Beings of the Senate. War is abhorrent. It is a horror that we must always work strongly to avoid. And violence begets only violence. So as a show of good faith that we do not intend to renew the war with the Imperial Remnant I propose the following ships be written off from the fleets lists, to be scrapped or mothballed for parts as required.
MC80 "Liberty-class" Star Cruiser Pride of Coruscant
Nebulon-B Frigate Kothlis
Nebulon-B Frigate Arthosis Dawn
Nebulon-B Frigate Pinnacle Fury
DP20 Corellian Gunship Empress Teta
DP20 Corellian Gunship Hawkeye
DP20 Corellian Gunship Coronet
DP20 Corellian Gunship Remember Ralltiir
DP20 Corellian Gunship Defender of the Core
DP20 Corellian Gunship Battle of Kothlis
CR90 Corellian Corvette Perlemian Pride
CR90 Corellian Corvette Freedom of Sullust
CR90 Corellian Corvette Pride of Pandath
CR90 Corellian Corvette Talon
CR90 Corellian Corvette Rebel Wind
CR90 Corellian Corvette Dantooine
They are superflous to our current defenses and really serve only to cost the tax payer massively. We will still maintain a strong fleet with wide ranging attack and defense powers. I especially draw attention to the 5th Battlefleet, a pure weapon which is above and beyond our requirement for defense. This is an obscenity and a shame to us, a force designed only for conquest. As such the 5th Fleet is to be re-designated, rather than being used as it was in previous years, it will be re-tasked for exploration and colonization beyond the Rim, this means that we maintain this force's usefulness without it simply idling (now we are no longer conquering worlds).
Now, onto another matter, with less ships being used we also have massively lower crewing requirements, and equally we do not need thousands of assault troops.
As such all beings from naval forces not on active service (not actively onboard ship or space station duty) and all ground forces not classified as being in combat are to have their pay halved. They are also to have the number of hours they do similarly, halved. This will allow them to seek civilian work and integrate back into society, there will also be a comprehensive pack of civilian state work or education availible to them should they not be able to find employment in the private sector.
Beings who have made a 10 year commitment to serve in the armed forces will be entitled to retire at any stage should they choose to in order to take up a civilian job. If they choose this they will be kept on a register of reserves for the duration of their commitment.
As such I propose these reductions, they will allow us to reduce fleet numbers, reduce the cost of the armed forces and allow those who wish to leave the military to do so and return to civilian life. I highlight this will also result us in having a fleet massively stronger than that of the Remnant, and an army equally so. It will give us a flexible military fit to take us into the future as the Galaxy's primary peacekeeper. Having consulted the Defense Council I am informed that this measure has their full confidence and support and will result in peace for us, and for the future.
We will move forward, as a defender, but not an attacker. A peacekeeper not a warbringer. Should crises come, and I am sure they will, we will not immediately resort to violence, peaceful sanctions on trade will be the order of the day. And where we cannot resolve matters without peacekeepers, we will endeavour to deploy our soldiers alongside those of planetary militaries, so we will work together, rather than an overarching federal operaton.
The Remnant, who we are now peaceful trade partners with has committed a multitude of sins in the past. But times are changing and they are showing with their actions their intend to reform their ways. Already a great step forward has been made in the abolition of the racist high human culture and aliens are being allowed to work alongside their former human oppressors. In recognition of this and in recognition that the time for war is over I propose this motion.
Senators, I urge you to support this motion, and to support peace.