists. "I'm Major Jacob Taylor, we were sent here by our leaders to defend the city from foreigners...and hopefully get you and the tribals to fight with us." he said. The man who spoke with him and nodded, and led them further into the city. Taylor felt comforted by the fact that the mountains gave the city a natural shield from orbital bombardment, and would take about as much time to blast through to the city, as it would for the shields over the cities. Eventually, they came upon a simple, tribal village that sat among the many buildings and temples throughout. He was shocked, as the tribals spoke a language that seemed familiar, and yet he couldn't understand a word of it. He motioned to one the Monks, who came to him. "What are they speaking?" he asked. The Monk smiled, "Ancient Deralian...descended from the language of the Taungs, which leaves it closely related to Mandalorian." he said. The man introduced himself as Kyle. Suddenly, the Chief, who had been speaking to the lead monk, turned to his warriors and exclaimed, "Derálii kote, su'van ca'atrë! Racin grualé'ra ktro'li bellitha'an su'varía, scévii la'duthlam cu'di'ra tavl'o kel'lum!" to which the men screamed a warrior's battle cry and raised their spears. Major Taylor turned to the monk. "What did he say?" he asked. The monk smiled and nodded. "It is a battle cry, a form of poetry for the Taung, something this tribe has taken a liking to. It says, 'Deralian glory, our strength unmatched. Stars will flee before our guns, Our strength, forever mighty will never tire of war.', with Deralian being a new concept we brought to the language. As their guides, we have always emphasized that they are as much Deralian as you." said Kyle. Taylor nodded, and walked off to see to the defenses. Mine fields were emplaced before the narrow enterance to the fortress emplaced in the mountains for two hundred yeards. Claymores dotted the approach for the one hundred yards before that, as well as in front of the enterance. The gates would be locked and booby trapped with explosives, consisting of more claymores, detonation packs, breaching charges, and modified thermal detonators. Throughout the city, various traps lay, strategically placed, and focused within a fifty yard semi-circle that stretched out from the enterance. The enterance to Raven's Keep, their final stand should it reach that point, was also set with explosives in a similar fashion. Throughout the city, they sat in teams, with various weapons of every type, with caches of ammo within their strongholds. Surprisingly, the tribals could shoot, probably due to the monks teaching them. To Taylor, as long as they could, and knew friend from foe, he was alright with it, and attached groups of the warriors to his teams. They then proceeded to lie in wait, for their prey to approach, should it feel so daring.
Governor Lucius Aurelius Deralia
Message edited by EndarTirkan - Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009, 1:21 AM |
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ArrenPark | Date: Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009, 1:20 AM | Message # 20 |
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| Jedi Knight Arren Park had gone on a leave after she had last been here, on her homeworld. She helped her siblings bury their mother, which was hard enough, but with her father believed to be dead, she couldn't be anywhere else. She had to find him, had to prove he was alive. She had been looking everywhere for clues, and was short of bursting into the New Imperial Palace, and raiding what was left of the NIO Datacores for clues. There had to be somewhere, and since there wasn't any news of him attacking the Republic, he wasn't with the NIO Remnant, if there even was one any longer. For now, however, although in her robes, she was merely sitting at a cafe, which was full of Deralian soldiers. It was one of the few business' that had stayed open since the closure of most of the civilian aspects of life two days ago. It was across the street from one of the barracks however, to which the busy employees owed their continued business operations, and suddenly high profits. Thankfully, business owners were promised that they would be repaid for lost earnings by the War Council. She continued to think upon the current situation her homeworld found itself, trying to keep her mind off of the though of dad, when suddenly, klaxons ripped through the air. Within twenty seconds, the cafe was emptied, with only herself, and the employees, there...damn near clueless as to what was going on. Within five more minutes, soldiers clad in combat gear rushed out of the barracks, onto transports, and headed to the outer sections of the city. All across Mithra this had happened. Nearly half an hour later, she finally had gotten herself into the Command Center, intent on speaking to somebody. Eventually, she found General Oraka. "General, Jedi Knight Arren Park." she said to him. He came to a dead stop. "Jaron Park's ghost child?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow. She nodded to which he, and the entire room, bowed to her. She was lost as to why, and for a moment, silently urged them to stand up, hoping they would, not realising she was mind tricking some to stand. Eventually, she asked aloud for them to stand and continue on, which they did. She would ask questions later, for now, her services were required. "General, I would like to offer my assistence in this crisis." she said. After some debate, she was given a General's commision, and found herself outside the bunker, on a field command post, observing her troops moving about. After a moment of getting adjusted, she was given a briefing by the previous officer in charge.
