“Many of you know that I took a Leave of Absence last year when my Mother fell ill, after her subsequent death I continued my absence from this Chamber so that I might continue the investigation into my Daughter’s Mother’s murder; it pains me today to state that I am no closer to finding those responsible. “During my absence Junior Senator Tamm Rosche stood in my place with admirable quality, if not the best judgment. It further pains me to see that many of his votes were against my nature and indeed the nature of the Foundation of the New Republic.
“I returned her today with aspirations of continuing the fight for peace and stability that Chiefs of State Organa-Solo and Fitzgerald started, and I find this Hall lacking.”
There was no mistaking the bitterness in his voice. “Where once stood a Paragon of swift justice purposed in fighting for those who lives were swept away by the breath of tyranny, I find a coward whose paramount concern is to add some form of respect to his, otherwise lacking, being with words like ‘peace’ and ‘treaty’ heedless of the thousands doomed to continued subjugation at the hands of the enemy. Our hands. “Where once stood hundreds of free sentiments pushing for the furthering of freedom throughout the galaxy, I find hundreds of sniveling worms burying themselves under layers of bureaucracy so as to hide their eyes from the accusing stares of those they condemn to death.
“Where once Senators and Representative pushed measures across for the betterment of all, I find bills and motions that would sicken even a Hutt whose desire it is to legalize corpse trade so that he might dine on your dead brothers and sisters!
“How long gone have I been that we have fallen into such utter disgrace? How far have we yet to fall before we should all be called to order for such a blatant disregard for any semblance of Government?
“How far have we already gone that we will hide behind ‘peace first’ to justify our fears of confronting the enemy as we did in times past. How easily have we forgotten the sacrifices of our friends and relatives whose blood bought us the very freedom we now throw in the heap as so much garbage?
“Their blood and our tears washed away the grime of oppression slathered on us by the oppression and tyranny of the Empire, and now, when we should continue the cleansing we willingly wade through the mud and the mire, ignoring the sloshing in our wake.
“I ask you, how would you be remembered?”
He did not expect an answer.