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Slimy slugs...
Rath-DeschainDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 3:57 PM | Message # 16
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"I haven't kept up much with news from the outside, Paul. The School of Hidden Wisdom has kept me busy the last few years." That was a blatant lie, but there was no need to let the younger man know that Cale knew anything overly special. "Besides, argues between Hutts are hardly new business. They argue as much as anyone else does... Jedi included." He said the last with a slight smile and shook his head.

"Then again, if nobody argued, everything would be far too simple. As it stands, I'd bet the assailant went through there," he motioned towards a heavy door at the back of the bar that looked relatively unharmed by the rest of the wreckage.

"Odds are good will find whomever was behind this there... and then you may be able to get another commendation from the Order."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 4:42 PM | Message # 17
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Looked at the door and shrugged, moving over and probing its control panel, attempting to open it. Reaching out with his mind to sense the inner workings of the locking mechanism and cause the doors to open. "Be careful how you act Cale, the Hutts are cautious about force users, especially after what happened to Jabba".

He ignored the barbed comment as he made conversation "I never did understand why you would re-establish an ancient duelling school on your own rather than finish your training at the academy."

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Rath-DeschainDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 4:52 PM | Message # 18
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Cale was in no rush to see Njon with Oriel in tow. That in itself would spell Oriel's death, for he would cease to become a former friend and turn into a major liability. Of course, that was assuming Njon was still alive and the person who had ripped the bar apart wasn't back there lying in wait for other people seeking Njon and killing them as well. "Jabba was no great loss... Skywalker did us all a favor by cleaning up the galaxy some that day. Of course, I'd rather deal with a Hutt than a Shell Hutt."

Cale chuckled slightly at the mental comparison, imagining the even more-greedy Shell Hutts in their floating durasteel cases. Ah, the lengths to which some creatures would go for greed. Bringing himself back to the present, Cale considered Oriel's question with some seriousness, turning it over in his mind for a bit before answering, deciding to lean up against a relatively unblemished section of wall as he spoke.

"My training at the Academy was complete. Once I'd achieved the rank of Knight... well, it just coincided with the death of my family. The School of Hidden Wisdom added on to what I'd already picked up at the Academy. Just because a school has an older history is no reason to discount it, after all. I just didn't feel as if life in the Order was ever going to get me anywhere. Now, at least, I have a home. A home, time to study, all the solitude I wish and plenty of time to relax."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
Njon_the_HuttDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 6:01 PM | Message # 19
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A blaster could be heard firing into the air outside, along with shouting in Huttese that translated roughly as "Get out of here!" and "Nothing to see!". Njon's men came in through the front door a moment later; an amalgamation of Rodians, Duros, Trandoshans and so on—all of them armed with blaster rifles or disruptors either slung under their arm or resting on their shoulders in an intimidating fashion.

"Who the hell are you?" said the lead thug, this time in Basic, as he looked between the two of them, "Unless you have business here, get out. There's been a plumbing accident as you can see, and the building is dangerous." Well, that would be odd to either of the Jedi. The fact that the bar had clearly been butchered by a Jedi, and that Njon's people didn't immediately suspect these two Jedi, in the bar, of having done so meant they already knew who did it.

More blaster shots could be heard outside, as the thugs dispersed the crowd and more of them poured into the bar, fanning out and beginning to pick through the rubble and search for survivors. Several of them joined their leader, however, in training their blasters (a good half dozen in all) on both of the Force users.

* * *

Meanwhile, in the conference lounge, the large holoscreen came on after several awkward moments of silence between Havoc and Scaithe. There, on the screen, was what the Jedi Knight had come for; Njon the Hutt, although not in the flesh as he might have preferred. He grinned broadly and, perhaps, even derisively, as only a Hutt could. He laughed in a booming fashion. "Well, well," he said after a moment, "So this is 'the last action hero of Nar Shaddaa' who destroyed my bar? Life isn't a holofilm, you know."

