The Galaxy Star: Trysts in the Senate?
By Serena Star, reporter for The Galaxy Star
(a subsidiary publication of The Coruscant Journal)
Coruscant — Sources inside the Senate indicate a recent clash between Senators over whether or not Twi'Leks are sentient beings. After the Senate recessed, a source for the Galaxy Star spotted former Chief of State and current Senator of Ralltiir, Eli "Airstrike" Fitzgerald, and the Senator of Chandrila, Ilanah Thanatos, leaving the Senate building arm in arm before he whisked the married Senator away in a newer model black speeder. We have it on strict authority that the pair were first spotted dining and drinking martinis at The Sky Room in the upper levels of Galactic City, before retiring to The Galaxy Hilton penthouse suite. Senator Thanatos was then later spotted being escorted from the five star hotel by her driver.
What will Senator Fowlkes—Thanatos' husband—think when he returns from the Outer Rim? And what will this do to Airstrike Fitzgerald's campaign for re-election? Only time will tell.