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Peace at any Price
Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Wednesday, 21 Oct 2009, 3:24 PM | Message # 1
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Senators, a decade ago when I stepped down as Chief of State I gave a speech in which I said that the decisions we make over the next ten years will determine the course of the next ten thousand. Nine years later, this time has largely passed, and the New Republic has made decisions and entered into certain agreements—one in particular—that have had and will have dire consequences not only for the credibility of this Republic to be taken seriously, and to be believed at its word; above all else it means that those who now suffer under tyranny are left to do so without even the small comfort of knowing that someone, somewhere, is standing up for them, speaking for them, fighting for them. Their hopelessness, now, is absolute, because with the muted scratch of a writing stylus the New Republic has turned its back on them, and agreed to a treaty in ink that will be paid in their blood.

You know, of course, to what I'm referring; the Pellaeon/Gavrisom Treaty, to which I have been and remain opposed. Before I go on, it needs to be clarified that I am not "against peace." A just peace is something that the New Republic has always sought and fought for. But who dares tell the man who lives under the oppression of the Imperial Remnant that he now lives in peace? Who dares tell the mother whose child may "disappear" on her way home from school, and whose government may deny that the child ever existed, that she now lives in peace? Who dares tell the non-humans of the Remnant, who are treated as second class citizens and beaten in the streets, that they now live in peace? And who dares tell the child whose father is imprisoned, or executed for speaking out for equal rights or wages, that he now lives in peace? Peace is no more real for them than peace of mind, and they have neither.

I am not "against peace," but I am against peace at any price and I will never apologize for this. The Republic has never stood only for its own citizens; the Declaration of a New Republic says, in no uncertain terms, that we are founded "... to secure liberty for all beings." To fight for people who can't fight, and to speak for people who can't speak, has been at the heart of this Republic (and the Rebellion), and at the heart of every uprising against tyranny, everywhere, in every era of history. This treaty, thus, is not only a betrayal of all those people but a betrayal of ourselves, our ideals, what we stand for or, rather, stood for until we sat opposite Pellaeon at the negotiating table and agreed to the most disgraceful document imaginable. Not only have we made peace with tyranny, but now we reward it with our trade!

The Senate, I'm sad to say, ratified this treaty in consideration only of opinion polls on their homeworlds, and not those in the Imperial Remnant whose opinions are not polled, are not allowed to be heard, or are punished.

Have we forgotten, already, our words of only ten years ago when, in the document Why Do We Fight The Empire? we declared that the Imperial Remnant "is not legal," "not moral," "not socially responsible," "not tolerant," and "must be stopped"? We stood firm and called the Remnant what it was and still is, "a dictatorship without genuine accountability," "a force of totalitarianism," "a force of conquest," and "an object of hatred and fear to all who live in its sphere of influence." Senators, this document was signed by Mon Mothma, Leia Organa, Borsk Fey'lya, and Admiral Ackbar. They concluded with the bold call to action and call to arms: "Do not allow the darkness to rise again."

And yet all of these individuals named here have turned their back on their own words. They have turned their back on a much more worthy document and embraced, instead, its complete repudiation—the Pellaeon/Gavrisom Treaty. Even Chief of State Gavrisom, I suggest, would not have been elected only a year ago if he'd not promised to fight the Remnant.

But make no mistake, this treaty does allow the darkness to rise again. Anyone who believes genuinely that the war is "finished" because one warlord has signed one document is deluding themselves. The last time one of them proposed peace it was only a matter of weeks before she was assassinated by her colleagues, and the war continued. Now that the treaty is in effect, the Imperial Remnant will simply take advantage of it to build their fleet, to oppress their people without opposition and firm up their control and their resources, and will resume the war. This time, it will be far worse, far longer, more costly and more horrible than it would have been if we had simply pressed the advantage and finished the fight now.

The galaxy is now gripped in a peace even more frightening than war. The Chief of State calls it "Peace First" (and evidently, morality later). I have been in the Senate for a long time now and I understand that there is little chance that the treaty will be nullified. Nor do I call for a violation of the treaty, which is now, sadly, the law of the land. However I do call for full and vigorous opposition to any attempts the Chief of State and his allies might make to further expand the terms of the treaty, and the terms of trade. I call upon all Senators of conscience to pursue stringent and crippling trade sanctions against the Remnant, to oppose disarmament, to send petitions to the Chief of State's office, to do something to prove to oppressed sentients everywhere that someone in the New Republic is still looking out for them.

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Ponc_GavrisomDate: Wednesday, 21 Oct 2009, 5:29 PM | Message # 2
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Senator Fitzgerald,

Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.

This is not the War any more. Your attitude is not prodictive nor is it helpful. We must love our former enemies, show them love and kindness, recognise them as fellow beings and share our prosperity and peace with them. Since the begining of the struggle against the Empire, some 30 years ago, each year many millions, if not billions (on average) have died. And since the treaty, precious few beings have perished in conflict with the Remnant. Mr Fitzgerald will be aware that the Remnant is relatively united under its one leader, Admiral Pellaeon.