Arren Park Jedi Knight
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Rath-Deschain | Date: Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009, 2:28 AM | Message # 21 |
Colonel general
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| From a rather distant point, a holonet tranmission was beamed to the receiving Deralian transmitter labeled 'Urgent' and marked for the War Council, specificaly Tirkan. When opened, a full-size image of Dalamar Maximov would appear. His uniform, formerly that of the Druckenwell Armed Forces, had been exchanged for one that was entirely black, save for a gray stripe down either arm. "War Councilor Tirkan, I humbly apologize for the absence of Druckenwell's vessels. There has been a... well, a slight change in management, shall we say. In exchange for military aid, I am authorized to offer you the same deal as prior, save that a different party is the offering body. Lord Novak of the New Sith Order wishes to extend a hand in friendship to you and the Deralian peoples. "If you are interested in aid, respond on this frequency. I can almost certainly promise you that the New Republic will not be as kind or helpful, as their Diplomatic Corps approved the Neimoidian action."
Rath Deschain High Inquisitor
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Simon_Levi | Date: Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009, 3:04 AM | Message # 22 |
Major general
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Messages: 395
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| Eventually, the Golan was demolished, exploding spectacularly in the skies above Deralia. The escape pods were not hindered in their flight. The Kruus had proven its gunnery and so set off home, experience under its belt and all systems having functioned as they should. The Senators were returned to a nearby commercial Hub and the Kruus, with its military only crew set off in hot pursuit of the Druckenwell vessel, setting a course for Druckenwell. The personnell who wished to remain, Neimoidian observers and the Deralian officials moved via shuttles aboard the Kruusificent as it emerged from Hyperspace, flanked by a dozen Action transports, all converted for military use. The Kruusificent began its approach, painted resplendantly in Deralian colours, the King opened communication to the planets defenses. A pair of the action transports proceded to the Dreadnought, moving to begin repairs on it and crew it, bringing life-support back online as well as one of the engines, meaning it could act as a medical center hundred several thousand KM from Deralia. 'I apologise my friends, for the demolition we just had to make of the Deralian Defenses, they were vastly inadequate to defend this world, and as such were demolished and will be rebuilt a thousand times stronger.. It appears some of the cities are in the control of rebels to the crown of Deralia, but do not fear, no do not fear my dear subjects, aid is on the way.' At this they launched two seperate actions, the three Corvettes, escorted by 12 Z-95s each flew to a position in orbit above Mithra, and opened fire with their Turbolasers and Torpedos, pounding on the Orbital Shields. The Kruusificent itself opened fire on the city with its Turbolasers and all other weaponary upon the city's shields, intending to pound them down over the next few hours. 12 Z-95s acting as a screen for any fighters till others could be pulled from the bombardment of Mithra in the event of a sortie. There was a third attack made on Deralia that day also, and the first to involve troops being on the ground, 10 Action Transports, escorted by 36 Z-95s made their landing south of the city of Ravens Gate, landing the Royal Army of Deralia, formed up outside the pass and out of range of the guns in the city. The Royal Household troops formed up at the forefront, Deralian flags, and 8 Banners of Earldom of Dukedom flourished in the mid morning breeze, the Army was lead by Prince Augustus Porcius, Duke of Mithra, he rode forward on a speeder bike, accompanied by half a dozen nobles and Guards. His standard bearing a green tree branch as a sign they wished to negotiate, approaching the city but not close enough to be targeted by Claymores etc. He approached the city and hailed on loud speaker, speaking in ancient Deralian "Greetings Honoured Monks, I am Prince Augustus Porcious, right Honourable Cousin to King Ribaldequin of Deralia, I too have his blood in my veins, the blood of the ancient and revered Revan. I bring to you greetings on his behalf, and I express that the King would be more than happy to allow your continued existance here in Ravens Gate, so long as you do not side with the War Council, which is now openly in rebellion to his forces.", armoured columns of 10 Tanks and a Pummell began to appear on each flank of the Infantry at this stage, reinforced by another until each flank had 20 Tanks and 2 Pummells formed up for battle. Behind the Dukes Household Troops was formed twenty full Fyrds of Infantry, formed up in loose formation and digging in to block the pass, they were also occupied making the camp, digging latrines etc. All told, the army by the pass numbered 2,800 men. Eight of the Action transports were drawn up with sheilds activated, forming a Kraal around the camp as it