The court is now in session to determine the constitutionality of the Twin Worlds resolution, recently passed by the Senate. Mr. Hanne will go first, then the representative of the New Republic, and each will be allowed a rebuttal. I will ask questions of both sides before delivering the verdict. Mr. Hanne, please present your case. Added (06 Nov 2009, 2:48 Pm)
Mr. Hanne, you have 48 hours to present your case or it will be dismissed.
Added (08 Nov 2009, 2:47 Pm)
The case is dismissed, and the injunction withdrawn. Mr. Hanne will not be fined, but he is found in contempt of court and formally reprimanded for wasting the court's time on a matter of supreme importance, while people have been losing their lives. This is as irresponsible for a lawyer as it is for any compassionate being, and it does not speak well of Corellia's sincerity or commitment to this case. If at any time it becomes apparent that seeking an injunction was merely a delaying tactic, as one can only suspect, the High Court reserves the right to pursue charges and penalties against Corellia at that time. That is all, gentlemen.