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A Clandestine Meeting
Agent_BlountDate: Wednesday, 04 Nov 2009, 6:12 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
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"Right, let's get on with it," Blount said to the other two men in the speeder, which ambled just down the block and around a corner from the warehouse where he was to meet with their mysterious informant. Whoever he was had deposited a copy of The Coruscant Journal at the office of a prominent Senator, with a note scrawled, highlighted and underlined within its text suggesting that former Senator Exar Ray did not die of natural causes, as everyone believed with good reason, but instead that he'd been murdered by his successor, Senator Jamulon Desilijic Tiure (or "Jamie the Hutt"). This note was promptly turned over to New Republic Intelligence, who had sent the Colonel and his team to follow up on the lead.

"Henderson, you stay on this corner and keep an eye out," he said to one of them, who nodded in return, "Wilkes, take the speeder around the back of the warehouse. Go the long way around, so no one notices. I'm going to keep my comlink on, so listen up and be ready to move in if things get hot. Clear?" Yes, they were. Blount and Henderson got out of the speeder, and Wilkes drove it off silently. Blount nodded to his subordinate, then rounded the corner and walked the remaining block to the warehouse. The streets were deserted in this district (which was mostly used for storage, most of it illegitimate), and it was darker than usual because of low cloud cover. Low cloud cover meant someone had screwed up at the Weather Bureau, but Blount didn't mind that now.

The prevailing opinion at the Analysis Bureau was that the newspaper, and the note written on it, was intended as a threat to the Senator it was sent to, and the reference to Senator Ray and Jamie the Hutt merely meant as something tantalizing to lure him to a remote place where he could be assassinated, intimidated, bribed or otherwise. NRI dealt with these sorts of things all the time. However, on the off chance there was some truth to the Exar Ray claim, it was forth following up on.

But all the same, they were taking no chances. Blount wasn't uniformed, but he was armed and so were the other two. He felt his jacket just to reassure himself that the blaster was still there, and hoped to himself that he wouldn't have to use it as he walked through the door to the warehouse cautiously and glanced about.

Gregory Blount
Imperial Intelligence
HavocDate: Wednesday, 04 Nov 2009, 6:26 PM | Message # 2
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GP remained on guard as Havoc laid on the nose of his X-wing inside the warehouse. Little did anyone know but these two, that small sensors were placed around the building, and the smallest of motion would send off little warning sounds to Havoc, whom received them through a little communication device that laid next to him. "Think Fitzgerald got the memo?" Asked Havoc, as GP looked out a small window from the top of the warehouse. "Looks like the NRi are here instead..." Stated the droid as he started to proceed away from the window. Sitting up, Havoc looked at him. "How do you figure?" Suddenly Havoc's little device begun to make a small beeping noise. "Besides going around to the back, the Senator surely wouldn't be that smart, and to drop off a lone guard at the front." Coming to his feet, the rogue begun to look around. "Showtime" Commented Havoc as he lept from the nose of his fighter to one of the ledges above that would conseal his appearance. GP was quick to assume his master's position on the nose and then it was game time.

As the agent walked in, GP begun a visual scan of him. "Good afternoon... I am GP-145, Combat Droid and humble team mate of Jedi Knight Havoc..." GP slowly raised his blaster rifle. From where he stood, Havoc smirked a little, hearing what introduction his droid had given. Usually he wouldn't of been so kind, but GP was on strict orders not to kill unless the victum... or the attacker was considered a threat. But from he was positioned, the agent didn't seem to be much of a threat... but that was the problem with shady characters... you could never tell. Leaning a little closer, Havoc listened. "I'm afraid I'm going to ask you to drop your weapons by your feet and kick it towards the fighter... my master will be with your shortly." After hearing enough, Havoc decided to step in a little before his plan went down the drain, and his X-wing was damaged. Somersaulting from the ledge, Havoc made a smooth landing in front of GP, smirking as he looked at the agent from his stance. "I do apologize for that... however we were expecting the Senator concerning a matter of importance..." He rose up, staring down at the agent. "Unless you want to steal my fighter, I suggest you and your boys in the back vacate... before you have a bad hair day... if you catch my drift." Havoc then grinned.

Message edited by Havoc - Wednesday, 04 Nov 2009, 6:30 PM
Agent_BlountDate: Wednesday, 04 Nov 2009, 7:20 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 51
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Blount was stone faced, as always. Instinctively upon entering he had scanned the warehouse with his eyes even as the droid spoke to him. "One droid," Blount said softly into the comlink in his pocket, then added as GP introduced himself, "One combat droid. One X-Wing, model T-65." He noted the droid raising its rifle at him and considered either A.) calling in reinforcements, B.) pulling his own blaster and/or finding cover, or possibly tackling the droid, or C.) both. There was a moment of tension on the line, which was fortunately interrupted (just in time) by Havoc's entrance. "And one Jedi," Blount added.