was constructed, their sheilds acting as a temporary wall if required. The Z-95s streaked overhead also, being visible from the city (the mountain cant cover a whole city) as they skimmed and manouvred around, designating targets for fire. The Z-95s also fed back scans to the command center on the ground, registering the mines and claymores, and formulating a plan, to blast routes through the mines with laser cannon fire, before demolishing the walls of both the fortress and the Keep with torpedos, then rolling forward armoured columns followed by infantry. Behind the mountain and invisible to the city, two action IV transports hovvered, carrying two Troops of Household Infantry, armed with a mix of long ranged and heavy fire, intending, after the mountain was cleared of claymores by laser cannon fire, to make a landing and spit lethal laser and projectile fire down on the Rebels. Summary Kruus retreats to Hyperspace after the Arrival of Kruusificent (MC80 Liberty type) and the destruction of the Golan Station and 4 Action IV tranports, 4 Action V transports and 4 Action VI transports, carrying his army. 2 Action Transports go to the dreadnought, begin repairs on its electrics, bringing one engine of 7 online, allowing it to stabilise its position and move in-system a little, also bringing back life support and medical systems, designating it 'The Royal Medical Hospital - Space' 3 Assassin-class Corvettes escorted by 36 Z-95s target Mithra and fire. Kruusificent, escorted by 12 Z-95s target Imperial City. 8 Action Transports land, forming up army of 2800, 40 Tanks and 4 Pummells to block pass to Ravens Gate, 36 Z-95s escort and orbit overhead designating targets, the forces were all painted Deralian colours, bearing Deralian flags and appeared like a Deralian army of antiquity, they certainly did not resemble offworlders, but rather more similar to Deralian forces under the monarchs or NIO in their Leather Armour. They proceded digging in for a long siege if required, while making an initial show of force. 2 Action transports prepare to insert special forces on mountain above Ravens Gate once mines are cleared, using the mountain to shield them from any fire from the city. After inserting forces the 8 Action Transports form a square around the army blocking the pass' camp to provide cover if required, their deflectors active. Prince Porcius goes forward with an escort to give an entreaty of peace to the people of Ravens Gate.
Moff of the Tammuz Sector
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Lucius_Aurelius | Date: Thursday, 16 Jul 2009, 10:28 PM | Message # 23 |
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| He shook his head as the new transmission came through from the diplomat. "You fled when we requested aid earlier, allowing our lone naval ship and defense platform to be destroyed, breaking the original agreement. Now, you came forth, offering yet another deal, under a different name...how the hell can we trust your word, Captain?" he responded back. Taking a moment to gather himself as anger rised and bashed through the depression he briefly experienced. An officer approached him before he could send another message to the diplomat, "Sir, Major Taylor has reported in. A large enemy surface force has landed outside Raven's Gate." reported the Lieutenant. He nodded, and quickly spoke, "Tell him to engage the enemy, and hold Raven's Gate as long as possible. Also, let him know that help is on the way." he said. The Lieutenant saluted, and relayed the message. During this time, a Strike Force began moving from town to town out of Imperial City, making their way to Raven's Gate, with an ETA of four hours. As they moved out, the Hahne-Kedar ground forces moved in, reinforcing the increasing defenses of the city. At Raven's Gate, upon receiving the message, Major Taylor coordinated his forces. The ready recon troopers had been given to him, and he had them on the wall, which stood six meters thick and fifteen meters tall, with about half of the locals. Meanwhile, his commandos were spread out throughout the city, all with excellent firing arcs down upon the enemy. As Porcius rode foward, Taylor spoke over the comm links. "Give him our answer." he said. The Snipers, which began tracking him as he rode forward, all took carefully aimed shots at his head, chest, stomach, legs, and the speeder bike itself...with sixteen shots from coming from qualified snipers, it gave extremely little room for survival. As these shots hit, the Recon troopers on the wall armed themselves with missle launchers and all fired, with two missles headed for each tank and Pummel, while the locals fired with their blaster rifles upon the troops which had been oddly formed out in the open before them. As this happened, HK's 12 Assault Gunboats along with Deralia's 24 TIE Fighters, which had been flying in under sensors, swooped up from the mountain range, each squadron taking one of the Z-95 squadrons. Foolishly, the enemy had deployed its entire fighter force into this action, and as they screamed in, the TIE Fighters opened up on their targets, as did the Gunboats, unleashing a set of missles on each Z-95 of the squadron they targetted while ripping into them with their laser cannons. The people of Raven's Gate were obviously not ready for peace.