I have Admiral Pellaeon's assurance he will prosecute the war viciously against independant warlords who do not recognise the treaty, and so will we. If the New Republic is tangibly attacked in a large scale (and not by accident) we will prosecute a swift and decisive campaign in order to vanquish those who threaten peace.

Mr Fitzgerald, while I do not accuse you of hating peace, I do accuse you of bloodlust. Day to day we are no longer hearing of hundreds of humans, wookiees, calibob, sullustans and thousands of other species being returned home in bodybags.

Mr Fitzgerald, and all you other 'War Hawks' I ask you to consider the war, the concequences of war. What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy? If we continue the war against the Empire, people will suffer, on both sides, and I am sure the prevailing consensus on both sides would prefer to avoid this.

Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.... The chain reaction of evil — hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars — must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.

War does not make men, war destroys them. It is through peace that true men are made.

Ponc Gavrisom
Chief of State

Message edited by Ponc_Gavrisom - Wednesday, 21 Oct 2009, 5:52 PM
Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Wednesday, 21 Oct 2009, 7:02 PM | Message # 3
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If I may speak candidly. I would not accuse Senator Fitzgerald of bloodlust. Who's to say that one would want war to continue just to spill more blood? No living being alive on this galaxy would want a war to happen. The galaxy doesn't deserve any more fightings. The galaxy itself does need to catch its breath. There had been two galaxy-spanning wars caused by former and deceased Emperor Palpatine. There should be no war so all of us can finally concentrate on putting the efforts into building up more stability among us. However, I do need to admit that I was little bit disappointed in the peace treaty.

It's people like the Remnant that made the galaxy an unsafe place to live in. While the Imperial Remnant may have become more democratic, they are still far from allowing its citizens to have a newfound freedom that we, the New Republic, had provided. While it is good to see that the Remnant have agreed to a peace treaty with us, I believe that the only effect it has is that there won't be any fighting. That may be a good thing for us, but what about the people that lives on an Imperial-aligned world? Would they have the same security we would have? What's to stop the Remnant from invading an independent world? This treaty is only effective for the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant, the future actions that would impose upon each other.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad the fighting is over. But the Imperial Remnant remains a threat to the rest of the galaxy. When the New Republic became the New Republic, we have the responsibility to the galaxy. It's not about lightness or darkness, but about keeping the galaxy a secured place and provide every living being with equal access as much as possible.

Once again, I am against the fighting. I would agree fully with the peace treaty if I didn't still see the Remnant as a threat.

Tremaine Fowlkes,
Senator of Mowgle

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Thursday, 22 Oct 2009, 1:16 PM | Message # 4
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The Chief of State speaks of "adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars," which, by the way, I'm sure is of great comfort to the Humans, Wookiees, Calibop, Sullustans and so on who, instead of dying in battle, are dying instead in concentration camps or prisons or empty fields throughout the Remnant as we speak, without opposition.

There was a time that I remember, in the depths of the Imperial subjugation of my homeworld, that the only hope that one had—the only reason for living, let alone a reason for dying—was that one could look up at the sky, see the stars, and know that someone, somewhere, in one of those star systems had not forgotten us, was thinking of us, was fighting for us. Chief of State, this treaty has condemned eight sectors of oppressed and disenfranchised peoples to hopelessness. Talk about "adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars."

When you signed that treaty, you might as well have been shrugging your shoulders. But because all of my points still stand, and because your words are pretty but don't amount to much, I will leave it at that except to say that if my attitude is not "productive or helpful," I am glad; I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that I had been "productive or helpful" to your agenda, and as I said and say again I will oppose it at every turn.

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."

Message edited by Airstrike_Fitzgerald - Thursday, 22 Oct 2009, 1:25 PM
Artemis_VandenDate: Thursday, 22 Oct 2009, 9:26 PM | Message # 5
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The Chief of State is right that even a disadvantageous peace is better than war, which is advantageous to no one. I have said this for many years, and I am proud to see it now reflected in the New Republic's policies. What's more, Ponc Gavrisom's eloquent words here today in defense of the peace treaty have shown him, once again, to be the true statesman that he is. I cannot hope to match his eloquence but I do feel I must add my thoughts to this matter.

Senator Fitzgerald, while I understand your passion on this matter and your personal experiences, and while I'm sure most of us agree with you in part, it is still characterizing the treaty unjustly to say that the New Republic now is "turning its back" or "shrugging its shoulders" on those disenfranchised beings in Imperial space (who, incidentally, are fewer every day). You are not appreciating that there are means by which we can influence the Imperial Remnant other than force. Now that we are trading with them, for instance, we can use this leverage as well and, by the very nature of free trade, we are exporting to Imperial Space not only our products but also our ideals.