"New Republic Intelligence," the Colonel said to Havoc, by way of introduction. The Jedi's name sounded familiar, like something he'd read in a case file years ago. It was certainly an unusual one; must have been a nickname. No doubt Wilkes would be checking it now against NRI's database and the Jedi Academy's records. "On this matter of importance," he said in his usual bureaucratic tone of voice, "You've made a claim against a New Republic Senator, although I'm not sure why you wouldn't have made it directly to us. In any event, I'm willing to hear you out."

Gregory Blount
Imperial Intelligence
HavocDate: Wednesday, 04 Nov 2009, 7:37 PM | Message # 4
Lieutenant general
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"Well I regret to inform you... Agent... whatever your name is..." He grinned a little bit. No doubt they would run his name into the databanks New Republic Intelliegence had authorization into. And no doubt would it come back classifying him not only as a war-hero, but also given a time out by the Jedi Order. But regardless, whether or not this man would help him or not, Havoc would carry on the crusade. "I was there as Exar's heart gave out. I eased his spirits that killed him... by promising him that I would not leave Dantooine in it's current state of mind." Grinning, he took a seat on the edge of the nose. "Because as your lackies would report, I am from Dantooine. I've served my share of beatings... and gave up many things... a majority of them taken from me." Nodding a little. "I will be damned if I let some overgrown slug take my homeworld and turn it into a BBQ fest!" Havoc's voice got a little loud, loud enough to have some of the dust from the windows move. He rose to his feet. "The so called claimed that was called in was nothing but a calling card. Fitzgerald and Exar were both allies inside the Senate and out, and I figured I would seek his aid to help get back Dantooine... but instead I get sent you." With that, Havoc preformed a front flip in front of Blount.

"Now you can take this from me and put it on your food how you want it... but I am not on a vendetta or a rampage, but on a mission. The Jedi Order won't help, and if I went to the Senate, I would end up getting arrested for threats... so I'm doing this by the Havoc Rulebook. And you have two choices." Havoc then begun to circle Blount. "A. You call in your boys, attempt to arrest me for I dunno... a terrorist attack or something, and be big heroes." He stopped to the left of Blount as he came up on the other option. "Or B. you help me infilitrate the government of Jamie the Hutt and put him away for good." Proceeding to his X-wing, he jumped back onto the nose. With his back turned, he only tilted his head. "Your move, Dungeon Master." And there it was, the two options that would put Blount in somewhat of a pickle. Either way, there would be violance, but the decision of Blount would decide how soon it would happen.

Agent_BlountDate: Wednesday, 04 Nov 2009, 8:09 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
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"Conspiracy would be the charge, not terrorism," Blount said without a moment's hesitation. He didn't consider the offer for more than a second. Well, perhaps two seconds, since he didn't like Tiure any more than this Jedi did. But nonetheless, the Hutt had been legitimately elected by the people of Dantooine and, as far as anyone knew, had not committed any crimes (although an investigation involving both the Senate and NRI was in progress). In the meantime, the New Republic wasn't in the business of toppling elected officials; certainly not for someone's personal reasons.

"But I'm not going to arrest you," he said, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his comlink. "Bring the speeder around the front," he said into it, "We're leaving." The order was acknowledged, and he put the comlink back and regarded Havoc with his hands resting on his hips in a manner that looked exasperated, "Consider yourself advised that you are advocating an illegal action, and you are suggested to abandon it before more serious consequences result. The New Republic will have nothing to do with it and, I'm sure, no Senator will either. Good day."

He gave a brief, rude glare to GP, then turned to leave as the sound of the speeder's repulsorlifts could be heard through the way he'd entered. This encounter troubled him greatly. A decade ago, he had given the Jedi the benefit of the doubt and believed that they were an asset to the New Republic. Most importantly, he believed they could be trusted to uphold the law, and serve as partners to the NRI for this purpose. But as the years had gone on, and more and more examples like this one had occurred, even he had begun to doubt the Jedi and their tendency to take the law (or in this case, a vendetta) into their own hands. He shook his head as he walked toward the exit.

"Make sure that combat droid is licensed," he said as he walked away.

