Corporate Sector Authority (CSA)
Shall refer to the governing body of the Corporate Sector and all of its territories.
Direx Board (DB)
Shall refer to the governing body of the CSA.
Executive Officer (ExO)
Shall refer to the elected chair of the DB.
VicePrex (VP)
Office of the Auditor-General (OOAG)
Security Police (ESPOS/Espos)
Voting Sponsor
Shall refer to any company in which the CSA holds a significant stake.
2.1 Direx Board
The Direx Board is responsible for the managing of the companies which compose the Corporate Sector Authority. Its members shall be known as Direx's. Direx's are owners, leaders, or appointed persons of the CSA's companies.
The Direx Board is led by the ExO or the Executive Officer. Other posts include the Prex (President), Vice Prex, Auditor-General, and Senior Direx Consultant.
2.2 ExO
Is the title given to the highest authority figure within the CSA. The ExO presides over the Direx Board and is charged with scheduling meeting times and locations and presenting Direx policy to the Authority consumers.
The ExO will be selected from candidates in the ranks of the Direx Board and current Viceprexes. To be elected a candidate has to be nominated, seconded, and thirded and voted in by a majority. The position is for no fixed term but at any time a vote of no confidence from the Direx Board, which needs to be seconded and ratified, can remove an individual from office.
The ExO shall hold no stock save from CSA companies and will hold no outside positions. To be found with outside interest is grounds for immediate removal from office.
2.3 Prex
Is a position which checks the power of the Corporate Sector Authority's ExO. The Prex is a member of the Direx Board.
Prexes will be selected for a fixed term of six months.
Will officiate over Direx meetings. It is the Prex that recognizes motions, tallies votes, and moderates the meetings.
The Prex is granted supervisory authority over the Auditor-General's Office and its agents in order to monitor the inner workings of the Authority to ensure that the ExO and other executives don't overstep their Direx-approved bounds.
2.4 Meetings
The Direx Board shall make every effort to have regular meetings to discuss general happenings at least once per galactic month. It will be decided by the ExO and Prex if more are necessary.
Failure to show up at a session a member has agreed to take part in will result in a reprimand or punishment if the DB sees fit.
2.5 War
Only the Direx Board's unanimous vote may initiate a declaration of war.
Wars will only be declared for retaliation and defensive purposes.
3.1 Selection
Viceprexes will be appointed by the Direx Board and will be individuals who are most capable of performing their assigned tasks. It is favorable for Viceprexes to be members of the main branch with some exceptions such as Viceprex of Resources.
3.2 Media
Will be lead by a Viceprex who will appoint his/her own Deputy Viceprex.
Is charged with handling all public relations matters for the CSA and is in charge of all media and entertainment which is exported from the sector.
Tasks include recruitment and Public Relations and the Media branch will consist of Silverhelm Entertainment Media Inc., which will have power over advertising and entertainment and keeping track of Territory demographics.
3.3 Research
Will be lead by a Viceprex who will appoint his/her own Deputy Viceprex.
Is charged with developing the products of the Corporate Sector and improving overall sector technology.
3.4 Legal
Will be lead by a Viceprex who will appoint his/her own Deputy Viceprex.
Is charged with negotiating, establishing, and re-interpreting contracts, representing CSA interests and personnel aboard, mediating complaints between members corporations, and prosecuting criminals.
3.5 Financial
Will be lead by a Viceprex who will appoint his/her own Deputy VicePrex (member of the CSA).
Is charged with monitoring the Authority's banking interests and financial affairs.
Is responsible for the Authority's accounting, tracking the CSA's assets, resources, expenses, and incoming revenues.
Will generate economic trending date which will be used by the Authority. Responsible for tracking tax balances and fees from consumers and independent business operating within the Authority.
Is responsible for disbursing payments and dividends to subcontractors, stock holders and sponsors.
3.6 Resources
Will be lead by a Viceprex who will appoint his/her own Deputy Viceprex (member of the CSA).
The Resources Division is responsible for finding, procuring, and dispersing all materials in the Corporate Sector. It is a general support division dedicated to supplying the other CSA divisions with whatever raw materials they need.
Scout Services is responsible for exploring unexplored systems within Authority space in order to analyze them for potential new resources.
Supply and Allocation handles the procurement and shipment of raw materials and equipment.
Central Services provides services from general maintenance of Authority equipment to medical treatment of Authority personnel, all the non-material assistance required by other divisions.
3.7 Security
Will be lead by a Viceprex who will appoint his/her own Deputy Viceprex.
The mandate of the CSA Security Division is to enforce the Authority's policies and maintain order within the Corporate Sector.
Local Enforcement Department
→ Over Precinct: One will be assigned per Territory and will be under the command of the Territory Administrator. The Over Precinct will have command over security forces and Region Directors operating within their assigned Territory.
→ Precinct: One will be assigned per Region and will be under command of the Region Director. The Precinct will have command over security forces operating in his/her Region. Security Bases will be referred to as Stations.