"Although," he added, "watching you on the cameras was as entertaining as a holo. Perhaps I will mail the footage to you, how do you say in Basic, as a 'memento'? Or perhaps I will send it to the Jedi. Make no mistake, I am not pleased and my time is valuable. But you have earned an audience with me for a short time."

"What is that you want?"

Njon Anjiliac (alias "Njon the Hutt")
■ Owner and CEO of Anjiliac™ brand Spiced Wines, Ltd., known leader of the Anjiliac crime family, suspected leader of the Hutt Cartel.
■ Suspected of grand larceny, embezzlement, extortion, and trafficking in slaves, spice, liquors, and weapons.

Message edited by Njon_Anjiliac - Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 6:01 PM
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 6:01 PM | Message # 20
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He radioed to his droid aboard his starfighter from his hand communicator "H8, transmit to Master Skywalker, I have had no luck finding any more information, but have bumped into Drasek Cale here, hopefully he will be able to shed some light on what I have just found, a bar with multiple people killed by lightsaber cut, will keep you updated if I have any further progress

Paul smiled a friendly smile to the people who entered, giving them a nod and a wave also..

"Hello there, dont worry, no need for Blasters. I am Paul Oriel, Jedi Knight. This is Drasek Cale, he used to be a Jedi Knight too but decided to quit and is now the Duke of the whole planet of Baltimn, and a very important man. I am here to investigate a slaving ring, I heard rumors of a fight in this bar and came to investigate and met my Good Friend Cale here."

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Rath-DeschainDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 6:16 PM | Message # 21
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Cale had to resist thumping Oriel quite soundly at the moment he opened his mouth. As Oriel had said before, the Hutts weren't too fond of Jedi, so for starters, naming yourself as one, especially in a place where a Jedi had cut down a goodly number of people, was quite stupid. Secondly, Cale hadn't wanted himself quite so publicly mentioned as the Duke of Baltimn in such odd company. Having blasters pointed at him didn't do much to brighten his day. Six blasters wasn't a bad concentration, but it could tend to ruin one's day if things went badly.

"Paul, you never did know when to keep your mouth shut, did you?" Cale muttered as he glanced the thugs over. Dregs of the galaxy... but even dregs had their uses, as he well knew. Such men were loyal only to coin, and if these died, dozens more would scramble to take their place. There was no point in fighting his way out.

"Well gentlemen, it seems we came to the wrong establishment by mistake. My... odd friend here is going to go back to his investigations and I, well, an odd stoll on Nar Shaddaa can't be too bad a thing, yes? We'll be on our way, no harm and no foul."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
HavocDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 6:34 PM | Message # 22
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Havoc grinned as he listened to Njon. The fact that the Hutt had him on security video made no difference. People have sent things to the Jedi temple with Havoc in them so he was not so concerned. Plus a video was nothing special. He would admit to the fact that he just terminated a lot of patrons, that of coursed worked for a crime lord. Granted he'll hear crap about how he's a protector of the peace and all that, but to him, he just helped the galaxy become a better place. "If you want, I can give you a personal demonstration later on... Hutt..." He said with utter disgust in his voice. As he looked at this holo of the Hutt, he could feel within the force others around the same area as him. No doubt had he just barely made it out of there. Of course they wouldn't detect Havoc, for he had already shadowed himself. Making his signature utterly invisible. This allowed him a bit more ease while doing business. "As for sending in the video, I will be more then happy to give you the address, but that is not why I did what I did there..." He looked down, then back up at the holo of the Hutt.

"I want Jamie the Hutt, and yes... I believe you can be of some help to me." He said plainly.

Njon_the_HuttDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 7:34 PM | Message # 23
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"If you want Jamulon, then I believe it is you who can be of help to me," Njon said with a grin that had a sort of childlike maliciousness to it. One could only assume that the image was playing in his head of Jamie the Hutt being sliced and diced in the manner this Jedi had already shown himself capable of; it was no secret that the Anjiliacs had it in for Jamulon Tiure, since their clan was swindled out of a small fortune in the gangster-turned-Senator's ponzi scheme (true, it was several hundred years ago, but Hutts had long memories). Njon licked his lips as if vengeance itself was appetizing to him, then seemed to return to the moment.

