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The Agricultural and Cultural Traditions (Labour) Act.
Jamie_the_HuttDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 11:05 AM | Message # 1
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I would propose introducing a subsidy on our own foodstuffs, this would take the shape of a 1% subsidy from central Government on all foodstuffs produced paid to the Planetary Government they are produced in, this is to increase production and give local governments a little dispsable income to spend on nice things for their people, street parties and carnivals and the like..

Slavery is presently outlawed in the galaxy, and in many cases this is a good and prudent thing, as I personally believe slavery is a very great wrong in many cases.

However, I would like to insert the following clause.

'Slavery should be permissable in certain circumstances: where it can be proven to have existed as a tradition for over 10,000 years and the ownership of said slaves can be proven to be a tradition practiced up to the present.'

I feel this is not a radical measure in any way! A simple restoration of ancient traditions that makes our culture all the more valuable. I refer specifically in this to the ownership of Twi'lek slaves by Hutts, I myself inherited the freehold to 1,000 Twileks recently, and the right to collect them from the local populace. This freehold contract is signed as of 11,000 years ago and has always been employed by beings of my line, it is a tradition that I would say the New Republic has no place in interfearing in.

In order to maintain cultural diversity and recognise that different cultures have different accepted norms we must pass this act, and thus also allow me to go and contract the 1,000 Twi'leks of my choice without legal recourse. And they will be put into an idyllic life on my happy carnivorous snail plantations on Dantooine.

Remember, happy carnivorous snails come from Dantooine.

'Jamie' the Hutt

Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 2:44 PM | Message # 2
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Am I to understand that Senator Tiiure is seriously proposing a legitimation of slavery? I can't believe I'm actually making this obvious point, but no, "traditions" are no excuse to deprive another sentient species of its rights; this is why the Rights of Sentience have been in force for 25,000 years (with the only exception being the comparably brief, and horrible, reign of the Empire). So just to clarify, Senator, are you really proposing to roll back twenty-five millenia of species rights protections? It's absurd. Clearly, I'm opposed as I have been to such measures throughout my career, and as the New Republic is opposed to it in its charter.

I also believe that the government subsidizes farmers enough as it is; it's anti-competitive, and I'm opposed to the measure on those grounds as well.

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Jamie_the_HuttDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 2:56 PM | Message # 3
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Mr Fitzgerald, I put it to you. Why do you hate democracy so? Why do you hate civil liberties and planetary rights? My people, the Hutts have been persecuted across the galaxy, from pillar to post, robbed and forced into vices I wouldnt like to discuss here, and you would take our very traditions away? All we wish as recompense for this persecution is our ancestral traditions to be respected.

Mr Fitzgerald, you hate Democracy, we have established this, but you hate street-parties too? You hate carnivals? You hate the laughter of children and the smiles on their faces when they are given balloons.

By voting this way Mr Fitzgerald you oppose species rights, you oppose farmers, you oppose happiness and you oppose street parties. You are a tyrant Mr Fitzgerald, and I am personally glad the senate will never let you again near the engines of power, after your shameful and disasterous failiures to deal effectively with the Vjun affair, Lasergate, the Acherin Blockade and the Civil Unrest on Dantooine, you hardly deserve clothes on your back, let alone a seat in this chamber.

Message edited by Jamie_the_Hutt - Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 3:03 PM
Senator_CambristDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 3:33 PM | Message # 4
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While Senator Tiure's remarks are amusing (and while I hesitate to defend Mr. Fitzgerald, whose views, I believe, have strayed increasingly afield of the mainstream in recent years), I must concede that some of the words directed at the former Chief of State are, perhaps, uncalled for; I also must agree, reluctantly, that the bill as-written could potentially compromise sentience rights. However, Mr. Fitzgerald, I do not think it is necessary to call Senator Tiure's motives or character into question. As he has demonstrated to us, his species too has suffered and, I'm sure, appreciates the freedoms that are afforded him, and all of us, under the New Republic.

But if we are to speak of freedom, I think we must also acknowledge that there must be a latitude of freedom to exercise ancestral traditions also. The former Chief of State, after all, has often spoken of the "autonomy" of member worlds. While I am compelled to vote against this particular bill, I don't think it's unreasonable that certain conditions of servitude (perhaps in the form of contracts voluntarily agreed) are permissible and, I daresay, even common in many quarters of the galaxy.

Now that we trade freely with the Imperial Remnant, in fact, and considering that the Remnant's sentients protections are not as stringent as our own, I think to remain competitive we must dispassionately consider measures to this effect in the near future. I will study this matter in the Commerce Council in our coming sessions.

Senator Sir Reuke Cambrist, Brentaal
Chairman of the Commerce Council

Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 4:47 PM | Message # 5
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Perhaps, Senator Tiure, if you were to look at your proposal from the point of view of a Twi Lek, you would not think your proposal such a good idea. I hardly believe that it is fair to single out a species to enslave for your personal gain.

Senator Fitzgerald has done nothing except express his desire for history to not repeat itself. That hardly qualifies him as a tyrant, nor does that speak of his loyalty to the democracy. I agree with Senator Fitzgerald, again, and vote against your blatant disregard for freedom for all sentient beings.

Furthermore, I do hope that the other Senators in this chamber would agree with the sentiments of all that have spoken against you thus far. If anyone does not deserve a seat in this Senate, it is one who thinks that the enslavement of a species is alright based on their cruel and self-gratifying sadistic 'traditions'.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila

Message edited by Ilanah_Thanatos - Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 5:53 PM
Jamie_the_HuttDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 4:53 PM | Message # 6
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A twi'lek, as it is well known and accepted on Dantooine and throughout Hutt space is not a sentient being, while there maybe a disagreement here, it is a consensus on dozens of worlds.

