This has been something in discussion for some time within the Corellian government. We do understand the frustration some may have, but I remind you...Corellia will govern Corellia...not Coruscant...not Brentaal...not Neimoidia...but Corellia. Should Brentaal infringe upon the Corellian Sector, the Corellian government will have no choice but to consider it an act of aggression and declare war upon Brentaal in an effort to defend our sovereignty and territory. Back on a more pleasent tone of discussion, Corellia is currently undergoing a transformation of Defense Forces representative of our duties as Sectorial military forces and adaptive to the role demanded upon it, and CorSec, for many years that has not been undertaken. An announcement should come soon from Corellia on this matter and other policy changes as well as organizational changes.
I thank Senator Cambrist for respectfully bringing the feeling of Brentaal to our attention. And I want you to know, despite what it may appear, we are listening.