Governor Lucius Aurelius Deralia
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Tiberius_Aurelius | Date: Thursday, 16 Jul 2009, 10:30 PM | Message # 24 |
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| It had been a long time...for months, which had seemed like years, he had hidden, finishing his training in the Force. Mere weeks ago, he had done such...and had been meditating on his visions. A spectre from the past haunted him...several actually. He knew he would have to face his demons eventually, little did he know it would be so soon. The NIO had become an epic failure, and now his homeworld, and his people, paid for it. They were a people cursed by the rest of the galaxy for what had happened, and several of the worlds around them held them accountable for the regional troubles, including Moff Council occupation. The only former NIO world benefiting at all was Phaeda, as the New Republic had swept in quickly after the NIO's fall to take it. What was once a world he was attempting to bring in line, and one planned as the staging point for an invasion of the Republic by the NIO, now enjoyed the first peace it had had in years. All that happened, all the successes forgotten... all the failures well remembered...were placed upon his head. And he had to deal with this...and begin the long task of correcting all he had caused. In a way, he felt much like his ancestor Revan felt once he had been redeemed from the Darkside. It was an interesting experience, knowing his ancestor's tale...his feelings...his thoughts. Having been able to meet him through the Force was the most interesting of the experiences he had had in his time in hiding and training. A destiny was unfolding before him...a destiny for the ages, one that called upon him at this time...it was a time he rather it hadn't, as fate usually did. He embraced fate however, and would see his destiny through...he knew one thing though, that at end of this path, he would be dead. Whether or not his name, or his family's, or his people's, or his world's, name would be redeemed in the eyes of the galaxy remained to be seen. Despite all this, and the threat upon the horizon, a more direct suddenly appeared. One that seemed to be one of his demons. It was time to begin facing his past, and as he felt a threat grow nearby, he ceased his meditation, and set his feet on the ground, as he had been floating, and walked outside of the Temple, and towards a group of the monks and locals, among them stood a man in combat fatigues and gear, holding an Imperial Heavy Repeater. He caught all their attention as he approached, wearing robes and armor eerily reminenscent of Revan himself. As he approached, he nodded to the soldier, and once he was among them, stopped, and removed his battle helm, revealing himself to the soldier. "How may I assist?" he asked, as an opening salvo of sniper fire and missle launches broke the silence around them.
Colonel Tiberius "Nightwolf" Aurelius Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps Prince of Deralia
" Without blood, without tears... there is no glory, there is no honor."
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Marshall_DuPont | Date: Friday, 17 Jul 2009, 12:05 PM | Message # 25 |
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| "Are you kidding?!" The remark might have been mistaken for sarcasm, if not for the horror in the Sergeant's voice when he spoke it. He was a member of the strike team ordered to dispatch to Raven's Gate, and a number of his men gathered around him as he spoke to the commanding officer, who shrugged in resignation at the Sergeant's question. "You have to be kidding," the Sergeant continued, this time with more anger in his voice. He pointed at the sky, which had become a hot white color, suffused with crimson, as the shield over Imperial City took the bombardment from orbit. They had to shout at each other just to be heard over the sound, "You better verify that order, Sir, because with all due respect, I'm sure as Revan not taking my men out there to get pulverized to defend a goddamn shrine four hours away!" There was a murmur of agreement among the troops. The commanding officer, who was as loyal as anyone to the Vacant Throne and to Revan's memory, but was also not suicidal, commed back to headquarters to confirm the order and express his firm reluctance. There was no question, that as the soldiers looked up at the sky, saw the fire and brimstone, and listened to the conversation, that many of them were thinking of one word: Vjun. How many of their friends, brothers, fathers and sons had died there, exactly like this? And how many more would die like this before someone said enough is enough? The general population might have been cheering them on, for the Vacant Throne or whatever abstract concept they were supposed to be fighting for, but it was the soldiers whose lives were on the line, like the ones at Vjun, and Raithal. The so called War Council had thrown those lives away, and this time Deralia's soldiers, who had sacrificed so much for someone else's glory, would not easily sacrifice themselves again for some damn fool ideological crusade. Not to mention, many of the "new blood" of the Deralian forces, who replaced the tens of thousands killed at Vjun, had either enlisted because they had lost their jobs in Jaron's and the War Council's recession, and many others had been conscripted against their will. They all had reason to be disgruntled.