"Yes," he said again, "You can be useful to me. But first, what exactly is it that you propose?"

* * *

As soon as the lead thug heard the word "Duke," he looked at Drasek with credit signs in his eyes. He would make a very fine ransom, especially hailing as he did from an independent world not aligned with the Republic. A quarter of a million, perhaps. He, too, seemed to find the idea appetizing (especially as he, along with most of Njon's goons, were never fed quite adequately enough).

But a Jedi? The lead thug need only look around the room at the charred, dismembered corpses to put to rest the idea of abducting Drasek. Oh well, it had been a nice little fantasy. The Trandoshan growled to himself, narrowed his eyes, then nodded reluctantly. "Get out of here," he said, feeling the need at least to be rude. He stepped aside and so did the other thugs, clearing the way to the entrance although keeping their blasters trained on the Jedi as they left.

Njon Anjiliac (alias "Njon the Hutt")
■ Owner and CEO of Anjiliac™ brand Spiced Wines, Ltd., known leader of the Anjiliac crime family, suspected leader of the Hutt Cartel.
■ Suspected of grand larceny, embezzlement, extortion, and trafficking in slaves, spice, liquors, and weapons.
Rath-DeschainDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 7:45 PM | Message # 24
Colonel general
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Cale eyes the Trandoshan speculatively in turn. The being was crude, foolish and from the dilated pupils, quite addicted to spice. Nonetheless, the thug, along with all his comrades, could be useful. Cale wouldn't even have to pay them as much as Njon. After all, Cale now was the owner of much of the Lucian Alliance's spice taken from Taris. It was only a matter of time before he flushed the rest of the Alliance off Taris and to0ok over the spice operations. Keeping his eye on the guard, Cale started for the door.

"A shame, Trandoshan... a real shame. It's always a shame to see good help rotting for coppers in the dregs of the galaxy when they could be working for gold elsewhere. Perhaps someday, you will become wise enough to change your station... or realize when it is time to find a better employer."

The blasters phased Cale little as he gave them a contemptuous stare. Truly, the best thing he had ever done was to leave the Academy. He had grown far more powerful since departing the Jedi... a few short years and already so much learned.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
HavocDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 7:47 PM | Message # 25
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Useful? The word rang in Havoc's head. He had his own agenda, he didn't care why Njon had wanted Jamie dead. As long as Havoc could beat him or anyone else to the punch, it was in the distant future. "What I purpose is this..." Havoc would search his mind for the plans he had set out with. As they were located, Havoc spoke. "You give me some of your best guys, equip them, as well as shuttle them, and I'll take care of the rest." He took a set forward then stopped. "However, their destination isn't Dantooine. I'll arrange for them to meet me in a secure location, where I'll overlook them, just to make sure..." Havoc paused and smirked. "That they don't become a mess like what I had to deal with in your bar... Njon..." It was true he was hesistant to ask Njon for men, seeing as how he easily turned them into chop liver. "And I know you Hutts have greed, so as soon as I kill the Hutt, i'll give you his head for you to hang up, and hell, I'll even let you take the credit... and I'll be sure that a nice slum of spice ends up in your..." He scanned the hologram of the Hutt. "Tail" Havoc shrugged.

Paul-GemmellDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 7:34 AM | Message # 26
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Oriel stepped up next to Drasek Cale and nodded enthusiastically "Yeah, there are much better jobs availible than working for gangsters, I know a farm that is hiring on Tatooine for the next seasons moisture harvest! Also theres plenty of agricultural work on Dantooine! Wouldn't you prefer that?" he said with a warm smile "Nice farm work? A good days work for a good days pay I say. And you will have the joy and happiness in your hearts of knowing you worked honestly and withing the law for it."

"You know what I think we should do?" he said to Cale with a smile and a wink "I say we go and buy all these good men some waffles?" he raised his voice to the crowd of thugs "Who's for free waffles on the Duke of Baltimn?"