Situational Enforcement Department
→ Will operate as investigational department and will investigate piracy and smuggling.
The Security Forces (ESPOs) will consist of a Ground Forces Division and a Picket Fleet Division, led by Fleet and Ground commanders.
The Security Division will be in charge of detainees and detainee facilities.
3.8 Production
Will be lead by a Viceprex who will appoint his/her own Deputy Viceprex.
All construction projects will be conducted by this division such as establishing mining outposts, factory facilities, warehousing complexes, and retail outlets.
Oversees the manufacture of Authority goods.
3.9 Territory Administration
Responsible for working with the other divisions to develop general policies into a coordinated region by region plan.
The Territory Division has a strict hierarchical structure. The largest physical area is the Territory. Followed by the Region followed by the Zone (System), followed by the Market (Planet).
The Territory Administration Division will develop all large scale construction projects alongside the Production division.
Responsible for enforcing all citizenship laws.
Manages all CSA Facilities and has command over any security forces operating within their division (Territory, Region, Zone, Market).
3.10 Office of the Auditor-General
Is charged with monitoring CSA operations in order to root out inefficiencies and excessive corruption.
Responsible for coordinating intelligence grathering activities and reporting such findings to the Direx Board.
Serve as a security and foreign relations advisor and resource for effective Sector planning.
Investigate all anti-corporate activities that may affect the Corporate Sector and also investigates external threats that may be posed from the galaxy at large.
4.1 Citizen Rights
All citizens will be entitled to equal rights proportional to their share.
Entitled to representation in legal matters inside and outside of the sector.
Entitled to purchase a plot of land within the sector with which they can build whatever they so choose save power generators or military grade weaponry other than defensive.
Entitled to have armed starships and vehicles within the sector although registration is still required.
Entitled to limited discounts on Corporation Goods.
Citizens will be allowed to hold in Corporate Space armed freighters, no more than a squadron of fighters and capital ships with less than 8 heavy lasers and 8 turbolasers.
Entitled to protection by the ESPOs within Corporate Sector borders.
With the approval of the local Director or Territory Administrator citizens will have the right to buy property in the sector. Prices are set by the Territory Administration and the Direx Board.
4.2 Applying for Citizenship
A member of a Corporate Sector Corporation, or its governing body, Corporate Sector Authority, may apply for citizenship after a 2 month employment period.
Any person may apply for citizenship after 3 months of residency within the sector and a background check.
To become a citizen, a person must find their way to one of the Corporate Sector's Government Offices within the sector unarmed to recieve paperwork and be prepared to purchase citizenship shares.
You may hold dual citizenship if you are currently a citizen of a non-hostile government.
4.3 Requirements for Citizenship
Along with the aforementioned, a citizen must;
→ Declare all religious and political affiliations
→ Declare all real estate properties
→ Declare all financial properties
→ Declare loyalty to the Corporate Sector or declare neutrality to the same.
4.4 Losing Citizenship
Any member whom does the following may lose citizenship pending decision by the Direx Board and Legal Division;
→ Actively takes part in actions which may harm the sector physically, politically or financially
→ Declares allegiance to an entity in contention with the Corporate Sector
→ Becomes a citizen of a group in contention with the Corporate Sector
→ Selling owned real estate properties in the Corporate Sector without consent of Planetary Territory Administration and the Direx Board.
4.5 Obligations of Citizens
In a time of war or attack on the sector, residing citizens may be called to arms to help defend territory in which they own property.
4.6 Political Asylum
The Corporate Sector offers all sentients political asylum without persecution within its borders provided they follow some guidelines.
Those claiming asylum will not violate any of the Corporate Sector's laws while in Corporate Space.
Those claiming asylum shall not have directly assaulted the Corporate Sector in past events.
Those claiming asylum will have the following protections;
→ No bounty hunting contracts shall be issued in Corporate Space, nor shall the ESPOs police force pursue any citizen seeking asylum.
A sentient forfeits his/her asylum by breaking the first two conditions on this document. In this case they also forfeit their protection by our security forces.
5.1 Application
All of those inside of our borders and citizens WILL follow this code.
5.2 Severity of Offenses
Offenses will be placed into 4 separate Classes with maximum punishments listed.
→ Class A Infractions; arrest, permanent exile from the Corporate Sector, possible life assignment to a labor colony, revocation and forfeiture of all credit and property, possible execution.
→ Class B Infractions; arrest, possible 5-10 months assignment to a labor colony, fine equivalent to 4-8 months salary.
→ Class C Infractions; arrest, fine equivalent to 1-4 months salary, demotion, possible 3 months assignment to a labor colony.
→ Class D Infractions; possible demotion or fines.
