Public Annoncement The Kruuscorp (a Neimoidian Company), concerned by the recent spike in unlawful activity in the Doldur Sector, and unsure of the conduct of Governments in that region announces its intent to place a defense platform in Deep Space within that Sector to assure shipping security on the Doldur Section of the Corellian Run.
This will not interrupt normal shipping through this busy shipping lane, but will result in an overall increase in security and decrease in piracy, as well as a launch into the investigation of so called 'Phantom ships' capital ships that have been appearing in many Mid Rim systems only to dissapear when registered by defense monitors.
Utmost care will be taken in the construction of the platforms, whos location will only be reported to the NRI and NRDF (as well as Neimoidias other allies) in order that the stations location does not cause it to come under attack from Pirates or Raiders.