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Rath-DeschainDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 7:55 AM | Message # 27
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Repressing an annoyed growl, Cale reached slowly, so as not to alarm the men who had them under their blasters, into a side pocket, producing a fistful of credits that he would practically shove in to Oriel's hands. "Yes. Free waffles on me. And farm work. Exactly, Paul. Exactly. Fortunately, seeing as how you have these good sentients well in hand, I will be taking my leave. As they themselves said, there is nothing much to see here. A plumbing leak, as it might be."

Turning his back on Oriel, Cale would lengthen his stride, moving quickly from the establishment and out into the street. Flipping his hood up, he would then do his best to lose Oriel in the massive crowds, slipping from place to place. He could hardly have the young blabbermouth with him when he went to see Njon. That wouldn't do at all. If worse came to worse, Cale could always order Oriel taken care of... Voss had no problem with such things, but Voss was busy elsewhere and it wasn't worth the distraction to the man to have Oriel dealt with. Perhaps Atropos would have to do it... Atropos was an avid killer of anything practically. A bloodthirsty creature whose thirst for life itself knew no bounds. Perhaps... perhaps... Cale would have to wait and see.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
Njon_the_HuttDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 11:23 AM | Message # 28
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There was an awkward silence, followed momentarily by the ominous clicking of a bolt on one of the thugs' rifles. They didn't find this farcical display amusing, and didn't appreciate either of the Jedi's attempts to lecture them on their choice of career (it was a bit hard to take such things casually knowing that either of these two men could dismember them several times before their respective, severed body parts could hit the floor). Under the circumstances, there was no need to tell them to "Get out" again, as the silence—and blasters—did that for them.

* * *

Njon considered for a moment although, fortuitously, not very long. He seemed disappointed. "You present to me a blade with which to strike down Jamulon, but you present it to me with the sharp end first," he said, "I cannot be associated with storming a Republic world and unseating its government. But surely," he added, raising his brow as if doubting Havoc, "killing one being is not so difficult for you that you need a small army to help you? I fail to see the difficulty in shooting the boil of puss, or perhaps getting creative with that lightsaber of yours."

"But the answer, certainly, is no," he concluded, "I will not bring the Republic upon myself."

Njon Anjiliac (alias "Njon the Hutt")
■ Owner and CEO of Anjiliac™ brand Spiced Wines, Ltd., known leader of the Anjiliac crime family, suspected leader of the Hutt Cartel.
■ Suspected of grand larceny, embezzlement, extortion, and trafficking in slaves, spice, liquors, and weapons.
Paul-GemmellDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 11:29 AM | Message # 29
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Followed Cale through the crowds, pausing momentarily to speak in his communicator "H8, tell the Academy that Drasek is moving too quickly for me to keep up! I'll just call his name loudly so he knows I'm falling behind.." he then ran to keep up.

"DRASEK CALE! DUKE OF BALTIMN! WAIT UP!" many in the crowd parted at his bellowing allowing him through and to catch up "DUKE DRASEK CALE!!" he gave a friendly smile "Youre trying to avoid me arent you? How about we go get those waffles?" he looked around, noticing people seemed to be whispering and gossiping about a duke being there. "So tell me, what is the wisdom you have hidden on Baltimn?"

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Rath-DeschainDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 11:37 AM | Message # 30
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"I'm not hungry, Paul." Cale's voice was rather cold now. "And I'd appreciate you not using my titles in such a place as this. Even a Duke is allowed to go out in public without people screaming at him one way or another. Besides, I have things I need to attend to... and you have a slavery ring you need to break up if I remember correctly. As for Baltimn, worry about it not. Baltimn is not a New Republic world. It was a pleasure seeing you. "

Doing his best to move away from Oriel, Cale stepped up his pace. His ship wasn't too far away, thankfully, which would mean he would need to return to Nar Shaddaa another time. For now, ditching this annoying Jedi would be the easy part. He would need to return to Baltimn and restart from there. Once there, he could meditate in the solitude of the empty school and refresh his aims.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor

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