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Official Objection
Simon_LeviDate: Thursday, 09 Jul 2009, 7:06 AM | Message # 1
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*Representative Kruus, son of Senator Kruus, entered the Senate*


I read the following announcement, made at 00:00 today by the Neimoidian Government.

The Government of Neimoidia henceforth issues its utmost protestation to the unjust intervention in the foreign affairs of Deralia (and its legitimate Government) and its ally, Neimoidia.

The Sovereign Government of Neimoidia and the Sovereign of Deralia, King Ribaldequin I stress to add that such a treaty is devoid of value and legitimacy as it is not signed by the Sovereign of Deralia.

At 05:00 today, Neimoidian time,w our ambassadors are to be withdran from their embassy on Druckenwell in protestation of their actions.

It would seem the Sith are once more up to their tricks on Druckenwell, and Neimoidia, ever wary of that most dark influence that once held sway over its people will not see its influence spread to more worlds, this is a sentiment shared by King Ribaldequin of Deralia.

Moff of the Tammuz Sector

Message edited by Senator_Kruus - Thursday, 09 Jul 2009, 7:07 AM
LomenRyuunDate: Thursday, 09 Jul 2009, 12:23 PM | Message # 2
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The following holo message was sent to the Senate in Ryuun's absence, as his meeting with Fitzgerald and the problems on Druckenwell required his personal attention.

"Honored delegates within the Senate, both Neimoidia and Druckenwell have had a hand in Deralia, and both have been approved by the Diplomatic Corps. Neimoidia comes with a forceful King, attempting to plant their own government in the unaligned world of Deralia. Acting Ambassador Captain Dalamar Maximov of the Druckenwell Navy has instead offered a peaceful resolution in which Deralia is claimed as a protectorate of Druckenwell until they are accepted as a legitimte government by the New Republic. In fact, Deralia is quite eager to become a meber world and enjoy the freedoms of a beneficial society within the protective sphere of the New Republic. I anything, the direct anti-Sith sentiments make me wonder if Neimoidia had a hand in the attempted assassination of Minister Novak. The actions of Druckenwell are approved by the Senate and myself."

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation

Message edited by LomenRyuun - Thursday, 09 Jul 2009, 12:31 PM
GemmellDate: Friday, 10 Jul 2009, 0:06 AM | Message # 3
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An Imperial Spy watched procedings on the Holonet.

Lord Gregorious Gemmell
Advisor to the Emperor
Imperial Ruling Council

Message edited by Gemmell - Friday, 10 Jul 2009, 0:08 AM
Simon_LeviDate: Friday, 10 Jul 2009, 0:11 AM | Message # 4
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Neimoidia has no further statement to made, aside from an assertion that Neimoidia is anti-Sith as an ideology, and will not recant it. Neimoidia will react, with force if nessesary, to prevent a Sith Regime being emplaced upon Deralia, and to see its legitimate Sovereign is emplaced to its leadership, a Sovereign, who I add, has signed a covenant to bring Democracy, Peace and New Republic Membership to Deralia. As such, if you are claiming the illegitimate Government of Deralia is under your protection, do so, even attempt to enforce it, if you dare, but doing such may well bring you into open war against Neimoidia and its allies, a War which Druckenwell is ill-equipped to win.

It also seems evident, that as companies closely associated with the Deralian Government have sold Druckenwell arms, this is a plot that has been ongoing for some time to cause an unjust conflict, oppression and atrocity, just as, allegedly, an atrocity of a huge magnitude was committed upon our loyal allies, the Ewoks of Endor, by the barbarous forces of a Duckenwellite Sith using a droid army and mercenaries.

Moff of the Tammuz Sector

Message edited by Senator_Kruus - Friday, 10 Jul 2009, 1:10 AM
LomenRyuunDate: Friday, 10 Jul 2009, 12:07 PM | Message # 5
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Neimoidia must understandably be an anti-Sith government after the unlamented Viceroy Gunray made such deals with the equally unlamented Palpatine. Druckenwell, however, is not a Sith regime and calling it such is insulting. In regards to Deralia, I have this much to say: Neimoidia comes with a 'king' they intend to place over an unrecognized government. Druckenwell come with an offer of trade and help and Deralia accepts Druckenwell over Neimoidia. It would seem, then, that Neimoidia are little more than petty tyrants, capable of far more damage than the Sith could cause. I would go as far as to say that if left unchecked, the Neimoidian government may be worse than the Sith.

If Endor is brought into the account, I have received the testimonies of those involved from Druckenwell that it was an act of self-defense. Eyewitnesses from an Endor spaceport also speak of a Neimoidian group with battledroids who arrived prior to any Druckenwell forces. Perhaps then it was the Neimoidians who caused the Ewok unrest?

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
Simon_LeviDate: Saturday, 11 Jul 2009, 8:56 AM | Message # 6
Major general
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Messages: 395
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Neimoidia is placing on the throne of Deralia its legitimate King, a good man, educated on Coruscant and instilled from an early age with Republican fervour and wisdom. We yes, intend to replace the unrecognised Government, for the following reasons A) It is illegitimate, cool It is a remnant-sucessor regime, C) It has sold arms to Sith closely affiliated with your world, D) The Regime currently in place on Deralia enabled the creation of the NIO, and backed its actions upto and including Genocide.

Senator, there are a billion billion battle droids out there. There are also dozens of Billions of Neimoidians. By that logic is Coruscant (the greatest concentration of humans) responsible when a Human expedition does something? In this case though, a anthropological expedition was sent recently from Neimoidia to Endor (relevant permissions granted), so far as I am aware the expedition dissapeared to a man, along with the droids who were along with them, used as porters and sentries. Perhaps, Sith-representative, you have an explanation for where this expedition lead by some of our finest young minds has gone? Have they fallen prey to your officer's lightsabers? In the same way hundreds of Ewoks did!? I call for a full offical investigation into this matter to be held by the NRI and other relevant departments.

The notion that we are worse than sith is abhorrent, nothing could be more vile than that disgusting, perverted superstition, not even the Jedi Order could be accused of such insane and barbaric philosophy and action. We are a Sovereign Member of the New Republic, and we are striving to help another world come into the welcoming arms of he New Republic, rather than allow an illegitimate 'War Council' to Govern them.

Representative Kruus
Son of Senator Kruus

Moff of the Tammuz Sector
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