Colonel Marshall DuPont Patriot Defense Services, Inc. Sergeant (ret.), Imperial Army
Message edited by Marshall_DuPont - Friday, 17 Jul 2009, 12:06 PM |
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Simon_Levi | Date: Friday, 17 Jul 2009, 1:44 PM | Message # 26 |
Major general
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Messages: 395
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| Duke Porcius died, and of course, that was always the point, now the Deralian monks had shed royal blood and would have to be destroyed, legitimising their operation somewhat in their coming attack. The Z-95s scattered when the gunboats appeared, many diving down low, some within only a few meters of the city roofs or flying down close to the walls only to pull up at the last second, to cause missiles not only to miss, but to slam into the enemy positions. Quickly they regrouped and coordinated an attack upon the enemy forces, splitting in two, 18 engaging the Gunboats, and 18 the TIEs, the TIE fighters being no-match for even this rather older starfighter, sporting as it did, deflector sheilds an a torpedo launcher. The Gunboats were a rather different matter and would be a challenge to engage, but not a challenge beyond the ability of the seasoned pirate pilots currently behind the controls of the Z-95s who spiralled up and engaged with their pairs of laser cannons and two missile launchers each. The Kruusificent then began to fly quickly and efficiently around to Ravens Gate, planning to simply destroy it from orbit if it had not surrendered soon. The ground forces outside of the city were actually well back from the city and so had sensors light up as they found themselves missile locked, and they simply accelerated from their current rumble to full tilt as they manouvred, to avoid the locks being effective. At 90 miles an hour, 30 of the tanks retreated from the city to allow the other 10 full field of fire on the city. The Pummels were struck by the missiles, however their heavy armour proved useful in this instance and the missiles just slammed innefectively into their hulls before they rolled back out of range. The 10 tanks fired on the city with their assault turbolasers, the stone walls being sent flying spectacularly into the air, smashed and ruined by the vastly superior modern technology. Again and again they fired, meaning that the walls and defensive positions targetted were quickly and efficiently demolished. The rest of the infantry force moved back out of range also, forming up in their trenches over a mile from the city, out and prepared for a siege as the tanks, standing about a kilimeter closer as they rattled around performing evasive manouvres while shooting their turbolasers at the wall and other defenses. In orbit, on the Dreadnought, the crew managed to get 10 of the turbolasers back on line, and the Monarchists steered it closer to the world, targetting imperial city from the edge of their range with the turbolasers and keeping up the fire on its sheilds. King Ribaldequin issued the following proclamation, that was dropped in large numbers over Imperial City, Mithra and Ravens Gate, as well as many smaller towns, accompanied by a broadcast. [/c] Added (17 Jul 2009, 2:00 Pm) --------------------------------------------- A CALL TO REASON, SENSE AND WISDOM To my LOYAL SUBJECTs I issue to you this CALL TO REASON. I returned from CORUSCANT this day. I was shocked to find that the ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT: the WAR COUNCIL has RISEN IN ARMS against the PEOPLE OF DERALIA and its SOVEREIGN KING, RIBALDEQUIN I. You must understand that this ILLEGAL and ILLEGITIMATE Government must be DISMANTLED PEACEFULLY or BY FORCE IF NESSESARY. To maintain their SLIPPING GRIP ON POWER, the WAR COUNCIL has activated the SHIELDS at IMPERIAL CITY and MITHRA. To NEUTRALISE THIS THREAT TO YOU the ROYALIST FORCES will target these for AS LONG IS NESSESARY to bring them down to ALLOW THE RESTORATION OF THE MONARCHY. AS SOON AS THE SHIELDS ARE DROPPED WE WILL CEASE FIRE, THERE WILL BE NO INDISCRIMINATE BOMBARDMENT, NO DEATHS OF LOYAL DERALIANS. You ask: BUt what can we do? We DO NOT WISH to be ruled by TYRANTs who enabled the INSANE DICTATOR, one JARON PARK. I REQUEST and REQUIRE that you my people DO NOT CAUSE WIDESPREAD DISORDER. But apply PEACEFUL PRESSURE to your officials in order to coerce them into ACCEPTING THE INEVITABILITY OF THE WAR COUNCIL's END, and convince them to ENTER NEGOTIATONS for the PEACEFUL RESTORATION OF THE MONARCHY. To my LOYAL SOLDIERs I issue to you this CALL TO REASON. You have been ORDERED