I call upon the commission to be formed on this matter to discuss the matter of Twi'lek's sentience definatively and hear the scientific evidence for both sides impartially.

And if they are proven not to be sentient, then current slavery law already does not apply, thus I can go and claim my freehold, signed by their Monarch.

Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 5:25 PM | Message # 7
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Thus begs the question, who in the entire galaxy has the right to decide if a particular race is sentient or not? The Hutts? No, I think not. Corellians? No. Bothans? No.

NO ONE has the right to judge another race as to their validity as a sentient species in this galaxy! And no one has the right to say that said race is to be sold into slavery for your personal purposes.

I am sorry that you feel the need to enslave and belittle the Twi Leks for your personal use and entertainment. I suppose that shows your character and the kind of being that you truly are.

Again, I am against this act, and the subsequent request for this ridiculous commission to be formed.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
Jamie_the_HuttDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 5:31 PM | Message # 8
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*Picked up a Klatooine paddy frog from the jar next to him, it screamed and attempted to get away*

Now the looney liberal left starts harping on about saying we cannot declare things to be non-Sentient.

*he slipped the frog into his mouth, crunching it slowly so it screamed for a few seconds before it died*

Youl tell me next that a paddy frog is sentient? That we should not allow them to be eaten? Or that is its illiberal to herd nerfs?

Somewhere a line has to be drawn.

Message edited by Jamie_the_Hutt - Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 5:31 PM
Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 5:52 PM | Message # 9
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Senator Tiiure, I'm not going to waste the Senate's time with your accusations against me, because I don't think anyone sincerely believes that I "hate democracy" and "the laughter of children," or that my support for the Rights of Sentience means, somehow, that I "hate civil rights." I'm also proud of my record and will defend it in any debate that is actually about my record, which this debate is not.

Frankly, Senator, it's disgusting to stand (or "sag," if you will) in this chamber and suggest that Twi'leks are not sentient, or any other evidencially sentient species for that matter. Senator Thanatos is absolutely right, that it is not your determination to make whether a species is or isn't sentient; the New Republic has a process for this based on actual study, not on bigotry. To all Senators here today, and the Chief of State, it is dangerous to allow this sort of hypothesizing in this venue, of the sort that was so common and destructive during the Empire.

Whether a species is sentient is not a matter of opinion, and it cannot and must not be put "up for a vote." Period.

I thank Senator Thanatos for agreeing with me on this matter. I'm sure that Senator Forte from Ryloth also agrees, and so should the rest of the Senate.

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Ponc_GavrisomDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 6:02 PM | Message # 10
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The Honourable Senator of Dantooine is called to order.

Gentlemen! Let us be civil here. It is an accepted fact that Twi'leks are sentient. If the honourable Senator has information to the contrary he must present it to the relevant academic authorities. As Senator Fitzgerald points out, the Senate is not the place nor this the time to be discussing which species are and are not sentient.

I will sustain your objection to current legislation to the level that it disagrees with your culture, and so perhaps the law needs to be re-evaluated in order to acomodate your culture (this will be the topic of discussion by the Judicial review, which will evaluate all law with respect to member species culture). The committee will not discuss the sentience of one species or another, there are already academic and independant standards on this issue, and I do not intend to change them.

But I must highlight that when legislating we must always judge first what is right, and only then discuss cultural issues.

Right is like gold, immutable, whatever else it may be it is still Gold.

Ponc Gavrisom
Chief of State
Cul-utaanForteDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 10:03 PM | Message # 11
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Quote (Jamie_the_Hutt)
By voting this way Mr Fitzgerald you oppose species rights...


I apoligize for that outburst, but this is the most outrageous bill I have seen in my time in this Senate, nearly a decade. And I will not stand for the Twi'lek people...citizens of the New enslaved nor be called non-Sentient. Slavery is never permissable...neither is the revokation of Rights of people and our homeworld of Ryloth has suffered for millenia under the Hutts...and now that we have our freedom, I, unlike my predecessors in the Old Republic, will not sit by and allow the continued enslavery and oppression of my people. No commission should be set re-evaluation of laws... my people and homeworld are free...and we will fight to free those not enjoying the liberties we have finally obtained and to keep said any cost...against absolutely anyone who will attempt to take it away. I vote AGAINST this legislation with absolutely everything in my being...and representing every Twi'lek in this galaxy...

It is a sad day when the New Republic has legislation on the floor that even has a hint of consideration of legalizing slavery or revoking Rights of Sentience from a species. If that day is truely here...then harsh words are surely to be chanted that I know this chamber DOES NOT want to hear.

As for the Senator of Dantooine...I have one piece of advice for your people. Adapt. Twi'leks have adapted to freedom rather well...I think your people can get used to not having use in chains rather well too.

General Cul'utaan'forte
Forte's Legion

Message edited by Cul-utaanForte - Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 10:07 PM
OrionKarathDate: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009, 11:23 PM | Message # 12
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Senator Tiure, this speech is what the Empire we have spent twenty-two years, and in some cases longer, fighting against oreached and founded its most notable domestic policy on. It is sickening to see a pro-slavery bill being brought into the Senate for discussion weeks after the peace effort gained some sort of weight through the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty. After fighting for so long for this government, I sure as hell am not about to let it walk right down the same path the Empire took. I vote against this measure, and call upon Chief Gavrisom to close this debate and take a final vote tally.

Orion Karath
Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present
My posts here, pre-2009 archives here
Ponc_GavrisomDate: Wednesday, 21 Oct 2009, 11:26 AM | Message # 13
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The motion fails with only one vote in favour.

Ponc Gavrisom
Chief of State
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