5.3 Class A Infractions
→ Embezzlement of sums exceeding 1,000,000 credits
→ Willfull destruction of Authority property
→ Terrorism and coordinated attack against the Authority
→ Piracy of proprietary Authority materials and information (espionage)
→ Violation of Authority ship weapons codes
→ Repeat Class B offenses
5.4 Class B Infractions
→ Embezzlement of sums not exceeding 1,000,000 credits
→ Conspiracy against the Authority
→ Credit fraud
→ Transportation of illegal weapons or materials within the Corporate Sector
→ Promoting unionization (ie, promoting revolt)
→ Repeat Class C offenses
5.5 Class C Infractions
→ Vandalism
→ Ownership or possession of illegal weapons
→ Consistent dereliction of duty (laziness, incompetence)
→ Slander of libel towards Authority programs, personnel or products
→ Personal assault, armed or otherwise
→ Repeat Class D offenses
5.6 Class D Infractions
→ Actions contributing to disorderly behavior during a work shift
→ Lateness for shift duties
→ Unsafe or unapproved work behavior
→ Disrespectful behavior towards the Authority, its programs, personnel or products
→ Possession of a legal weapon without a valid permit
→ Possession of an illegal ID, either stolen or with false information
→ Use of restricted armor without a permit (Assault, Heavy Assault)
6.1 Voting Sponsor or Subsidiaries
Defined as a faction directly controlled by the Corporate Sector Authority. Support for the creation or acquisition of a new subsidiary must be supported by a 2/3rds vote from the Direx Board.
Eligible for direct funding and supplying by the Corporate Sector Authority.
Falls under the authority of the Direx Board.
Eligible for "real estate" in the Corporate Sector and is allotted a home system or planet within Corporate Space as well as space stations.
Eligible for protection by the Corporate Sector Authority and its ESPOs security force.
Members of a subsidiary shall be paid on the 15th and the 30th of each galactic month.
Minimum wage is currently 90,000 credits per month but is subject to change due to Corporate prosperity or depression.
6.2 Contributing Sponsor
Defined as a faction with an exclusive contract within the Corporate Sector Authority.
Eligible for real estate in the sector under the supervision of the Corpoate Sector Authority excluding space stations, power generators, gates, star ports and military facilities.
Eligible for limited funding from the Corporate Sector Authority.
Eligible for protection of said real estate within the Corporate Sector.
Falls under the Authority of the ExO and the Prex.
Not eligible to hold in Corporate Space ships with more than 4 turbolasers, 8 heavy lasers, any proton torpedoes, fighter squads, or any military ships or vehicles without authorization from the CSA military branch.
6.3 Reporting
Leaders of subsidiaries are required to report to the Financial Viceprex on the first of every month with an update on finances, current operations and general status of the faction.
Leaders of Contributing Sponsor are required to report current operations on the first of every month.
6.4 Collaboration
Leaders of subsidiaries WILL NOT conduct business deals with any known criminals to the Corporate Sector.
Subsidiaries WILL financially support one another.
Subsidiaries are required to reimburse each other a multiple or fraction of the cost, set by the Financial Division for services rendered and supplies. The internal prices and budgets shall be set by the Financial Division. Furthermore, the Financial Viceprex will be in charge of arranging a monthly budget for each subsidiary.
The Direx Board reserves the right to prevent any Corporate Product from being sold to the general public.
6.5 Spatial Control
No subsidiary shall control a system or planet. Thus all high rises and skyscrapers will be in direct control of the Corporate Sector Authority. If no high rises or skyscrapers are present or they do not contribute at least 66% flat ownership to the Authority, 66% of flats shall be contributed to the Authority.
All subsidiaries will maintain Management and Operator Status of high rises, skyscrapers and flats for the purpose of facility income collection.
6.6 Citizenship
Members of all subsidiaries will be giten temporary Corporate Sector Citizenship under protection of the government while within the sector, for as long as employed by the subsidiary.
Members of all Contributing Sponsors will be given temporary citizenship status as long as the contract holds.
7.1 Participation
Although the process of law amending is done by the governing body of the sector, any Corporate Citizen may propose an amendment to an existing law through a Direx Board member.
7.2 Proposal
The proposal for new laws shall be reviewed by ALL members of the board and modified according to majority decisions.
Once majority is satisfied with proposal it shall be voted on to be put into law by a 2/3rds vote.
7.3 Amending
A law may be modified within sufficient reason and majority decision of the Board.
Any DB member may propose a law be modified.
Once the proposal has satisfied the majority of the board, a 2/3rds vote is required to finalize the process.
7.4 Deletion
Any DB member may propose the deletion of a law. Just reason must be declared.
A 2/3rds vote from the entire board is required for successful deletion.
8.1 Penalty for Unionization
Promoting unionization, or conspiracy to promote unionization, is henceforth to be regarded as a "Class A" offense, subject to arrest, permanent exile from the Corporate Sector, possible life assignment to a labor colony, revocation and forfeiture of all credit and property, or possible execution.
8.2 Hirken Amendment
A new position, known as "Administrative VicePrex" or simply "VicePrex," is to be created to oversee the functions of all other VicePrex's. Additionally, the previous divisions of Security, Legal, and Financial will henceforth be consolidated under the jurisdiction of the Administrative VicePrex, with three appointed deputies to operate the respective divisions.