and COMPELLED by OFFICERS this day to make SUICIDAL PREPARATIONS for foolish ASSAULTS UPON ROYALIST FORCES. I URGE YOU, do NOT cooperate with these instructions, I CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE if you follow orders you KNOW TO BE FOOLISH. But rather CROSS THE LINES and side with the forces of TRUTH, JUSTICE and RIGHT. I URGE YOU, to TURN YOUR ARMS upon the WAR COUNCIL OFFICIALS, PEACEFULLY IF POSSIBLE, and URGE them to PEACEFULLY enter NEGOTIATIONS with the LEGITIMATE MONARCH. I promise you an end to barbaric wars on remote worlds, there will be NO MORE VJUNS. I your LEGITIMATE KING will restore the proper privellages of the MILITARY and TRADITIONS OF SUCH. To my LOYAL CLERGY I issue to you this CALL TO REASON. I URGE YOU to abandon your SINFUL and IMMORAL ways as practiced at Ravens Gate in secret. While I fear you will destroy yourselves rather than have EXPOSED the SEXUAL IMMORALITY that is practiced in RAVENS GATE. I URGE YOU to PUT DOWN your BLASTERS and I promise FULL PARDONS for all those who have NOT DIRECTLY COMMITTED a GROSS CRIME OF IMMORALITY or ABUSED the PRIESTHOOD. I URGE YOU that if you do not CEASE TO OPPOSE JUSTICE then you may find your church DISESTABLISHED and its LANDS RETURNED TO THE PEOPLE. To my CONFUSED and MISGUIDED WAR COUNCIL and LOYAL MEN who unknowingly SERVE it I issue to you this CALL TO REASON. I URGE you to push for a change in your own administration to RESTORE THE RIGHTFUL MONARCHY. Your PRUDENT and WISE monarch will accept a suitable NEGOTIATED SOLUTION, so long as the WAR COUNCIL has the OVERSIGHT of a WISE and BENEVOLENT KING, RIBALDEQUIN I. AND the TIRKANS and PARKS must be in perpetuity prohibited from the THRONE and CIVIL or MILITARY OFFICE. I URGE you to look at the collapsed economy around you, collapsed by the ineptitude that started with the TYRANT JARON PARK and ENDS NOW. I have brought with me wealth beyond dreams, the OLD ROYAL TREASURY and will RESTORE WEALTH, PEACE, JUSTICE and PROSPERITY to MY PEOPLE, the PEOPLE OF DERALIA. To the ABOMINABLE TRAITOR JARON PARK, even to you I issue this CALL TO REASON. I URGE YOU to give yourself up, surrender to Justice and do the best thing in your life so far. YOUR SLAUGHTER OF DERALIANS at VJUN was the GREATEST DISASTER IN DERALIAN HISTORY and was caused entirely by your VANITY and FOOLISHNESS. You WILL be HUNTED DOWN and PUNISHED for your CRIMES AGAINST DERALIA. Added (17 Jul 2009, 2:44 Pm) --------------------------------------------- This and similar broadcasts filled the airwaves of Deralia, so much as resulting in trimphant patriotic displays and turning out of War Council forces from half a dozen provincial cities with no losses as the people rose triumphantly with patriotic fervour in these small cities (ever seats of monarchical rule) giving Ribaldequin a foothold in the fertile Agricultural Lands North of Mithra and an effective base of operations on Deralia. In these areas the local security forces, as with many of the civil officials (many of both not realising the monarchy did not exist any more, being simple farming communties) simply changed who they acknowledged as ruler and kept up day to day activity, lending a modest degree of fiscal and military support to their monarch (enough to not seem disloyal) but not calling for massive mobilizations of troops or material.
Moff of the Tammuz Sector
Message edited by Senator_Kruus - Friday, 17 Jul 2009, 1:46 PM |
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Rath-Deschain | Date: Friday, 17 Jul 2009, 8:21 PM | Message # 27 |
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 857
Status: Offline
| "You have a choice to make, War Councilor. You were never abandoned by the New Sith Order. It was Druckenwell and the New Republic that abandoned your people. The hand of Lord Jericho Novak is extended in friendship to you and your people; even to your leader, Jaron Park. Lord Novak has no wish to rape your world of resources and depose your leaders. "It has always been Rebel and Empire, then New Republic and Remnant. There is no reason that things cannot change. There is no reason that they should not change. My crew and I renounced Druckenwell because we have found a new belief. You are a wise man, War Councilor. The decision is yours." Maximov sat back on the command chair. The jump had only taken them a few lightyears away, and they had changed their position so that, in the event they were pursued and their enemy somehow lucky enough to guess their destination, they could easily jump again without coming under fire. Now he simply awaited the response from Deralia.