It's time to set aside arms, as the Chief of State has said. My people of Naboo have had war visited upon them countless times in recent history, and we have always been only a bystander to such conflicts! If there is a more sane way to bring about change for oppressed peoples, as the Chief of State has said, we should try it. We've tried war now for three decades. But I wish that Senator Fitzgerald would see the treaty not as as a betrayal of the New Republic's ideals, but rather as only a different means to the same ends.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo

Message edited by Artemis_Vanden - Thursday, 22 Oct 2009, 9:28 PM
Senator_CambristDate: Thursday, 22 Oct 2009, 10:47 PM | Message # 6
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My compliments to Chief of State Gavrisom as well, and to Senator Vanden and, to a lesser extent, Senator Fowlkes. The only point of contention between myself and the Chief of State is not that Mr. Fitzgerald has "bloodlust," but rather that he is, quite simply, obsessed with death. With all due respect, we all know that Ralltiir was subjugated by the Empire. We all know that Mr. Fitzgerald's parents were killed. We know all of this because we've heard it many times before. But Senator, this was twenty years ago!

I shudder at the thought that I might sound "insensitive," but truly, Senator Fitzgerald, just because you've lived through a traumatic and bloody episode in your life is no excuse to perpetrate the same misery on the rest of the galaxy. Your views are far afield of the mainstream, as the majority of the people do not want a war without end, for all of time, to avenge the death of Eli Fitzgerald's parents. I am proud of the treaty and of my part in writing its free commerce provisions. The people want peace, it is good for this galaxy, let us accept this and move on.

Senator Sir Reuke Cambrist, Brentaal
Chairman of the Commerce Council

Gustav_EmerestDate: Saturday, 24 Oct 2009, 0:10 AM | Message # 7
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Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.

I'm glad our current chief of state is clearly a traitor to this Republic and has acknowledge the Republic's illegitimacy due to it's violent past and victories which of course are only momentary. Let us further his cause and let this Republic disintegrate before our very own eyes. Let us also punish the Kaleesh and the Mandalorians for obtaining victories through use of violence since of course those victories will only be fleeting. In fact let us go so far as to try anyone whom has participated in the rebellion for they have ruined the Republic since this very Republic was obtained by the victories through violence which this cheif of state has made very clear is only momentary.

I must again thank the chief of state for recognizing the Empire as the true and legitimate government since the Empire was founded not through victories through violence but victories in corruption and softness. By a people so willing to obtain peace they would allow a NEW ORDER to enforce that peace at any price by any means.

I believe my sarcasm has made it's point. As for Cambrist, your cocky arrogance towards the Former Chief of State is crude and quite disrespectful of a man that has done more to curb the social injustices that permeated from the empire then any other chief of state before or since. The relative domestic peace of the Republic today is due in major part to Fitzgerald's wisdom. The idea that you would suggest that Fitzgerald is obsessed with death shows a clear lack of intelligence on your part. Nay his call to abstain from compromising peace only affirms life and the ability to live it freely. He is correct. The Empire will build again and they will change politics again and this treaty will become someone's toilet paper roll. More death will occur more violence and even harder so. The empire was fading from existence. It's ideals were crumbling. But until they fall we cannot stop pressing them do to so.

Cambrist you are ignoring the sizable amount of people and leaders that are still waiting to fight the empire. I've mentioned a few such as the Mandalorians. But even my own constituents are uneasy with this peace. Many don't know why we arn't still keeping an aggressive approach on the empire. Many of these people have experienced first hand the tyranny of the Empire. Most non humans such as not yourself. Former rebels as well are screaming along side Fitzgerald for this treaty to be taken down. You cannot ignore these voices for they are not the shadow of a minority. They are literally almost half of this galaxy. And if you are not careful enough they will drag the other half kicking and screaming into war!

As for myself I support Senator Fitzgerald. You all know that I have been Senator since the Old Republic and I've compromised once before in the name of peace and order. I will not sell my soul again.

Senator Gustav Emerest

Simon_LeviDate: Saturday, 24 Oct 2009, 10:07 AM | Message # 8
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Evidently Mr Emerest missed the fact that the Chief of State in his remark was simply quoting Chancellor Ghatma Mhandi of Naboo, who brought about many peaceful reforms in the old Republic through the use of peaceful non-violent resistance of the enemies of the Republic. And was triumphant. I would suggest this maxim is infact demonstrated to be true in the form of the Emperor using force and manipulation to gain victory, and for him it was indeed fleeting.

I remind Mr Emerest that those who oppose the treaty are in the Minority, and that his Senate ratified the treaty with a full session not 12 months ago.

Moving on, the Empire it seems is moving swiftly to becoming a more liberal and egalitarian state. It has only this week put in motion a plan to dis-establish speciesism within its boarders. As such I applaud its first steps towards becoming a partner in galactic stability and justice.

Here we have another voice of the old guard, the right, rambling on about a lust for war. I thank the stars that the War Hawks are not in power. That peace has been secured, and that now we see the Empire moving towards economic and social liberalisation, without us forcing it upon them with military might.

Moff of the Tammuz Sector
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