Senate Rotunda
Office of the Chief of State
Memorandum to: Orion Karath
Senaor, Corellia
Subject: Defense Council Position Senator,
I thank you for your commitment to the Defense Council as ever.
Concerns have been expressed to me that with Corellia having major defense issues, and with the New Republic Military possibly being committed to actions at the Twin Worlds (in a humanitarian capacity) which seems to be opposed by yourself.
It seems to be a conflict of interest to be the Government's representative for the Military, while opposing the current deployment of the military. This is clearly a present and concerning conflict of interest.
As such... I would like to ask you to resign your position as Chair of the Defense Council until the Twin Worlds affair is sucessfully concluded after which I will not oppose you holding this position again.
Added (03 Nov 2009, 0:37 Am)
Mr Karath
A reminder, the Chief of State has written you a letter dated 11/03.
No reply has been recieved, this may have been lost in your office but please consider this a request to bring this to your immediate attention.
The Chief of State has also requested I convey to you his dis-approval at your involvement in your office leaking state secrets through your negligence..
Jemmo Yiksa
Sous-Undersecretary to the Chief of State