Rath Deschain High Inquisitor
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Simon_Levi | Date: Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009, 10:46 PM | Message # 28 |
Major general
Group: Users
Messages: 395
Status: Offline
| The Initial attack and followup of the TIEs and Gunships went rather well, the Z-95s losing 6 of their number in rapid sucession, the out of control fighters crashing down into the mountainside as the pilots bailed out, their grav chutes sending them gliding down to their own lines. However, the wrath of the Z-95s was apocalyptic, in seconds over 60 missiles were in the air, before it was scorched with laser blasts also, tearing into the Gunships and TIEs alike, losing several of each in seconds, before a very strange thing happened the gunships and TIEs broke off combat and appeared to retreat lazily, ceasing to manouvre, followup missiles striking as they flex, with deadly effect. Within half a minute all but two gunships were downed, along with all but 5 TIEs, an under-strength squadron of 10 Z-95s chased them, manouvreing to be above them and locking the last vessels with missile lock. The men of Ravens Gate began to run in terror and flee to the keep as the Century Tanks caused their damage to the city, the repeated blast of the 10 turbolasers causing all of the curtain wall to collapse into a line of twisted boulders. The 20 Z-95s above Ravens Gate added missiles to this, blasting massive gaps in the rock before turning on the retreating tribal soldiers as they abandoned their positions on the wall and fled to the keep. The Kruusificent locked on to the city, targetting its Ion cannons on the minefields and a trio of Turbolasers at the Keep's largest tower, and the point at which it entered the mountainside. The Ion cannons hit the minefields plumb on, and defused the mines or otherwise destroyed them (some detonating as the heat from the cannons hit them). From the Kruusificent, King Ribaldequin chuckled 'The Bolt of Revan falls from above on those who slay his descendants', he then nodded to the gunners who fired. The first Turbolaser missing and striking the Keep plumb on causing massive destruction as the keep essentially exploded with laser fire, the first layer of wall collapsed, while not directly hit the shockwave from the hit on the second wall was too much, the second wall was a far worse matter, it was fused into a slump of glass at the impact point. Around the impact point the destruction was immense, blasting much of the second wall away. The second Turbolaser hit, and struck the tower head at its base on the side of the castle, causing the top few meters to be vaporised, the rest dropped down, down onto the keep, causing further destruction to the damage from the first turbolaser. The third Turbolaser hit where the tower was previously, but instead slamming into the mountainside, already weakened by the crashing of several Z95s it began to collapse, the mountain itself broke away from its position and thousands of tons of rock and rubble slumped in seconds down on the devastated keep, causing a considerable seismic shock (enough to collapse any tunnels under the surrounding area). As a result of this, the already collapsing keep was now quickly buried under thousands of tons of solid rock, burying it forever (or until such time digging equipment was brought there). A Cheer went up from the Royalist lines, as they recovered the body of the dead Duke, carrying his body in state back to the dropships. The forces besieging Ravens Gate also retreated to the dropships, all but two heading back to orbit and forming up on the wing of the Kruusificent, leaving 10 Century Tanks and a Pummel to besiege the city with two Hundred of the Fyrd, formed up in trenches within weapons range of the city, the infantry firing on anyone who escaped the wrecked city and was hostile, while the tanks rumbled forward from their shielded positions in entrenchments if any serious opposition emerged. Added (22 Jul 2009, 11:46 Pm) --------------------------------------------- On the bridge of the Kruusificent, Ribaldequin had a cup of fruit tea.
Moff of the Tammuz Sector
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Lucius_Aurelius | Date: Thursday, 23 Jul 2009, 2:22 PM | Message # 29 |
Group: Users
Messages: 15
Status: Offline
| As the Strike Force moved out of Imperial City, sensors indicated the MC80 was moving towars the city. Following a brief rebellion from the unit itself, only seconds after the command to move out was issued, Central Command issued orders for all units to stay within the area protects by the planetary shields. Meanwhile, down in the bunker from where those orders had come from, Tirkan listened to the message from the Sith. It was down to a matter of his people's survival. Were this imposter t be a true Deralian, and a true king of his people, he would never have launched an attack...let alone an attack on Raven's Gate. After a brief meeting among the combined leadership of Deralia, he returned to the communications consule. "We accept the offer of Protectorate by the New Sith Order.." he said, crossing his arms, ilently praying to the Gods that help came soon. Among the troops, Arren Park was coordinating with the Generals on the best defensive strategy and tactics. The propaganda that was issued was to no effect. The soldiers, no matter where their loyalty may have lied on the spectrum, would fight to the end against Ribaldequin, for he had fired upon Deralians, and killed his own people, an act that would never be tolerated by them. Claiming Vjunis were Deralians only made matters worse, as to them, it was an high offense to their culture, proving to them, these invaders were not Deralian. In Raven's Gate, the opening salvos was devestating. Following which, Raven's Keep was blasted to hell... leading to the tirbals going rantic. Casualties were heavy on the Recon troopers, who made their way to defensive positions. Commander Taylor decided that it was imperative that Park get to Mithra. He grabbed him and his team and made a break into a passage, a tunnel through the mountain that led into old mines. Taylor, Park, and the few Commandos and Revanchists that made it through before the opening was covered by debris from the Keep, and then blasted sealed, would be protected by the mountain itself as they moved through. The Seraph Mountain Range led to Imperial City, as did the tunnels that were deep within them, and they ran the whole way. Park was riddled with guilt, as so many of his fellow Deralians had given their lives for his safety. Meanwhile in Raven's Gate, the surviving forces continued their fight, while the TIEs and Gunboats tried evasive manuveres through the mountains, headed for Imperial City.