Gregory Blount
Imperial Intelligence
HavocDate: Thursday, 05 Nov 2009, 10:57 AM | Message # 6
Lieutenant general
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Havoc smirked as the NRi Agent begun his depature from the warehouse. "Hold it!" Shouted Havoc as he landed on the ground again. "What if I could prove that the election was illegal?" He preached to the NRi Agent. It would only make sense as to how a Hutt managed to become elected, when all they exist for is to make people trouble. "If I could somehow prove that the elections were scammed, then could I get assistance?" He knew that he couldn't do this alone, and without support, he was to get no where. The agent had been kind not to cuff him yet, so he would use this to his advantage for as long as he could. "All I request agent... is a day of your time to show you the proof for yourself... but if you are not willing to, then I am sorry to bother a 'busy' man such as yourself." By this point, he was sick of talking, and lept back up onto the nose and proceeded towards the cockpit of his fighter. He knew that he was a Jedi always, but that his personality conflicted with the talents and traits of a Jedi. This agent wasn't aware of Havoc's own personal attitude, and to him it was amusing. "And by the way, you will find that I am the only Jedi that acts like this... in the reports I'm sure, it says that I have been on massive amounts of punishment for my un-professional behavior." Havoc took a seat in the second seat of his X-wing, which was raised a bit higher. This was the pilot's seat, as the one in front was ment for passengers.

"And for your info, GP is registered... hell he was even given a gold star for his actions one day... look it up."

Agent_BlountDate: Thursday, 05 Nov 2009, 5:50 PM | Message # 7
Group: Users
Messages: 51
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"If you have proof against Jamie the Hutt, you can provide it to the proper authorities," Blount reminded Havoc, "There are investigations of the Senator underway, by NRI and the corruption panel. If he's done something wrong, we'll get him; no need to take the law into your own hands." He sympathized with this Jedi—everyone wanted to see Tiure taken down—but there was a right way and a wrong way to do it. Blount lingered a moment, then turned and left the warehouse. Wilkes and Henderson were waiting outside in the speeder.

"Notify air traffic control," the Colonel said as he closed the door behind him, and the speeder pulled away, "Make sure they get a record of that X-wing on file when it leaves. What did you get on him?" he asked.

"Jedi Knight 'Havoc,'" Wilkes answered as he drove, gesturing toward a datapad on the seat with the Jedi's personnel file displayed, "Must be an alias, but it's all we've got. The Academy placed him on disciplinary leave nine years ago, and they've listed him as unaccounted for since then. His criminal record's clean, exemplary military service, too."

"Says he's from Dantooine," Blount said aloud as he read the file, light rain beginning to drizzle on the speeder's viewport, "That explains his interest in Senator Tiure; the Hutt's been a disgrace to that world. Tried to legalize slavery, Force sake." But nonetheless, it was Blount's job to uphold the law no matter who broke it—whether it was a Hutt or a Jedi. He sighed, "Make sure Skywalker knows what this 'Havoc' is trying to do, and make sure they stop it. We can't have anything jeopardize the Tiure investigation."

There was a nod of agreement in the speeder, as it drove on back toward The Abyss.

Gregory Blount
Imperial Intelligence
HavocDate: Thursday, 05 Nov 2009, 6:04 PM | Message # 8
Lieutenant general
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He stood there as the NRi agent left. With fire in his heart and pain in his eyes, he grinned and wanted to hit something at the time. Turning around he proceeded into the pilot's seat of his X-wing. "Let's go, GP". He said in a low voice to the droid. GP nodded and proceeded into the seat in front of Havoc. As the droid sat, the viewport came down. "Damn NRi!" shouted Havoc as he made a fist and slammed the side. Though his hand was hurt, the X-wing hardly dented. At this moment, he started up the X-wing. "Where to now, boss?" GP asked, as he hit a switch, causing the roof of the warehouse to open up. Planting in the coordinates, Havoc glanced up in an evil glare. "Nar Shaddaa. The New Republic wants to pull the red tape on me, fine... I'll give them the Senator's head on a platter... We're going to see another Hutt". GP's head tried to shoot back but couldn't. "What do you mean? I thought you hated the Hutts..." Havoc noted GP's concern. "I heard he has some... concerns too, so I'm going to pay him a diplomatic mission..." Proclaimed the rogue with an evil tone in his voice. "A lightsaber to his throat?" The X-wing's engines begun to roar with activity. "That's right." With a hard jerk up, the X-wing begun to levitate up into the sky. Once it was clear, Havoc pulled up the landing gears and aimed for the sky. Pulling down on a lever, the fighter begun to move.

Cleaning Coruscanti skies, they were now in space. Havoc positioned the X-wing in the hyperspace route of Nar Shaddaa and started to program the coordinates. "Think the NRi are up to something?" GP asked, and Havoc nodded. "I worked with them in the civil war times; Skywalker has a voicemail saying I'm on a vendetta, Flight control will have our number and all that jazz, and they are probably going to dispatch agents quickly..." Havoc took a small pause before pulling back on the lever. "And chances are, that the Chief of State will be alerted along with the NRi Director... which means security increase for Jamie the Hutt." GP nodded. "Which means we need to move fast."

With a pull of a lever, the X-wing entered hyperspace.

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