Governor Lucius Aurelius Deralia
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Simon_Levi | Date: Friday, 24 Jul 2009, 0:17 AM | Message # 30 |
Major general
Group: Users
Messages: 395
Status: Offline
| The Propaganda was rather effective (not calling any Vjunites Deralian), unlike how the beliefs of the Deralian Government portrayed it, as they had not even released any propaganda revealing Deralians had been killed, after the death of Duke Porcius another flimplast poster was dropped. HORROR AT RAVENS GATE Today at RAVENS GATE the RELIGIOUS CENTER of the Deralian Religion was occupied by the Rebel Government, who were joined by some HERETICAL PRIESTS who were using the sacred sanctum of Deralia for their own DEPRAVED SEXUAL CONGRESS. The ROYAL MONARCHIST forces approached these rebels UNDER A SACRED FLAG OF TRUCE and were FIRED UPON. The DUKE OF MITHRA, Porcius III was MARTYRED by the REBELS and suffered greatly before his death, as did some of his escort, all of PURE DERALIAN BLOOD. Duke Porcius was one of the last surviving BLOOD DESCENDANTS OF REVAN and had RETURNED FROM CORUSCANT to LIBERATE YOU! Do NOT FEAR dear Subjects, for as is prophesisied, the BOLT of REVAN came from above and SMOTE the MOUNTAINSIDE, BREAKING it and BURYING the DEBAUCHED MONKS below. Even as depraved and bloody as their crimes have been they DESERVE RESCUE and we have ordered DIGGING EQUIPMENT which should be here in one week from the Core. *A holopicture of Duke Porcius' corpse lying next to the fallen sacred banner of truce, along with a copy of his Genealogy back to Revan and also back to the Deralian Royal Line. Truly first blood had been shed and it had been by the Deralian Rebels of a Deralian Noble.* At Ravens Gate most of the stragglers in the ruins were picked off quickly, the others learning to lie still in the rubble and pretend to be dead to save their lives, several also surrendered. Jaron had a rather unpleasent fate, as he entered the tunnel the shots began to strike and the collapses began, quickly the entrance was buried, before the tunnel ahead of him collapsed. He was trapped in a section of tunnel with three of his followers left alive, 10 meters long, it would take two days to dig themselves out and escape out of the entrance; unfortunately there was only enough air for 2 men to survive that long, they would have to somehow make a decision as to which to kill in order to allow the others to survive and dig out. Behind the Sith Acclamator the Kruus appeared from hyperspace, its shields and weapons activating and its squadrons already launched on its flanks it prepared to engage the sith ship unless it immediately fled away from Deralia. The Kruusificent however, turned from Ravens Gate after a volley of Ion cannon fire in the ruins to deactivate any serious weaponary. It moved back to Imperial City and sat above it in low orbit. The 20 fighters not chasing the fleeing vessels were returned to guard the transports. The Crews of the Remaining Neimoidian Corvettes decided they would experiment with some technology, they moved onto one of the corvettes, leaving the other two under remote control from the other ship. The other two split up, deactivating shields and each flying through the Deralian shields at a separate city, one Corvette at Imperial City, one at Mithra, from here they reactivated shields and set full power to their shields as they rammed the shield generators, at the last minute each activated an Ion Bomb aboard destroying all technology but still resulting in sending a corvette crashing into each cities shield generator, likely destroying each. The Z-95s, being faster than the Gunboats were able to destroy them utterly as they fled, however 5 TIEs would escape with their superior speed showing.
Moff of the Tammuz Sector
Message edited by Senator_Kruus - Friday, 24 Jul 2009, 6:32 AM |
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